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  Telcontar said:
Samo zelim da ispravim pojedine clanove foruma. Hansi NIJE Kralj.





Mator je, i u tim godinama, kratka kosa mu do jaja stoji.


Official church of the Holy Hansi and the followers of the Hansiansm.

amin brother

  Telcontar said:
Samo zelim da ispravim pojedine clanove foruma. Hansi NIJE Kralj.





Mator je, i u tim godinama, kratka kosa mu do jaja stoji.


Official church of the Holy Hansi and the followers of the Hansiansm.




Ali kad je mene drugarica "ubedjivala" da je BG sranje i da Axl Roze peva 1000 x bolje od Hansija!!! I kao pa ako je BG tolko kvalitetan bend zasto ga onda niko ne slusa - nznm ja odakle ti izvlacis te bendove- ... :violent::violent::violent:

Posted (edited)

setliste sa prva 3 koncerta ove "turneje"


1. This will never end

2. Another holy war

3. Fly

4. Punishment Divine

5. Valhalla

6. the Sript for my requiem

7. Nightfall

8. Sacred

9. The quest for tanelorn

10. Mirror mirror





1. Time Stands Still

2. Another Holy War

3. Traveler in Time

4. Turn the Page

5. The Script for my Requiem

6. Sacred

7. Lord of the Rings

8. Punishment Divine

9. Imaginations from the Other Side

10. The Bard’s Song

11. Mirror Mirror




- war of wrath (intro)

- time stands still

- script of my requiem

- another holy war

- blood tears

- punishmed divine

- bards song

- nightfall

- mirror mirror

- sacred !!!!

- turn the page

- this will never end

- goodbye my friend

- traveler in time

- time what is time

- lord of the rings

- valhalla

- imaginations from the other side


na zadnjem juce su svirali Blood Tears!!! bas me zanima setlista od veceras iz italije. Sigurno ce biti zanimljiva i u Bugarskoj, gde cu da ih gledam :rockdevil: nadam se da cu cuti The quest for tanelorn, Another holy war, time what is time, goodbye my friend, traveler in time. bilo sta od toga da odsviraju i ja sam srecan. za Somewhere far Beyond bi plakao od srece :D

Edited by vegeta
Posted (edited)



sta bi dao da to cujem :D

bice nadam se bice :D


set liste savrsene

(edit blasfemija)

Edited by Mita

cert od juce:


War of Wrath

Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill)

This will Never End


Traveler in Time

Turn the Page

Goodbye My Friend


Blood Tears


Imaginations from the Other Side

The Bard's Song

Mirror Mirror


SVIDJA MI SE SVIDJA!!! :rockdevil:

  FëanorSonOfFinwë said:
e da el jos nekom Hansi sada lici na Larsa iz metalike?! preslikani!


I meni :) Samo +50kila. Navicicu se valjda na novog Hansija...ma, boli me kurac, nek se osisa na celavo i nek istetovira zmaja, samo da novi album valja.


  vegeta said:
9. The quest for tanelorn


- blood tears

- goodbye my friend

- time what is time



Kakve pikanterije sunce ti! "Goodbye My Friend"!! Speechless sam.

  vegeta said:
cert od juce:


War of Wrath

Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill)

This will Never End


Traveler in Time

Turn the Page

Goodbye My Friend


Blood Tears


Imaginations from the Other Side

The Bard's Song

Mirror Mirror


SVIDJA MI SE SVIDJA!!! :rockdevil:

:rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:

kakva set lista bogte ne ubio


Ma bre sta god da sviraju meni je ok, samo da ne trpaju mnogo sa NITO i ATITM (nisam bas preslusavao ta dva) al sta bih dao da odsviraju moje omiljene Majesty i Last Candle... Pa rasplakao bih se kad bi cuo te 2!!! Samo da nas posete sledece godine!!!


ja bi na last candle ostao bez glasa :rockdevil:

odlican je pocetak Time Stands Still, iako je realno Into The Storm najbolji :D ne bunim se sa WoW + TST :D

samo da ne pocnu sa This Will Never End, to mi je nekako za sredinu certa :)

  vegeta said:
ja bi na last candle ostao bez glasa :rockdevil:

odlican je pocetak Time Stands Still, iako je realno Into The Storm najbolji :D ne bunim se sa WoW + TST :D

samo da ne pocnu sa This Will Never End, to mi je nekako za sredinu certa :)


Za kraj Run for the night , a posle toga Majesty!!! I rekao bih da sam ispunio svoj zivotni put... (pre toga jedino da odgledam ManOwaR)

  vegeta said:
- war of wrath (intro)

- time stands still

- script of my requiem

- another holy war

- blood tears

- punishmed divine

- bards song

- nightfall

- mirror mirror

- sacred !!!!

- turn the page

- this will never end

- goodbye my friend

- traveler in time

- time what is time

- lord of the rings

- valhalla

- imaginations from the other side

Ova setlista je tako kul, da to nema dalje...Josh samo da ubace Somewhere Far Beyond(bio bi red) i totalno savrshenstvo.

Angelystor: :pivopije: za avatar, mada ja ipak vishe volim ovaj album shto je kod mene na avataru hahah.

:pivopije: i za tvoj avatar. Lunacy mi je omiljeni album, a taj "tvoj" mi je u vrhu, jedino moram reci da me je oduvek lecka nervirala plava boja tog covera, jos malo pa drecava :) Single Phial FTW :rockdevil:

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