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reko mi matori da u ponedeljak dolazi njegov ujak koji kad god dodje kaze mi istu recenicu: '' izvini sto ti nista nisam kupio , evo ti 20evra'' tako da BG ne gine ako tako bude i ovog puta!

Posted (edited)

Moram nekog da kaznim, a bochum mi je daleko da bih ga zapalio.

Poenta ove recenice: nemojte se oslanjati na kladionicu, jer se onda oslanja na vas! wallbash.gif

Edited by SacrilegiouS

From various interviews, all 11 track titles have been revealed. These are:


2.Skalds and Shadows

3.Carry the Blessed Home


5.Market Square

6.This Will Never End

7.Turn the Page

8.Another Stranger Me

9.The Edge

10.Straight Through the Mirror

11.New Order

Also there will be "All the King's Horses", a japan bonus.

Of course, all are working titles. Finally, Hansi mentioned that in 3 weeks maximum they will decide on an album title.


imena pesama ne obecavaju..ali.znam da nema grdjeg argumenta od ovog icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


ali morate priznati..dosta su nemashtovita imena pesama s obzirom na bg do sada..mislim..turn the page, otherland, the edge, new order...


Pa mislim... u odnosu na imena tipa Fast To Madness, A Dark Passage i ostalo... ovo je sasvim do jaja, mislim, nastavili su u istom duhu icon_cool.gif

Pa mislim... u odnosu na imena tipa Fast To Madness, A Dark Passage i ostalo... ovo je sasvim do jaja, mislim, nastavili su u istom duhu icon_cool.gif

Isti duh svakako...nego mene asociraju imena na Blackmoore's Night orangelistening.gif

Ako imas duks nekog black benda, prodaces ga veoma brzo, jer to prolazi kod klinaca kao alva icon_smile.gif


Podseti me čovek! icon_smile.gif



Oće neko da kupi majicu SEAR BLISS, L veličina?


Ma daj, Haloven...


Zanimljivo je kako je naziv albuma tek jedna rijec, a koliko ja znam takvih do sad nisu imali, svaki je bio omanja recenica.

Posted (edited)

Exit, Pepsi Ziget, Pearl Jam, Blind Guardian treba ustekati pare. Moram prodati nesto...

pametno icon_da.gif


da da, puste zelje... :[

Edited by Byk

E evo neke liste koju sam nasao :

Welcome to Dying


The Last Candle

Journey Through the Dark

Mordred's Song





War of Wrath

Into the Storm



The Minstrel

The Curse of Feanor


Blood Tears

Mirror Mirror

Face the Truth

Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)

Battle of Sudden Flame

Time Stands Still (at the Iron Hill)

The Dark Elf


The Eldar

Nom the Wise

When Sorrow Sang

Out on the Water

The Steadfast

A Dark Passage

Final Chapter (Thus Ends...)




Imaginations from the Other Side

The Bard's Song (In the Forest)


to bi trebalo da sviraju .


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