рогозуб Posted January 23, 2011 Report Posted January 23, 2011 neshto pishe na onom eventu na fejsbuku da nesviraju vishe majesty.. Quote
ShinigamY Posted January 23, 2011 Report Posted January 23, 2011 Ma svirace... Ne verujem da ce te kultne pesme da izbacuju... Bas bi bilo glupo... Majesty, Valhalla, Mirror Mirror i Bard's song su MUST play Quote
Mita Posted January 23, 2011 Report Posted January 23, 2011 Majesty pre nas nisu svirali 10 godina Quote
Sale B.C. Posted January 29, 2011 Report Posted January 29, 2011 (edited) a što su svi zapeli za majesty? Edited January 29, 2011 by Sale B.C. Quote
рогозуб Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Js09tVfDpXw Quote
Night Prowler Posted January 31, 2011 Report Posted January 31, 2011 70000 Tons Of Metal je do jaja Ako ikada dobijem na lotou ima da idem na to 2 Quote
Night Prowler Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 Bio live chat sa Hansijem na metalcamp sajtu, evo zanimljivih pitanja i odgovora, a boldovano je najzanimljivije: George Goldman: Hansi, Blind Guardian's latest album took on yet another new (amazing) style. Will your next album be similar or will it have a mixture of the old and the new? I personally loved Nightfall in Middle Earth and would love to see more songs of that nature? Hansi: So we start with George: Next album is not even in the making. The orchestral project would be first, most probably. John Yelland: Will the orchestral project be under the Blind Guardian name or something separate? Hansi: To John: We do not know yet, most probably yes. Adam JosepHansi: Hansi how will you work with Jon Schaffer if he doesn't get to Europe till November? Hansi: To Adam: Jon and I will find magical ways. He might be here for festivals... Gabiel: Hansi when will you make the next album with demons and wizards? Hansi: To Gabiel: D&W within the next two years, I would guess. Don Bilbo: my question is, if we will hear Battlefield or Curse of Feanor live someday? Hansi: To Don: Battlefield is very, very difficult!! Zvonimir Bog Grabic: Will you play again AND THEN THERE WAS SILENCE like 5 years ago? Hansi: To Zvonimir: Silence is always an option. We are recording a fairly new version at the moment. Marcel Formela: So... is there a chance to release Forgotten Tales II or something like this? Hansi: To Marcel: Forgotten Tales, I do not see that, but a possible "Best of" Album. Milan Zelenka: About the orchestral project. Is it going to concern a single topic like e.g. Nightfall did or are we going to hear tales from more realms? Hansi: Orchestral album will be a conceptual one. Difficult to explain, now. But we still work on many elements at the same time. Aaron Carstens: Have you ever thought of playing a live show with an actual orchestra? Hansi: Yes, we have that in mind for a possible next Blind Guardian festival. Orchestras are very expensive. Nahuel Alejandro Oddo: Hey Hansi, I have a question, would you ever do again an acoustic tour like the one on NIME tour? With songs like Theatre Of Pain, To France, and The Wizard? Hansi: Acoustic tours are pretty fun. We talk about that very often. We may do a sort of club tour after we have finished touring. Then anything is possible. George Goldman: Would Blind Guardian ever consider a joint project with Rhapsody of Fire (like you had with Iced Earth (Demons and Wizards))? Hansi: Helloween and Rhapsody would be fun. Mina Vaan: Have you thought making a live performance musical with actors? Maybe LOTR influenced...? Hansi: Yes, we have considered doing something with actors. Might be an option for the orchestral project. Önay Geylan: Hansi will you have any extra projects like once Neverland (dreamtone, turkish band)? Hansi: There are some bands I will work with in the future, but too many to mention now. Stefan Pepi Stanisic: How do you feel coming back to Serbia after recording a second video and do you remember shows you had earlier here? Looking forward to seeing you again. Hansi: Serbia is always a blast - Staca and Ivan really rule in doing videos. Ran Hameiri: Why don't you play the song "Battlefield"? It's one of your best songs I think... and also Another Stranger Me! Hansi: Battlefield is a great song, but difficult to perform. One fine day... Majesty: Would you be interested in doing a duet with a female singer and if you could choose one, with whom would you like to sing a song together? Hansi: I am not so interested, since I never really think about what might come next. There are some great female vocalists nonetheless. Fabrice: will you play some old songs that you never played in the past? Hansi: Fabrice: Ride into Obsession. Pavle Milicevic: Have you thought about recording another song with Kai Hansen? Hansi: Yes, actually we think about it right now. Önay Geylan: why don't you write some political lyrics? Hansi: To Önay: Battalions of Fear has been a failure. Lalall tuvieja: I know you worked with Tobias Sammet in Vain Glory Opera. Will you work with Avantasia at some point of your career? Hansi: No-one knows - it is the same with duets. Fabrice: will you play live the different language version of harvest of sorrow? Like Frutto del buio. Hansi: Frutto del buio - mean, very mean. Cesar Rojas: Is there going to be a Tolkien-based song in your next orchestral project? Hansi: No Tolkien based song on the orchestral projects, though it sounds like a mixture of Nime and BG Loth sountrack music at parts. 3 Quote
Despot! Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 (edited) Hvala na ovom intervju! Zanimljivo...jedva cekam da cujem taj orkestralni projekat! Edited April 18, 2011 by Despot! Quote
Mita Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 (edited) Hansi: Fabrice: Ride into Obsession. DAJ TO DA SVIRAJU DA PADNE KAJMAK ODMA!!! NEMA PUSTIO PESMU SKIDAM SE!!! Edited April 18, 2011 by Mita Quote
Despot! Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 (edited) On 4/18/2011 at 12:12 PM, Mita said: Hansi: Fabrice: Ride into Obsession. DAJ TO DA SVIRAJU DA PADNE KAJMAK ODMA!!! NEMA PUSTIO PESMU SKIDAM SE!!! sto se mene tice bilo sta da sviraju bice extra! Vise bih voleo cak i da ne znam listu, da me pesme onako ''ubodu:)'' Edited April 18, 2011 by Despot! Quote
ShinigamY Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 realno sve mi je jedno sta ce da sviraju,dosao sam da slusam bend, ne pravim fav playlistu 1 1 Quote
Sale B.C. Posted April 18, 2011 Report Posted April 18, 2011 što starije - to bolje (čitaj: prva 4 albuma), što se mene tiče, poslednji album jedva da znam kako se uopšte i zove, a poslednji da znam ceo napamet je nightfall. edit: lažem, mislio sam na a twist, ovaj zadnji ne znam ni kako se zove 1 1 Quote
Despot! Posted April 29, 2011 Report Posted April 29, 2011 Moguca lista za danas: Intro 1. Sacred Worlds 2. Welcome to Dying 3. Born in the Mourning Hall 4. Nightfall 5. Fly 6. Time Stands Still 7. Lost in the Twilight Hall 8. This will never end 9. Lord of the Rings 10. Bright Eyes 11. Tanelorn (Into the Void) 12. And Then There Was Silence Encore: 13. Wheel of Time 14. The Bard's Song - In The Forest 15. The Bard's Song - The Hobbit 16. Valhalla 17. Mirror Mirror Quote
Angelystor Posted April 30, 2011 Report Posted April 30, 2011 Sto primeti sinoc Groba, sta je bre ovo vise sa power bendovima, da prvo vece na turneji sviraju po 20 minuta vise nego na svim narednim? :] Helloween jos gori sa skracivanjem bio na ovoj sad turneji... Ne zalim nesto za ATTWS, cuo je jednom, dosta je, ali ovi brojevi 7. i 8. bi samo stavili jagodicu na sinocni slag... Quote
Zaki Posted July 16, 2011 Report Posted July 16, 2011 Na prodaju CD: Blind Guardian - Follow the Blind (Virgin Schallplatten 1991.) u odličnom stanju. Info i dogovor na PM. Quote
Havočka Posted July 16, 2011 Report Posted July 16, 2011 Ajme otvorila sam thread prvi put posle koncerta i prvo sto sam videla je On 4/27/2011 at 9:51 AM, Despot! said: Pa još dva dana-sitno se broji:) Zamalo srcka da me strefi 1 Quote
Despot! Posted July 18, 2011 Report Posted July 18, 2011 BG svirali nekih 1 i 15 minuta na Metal Campu. Uglavnom slican repertoar kao i u Beogradu, mada naravno sa dosta pesama manje, i uz blage izmene. U Sloveniji su svirali And There Was a Silence, A Voice in the Dark po prvi put da čujem uživo i ne sećam se najbolje ali mislim da sam i Turn the Page čuo prvi put uživo. Inače opet su svirali Majesty tako da je to sad postala izgleda pravilnost. Tanelorn je postala možda sad i najveći potencijalni hit. Snimio sam još jedan intervju sa Hansijem pa će biti uskoro na youtjubu. Quote
Talvi Posted July 24, 2011 Report Posted July 24, 2011 Vocalist Hansi Kürsch of German power metallers BLIND GUARDIAN has issued the following update: "Busy seasons are usually harbingers of great things to come. Festivals, regular studio work and, above all, the orchestral album are making this a very exciting summer for us. Let's keep the focus on the orchestral album one more time. We have spectacular news! "Every orchestral project needs a concept and such a concept demands a great story. To get a story that fits together perfectly with our majestic music, we are joining forces with Germany's best fantasy author Markus Heitz (check out his 'Die Zwerge' ['The Dwarves'] series). Markus is one of my favorite writers of 'high fantasy.' I have been really amazed by several of his books over the last years but was finally and completely convinced about him being the perfect choice for our project by 'Gerechter Zorn' ('Righteous Wrath') — the first part of his newest trilogy, 'Die Legenden der Albae' ('Legends of the Albae'). The way he weaves in different aspects to his splendid universe immediately told me that the quest for the one to come up with the right story for our music was over. Although the final completion of this quite unusual cooperation most probably will keep us busy until 2013, things nonetheless become clearer the more we exchange ideas. The creation of a great new storyboard and the involvement of such a suitable concept are the perfect frame for this 'soundtrack/musical-like' anthems we have come up with over the years. It is absolutely great that Markus is willing to follow us on such an ambitious voyage. "One very interesting aspect certainly is the definite intention to combine the identity of our music (in a quite different shape) with one of Markus' most famous, but not completely discovered, worlds and its heroes. I have no doubt that we will design great new images and come up with nothing but pure magic. Luckily, Markus was very familiar with our band and music. Since he is part of the fantasy scene almost as long as we are, he grew up with our music when he was a die-hard fantasy role-playing gamer in the '80s and '90s. This, of course, makes my life far easier in exchanging ideas and in explaining what we need to complete a perfect conceptual album. There is so much interaction: at one point it is the music dictating the story at other points it is the story having an ultimate impact on the album's completion. Pure creativity! In addition, Markus is a very nice and down-to-earth person who has a very special view on things. Last but not least, he has been very pleased with the pieces of music we provided him with. "By now I can feel a certain jealousy coming up within you. We will keep you updated. The journey has just begun." Quote
Havočka Posted July 24, 2011 Report Posted July 24, 2011 On 7/24/2011 at 8:01 AM, Talvi said: Although the final completion of this quite unusual cooperation most probably will keep us busy until 2013, things nonetheless become clearer the more we exchange ideas. D: Ali to je predugo :S 1 Quote
Despot! Posted July 24, 2011 Report Posted July 24, 2011 Nažalost, neće biti novog izdanja sve do 2013. Možda neki singl u međuvremenu izađe. Što se tiče ovog orkestralnog projekta u suštini iznajmili su tog čuvenog, ali samo u Nemačkoj, autora da im napišeneku priču, ili splet pričao poput onih na Silmarilionu, koje će pratiti muziku. 6 pesama je manje više potpuno gotovo i izgleda da će biti u fazonu Nightfall-a. Priča bi trebala da ima Tolkien-vibe. Quote
Despot! Posted July 28, 2011 Report Posted July 28, 2011 Evo, i tog novog video intervjua sa Hansijem na youtubeu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJbV4QGqsmI 1 Quote
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