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  • 2 weeks later...

E, pa ljudi sto se novih albuma BG i D&W tice ovo je osvanulo na oficijalnom BG sajtu:


First of all I would like to say how much we all appreciate the way you are dealing with the split. It is, as some of you have pointed out, not the end of the world but a new beginning. I am really proud about each step we have made in the past but as time moves on we must move on as well.


The future is wide open...


And now a couple of short statements in reply to your concerns and questions:


There will be no delay of the next Blind Guardian production. As you probably know: a Blind Guardian album is ready when we feel it is ready. This makes it somewhat difficult to come up with a precise schedule. I can guarantee the release of the next Blind Guardian album for 2006. If it finally turns out to be spring, summer or fall I don't really dare to say. If you had asked me about the release date for the next Demons and Wizards album two months ago I would have said April. Now it will be June. Things like that happen and it doesn't take a lot for a delay to be introduced. The orchestra album is scheduled for 2007. I do not see any reason for delays there.


Regarding a new drummer we have a few options at the moment which we will check out. I will keep you updated.


And finally for all the drummers who are sending e-mails to our webmasters asking them for information on how to apply for the job: from our side there is no need for auditions at the moment since we have some preferences already. Thanks for asking anyway.


All the best,





Ipak se nadam da necemo cekati ovoliko na BG album, ali i da cekamo siguran sam da ce se isplatiti... musik19.gif




nove vesti sa sajta:

Touched By The Crimson King


Late June will see the release of the new Demons & Wizards CD "Touched By The Crimson King" with the following tracks:



Crimson King


Beneath These Waves


Terror Train


Seize The Day


The Gunslinger


Love's Tragedy Asunder


Wicked Witch




Down Where I Am


Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin cover)


For the digipack release there will be a bonus CD with the following songs:


1. Lunar Lament

2. Wicked Witch (slow version)

3. Spatial Architects

4. Beneath These Waves (radio edit)


Contrary to some rumors this is NOT a concept album based on the Dark Tower series of Stephen King, but merely contains some songs related to it.




na sajtu moze da se skine demo gunslingera od 1.6mb


user posted image

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Dobro bre, necemo da nam tema o gardijanima ode u zaborav. Oni su bogovi. Nego, jel gledao neko onaj njihov koncert iz Moskve iz 2002? Ima da se skine bootleg sa THE FOLLOWING-a, samo se morate prethodno registrovati. Ja sam ga od juce odgledao dvaput i moram reci da je mnogo dobar. Znaci u BG-ovim live nastupima najvise volim to sto se clanovi benda ne gube, ne trce po bini, ne skacu i slcno a opet imaju neverovatnu energiju koju prenose publici koja divlja kao pustena sa lanca. Ali zato kad krene Bard's Song..... milion upaljaca i svi pevaju iz petnih zila, ma divota jedna. Ubio bih za njihov koncert ovde icon_sad.gif

Edited by GolluM
  Out Of Time said:
Nightfall In The Middle Earth > 10 eura




aj cao

Stigo ti je PP icon_mrgreen.gif


PS, Do jaja ti je signa, moj omiljeni quote icon_smile.gif





Evo jedne obrade Another Holy War-a:


I am drunk

completely drunk

I will bring the beer

back to your bar

Now i´m so drunk

That I can't see

Noone else before me ever drank

Ten barrels full of beer

For another ice cold beer

I shall return


Beer is my light on through the night


Why am I drunk

Will I sleep to rise again

Another great hangover for

Another holy beer

I Can't stop drinking on


Sooner or later you must understand

My beers bring freedom

And drunkness for man

What else,

To call me alcoholic

Oh, I wish there could be infinite beers

Taps and jars are already prepared



Waits till I'm put to sleep

I will fall before my drinking ends


Why am I drunk

Will I sleep to rise again

Another bad hangover for

Another holy beer

Can't stop this damned headache


Wait for the dawn

To take me away

Bars are about to close

Another golden beer

Never,never ending

Pain and agony

Wake me, hold me, take me home


Why am I drunk

Will I sleep to rise again

Another bad hangover for

Another holy beer

Can't stop, the beer goes on

  • 2 weeks later...

Uh danas sam malo pustio koncert - Imaginations Through The Looking Glass - valjda se tako zove... mnogo dobro icon_mrgreen.gif

Koncert u Nemackoj, jun 2003


Ocu na koncert.......

  SerbZmaj said:
Uh danas sam malo pustio koncert - Imaginations Through The Looking Glass - valjda se tako zove... mnogo dobro icon_mrgreen.gif

Koncert u Nemackoj, jun 2003


Ocu na koncert.......

Taj DVD su snimali na specijalnom festivalu u njihovoj organizaciji (koji carevi) sa sve vatrom, i raznim drugim efektima tako da je jebitacno dobar. A i produkcija je bruka dobra. Imaginations bi trebao da bude uzor kako se pravi kvalitetan DVD. Remek delo.


@Telkontar, jeste ono night at druzba ili kako vec, proverio sam.


@Fiery, TI SI IH VIDEO UZIVO?!?!?!! ALI OCU JAAAAAAAAA icon_sad.gif Svet je tako nepravedan icon_sad.gif

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)



user posted image




Uh, malo ima neki nu-metal izgled ali sta da se radi, ipak su to gardijani! Slava mu! Nadajmo se da ce moci dobro da nastavi put koji je zapoceo Thomen The Omen!


Inace, postavljen je i novi sajt Blind Guardiana koji je toliko lep za oko da je OBAVEZNO posetiti ga -----> LINK

Edited by GolluM

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