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Guest Brainsaladsandar Guuuz

njegov se glas najbolje može opisati kao - unjkav


ali da ima stvari - ima(o) - all aboard the crazy train!!!!!


čudno je da kad viče ima totalno drukčiji glas - da je tako i pevao!!!


Kada je snimao "Shock The Monkey" sa Coal Chamberom, Ozzy je izjavio da mu je najveći uzor što se tiče pevanja Peter Gabriel i da ga je na početku karijere vrlo svesno kopirao.

Guest Brainsaladsandar Guuuz

meni su najbolji oni screamovi na kraju i just want you

Posted (edited)
Мада, синоћ сам одслушао "No More Tears" и насловна ствар и "Mama, I'm Coming Home" су стварно добре песме.


Meni su sve pjesme na tom albumu odlicne.

Edited by Rox

ozijev glas? eee... :-) kad pocne ono:


generals gathered in their masses

just like witches at black masses


...tu malo ko moze da mu pridje na kilometar. :rockdevil:

a sto se tice solo karijere, tu je randy rhoads oziju smislio i odsvirao neke od najvecih genijalnosti roka, ali to sad progovara moje obozavanje lika i dela doticnog gitariste, pa cu se zaustaviti. ;)

generals gathered in their masses

just like witches at black masses


...tu malo ko moze da mu pridje na kilometar. :rockdevil:

Е то је већ истина.

То је толико добро да је, једноставно, неприкосновено.

Цео албум, узимајући у обзир време у ком је настао - као да је пао са Марса.


Хм, слушао сам ових дана у пар наврата IommI-јев соло - "IommI" (признајем да сам својевремено био њиме опседнут а чини ми се да ме то поново хвата) и стварно ми је потпуно невероватно да лик који је и измислио тај јебени heavy риф и након 30 година и даље у стању да створи риф који дроби кости и који је у стању да направи земљотрес!


Оно је таааааако heavy!

Тони је и даље the master!

И да, тај његов соло албум ми је неколико десетина пута бољи од овог Ozzy-јевог.


ozijev glas? eee... :-) kad pocne ono:


generals gathered in their masses

just like witches at black masses


...tu malo ko moze da mu pridje na kilometar. :rockdevil:


Da, da genijalnost rime je stvarno neponovljiva :)

Da, da genijalnost rime je stvarno neponovljiva :)

Zbog te rime je ta pjesma došla na nekih top10 najgorih tekstova ikad, ne znam po kome (može biti po izboru magazina Q ili nekog sličnog), ja se uhvatio za glavu kad sam vidio da stoji "Black Sabbath - War Pigs", a onda pročitam da citiraju te stihove. Opet, za to treba nekome jebati mater, da takvu pjesmu stavljaju među sranja tipa Wham ili ne znam ni ja šta je sve bilo na toj listi.

  • 7 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 8 months later...

OZZY Seeks New Guitarist: I Felt Like My Stuff Was Beginning To Sound Like BLACK LABEL SOCIETY - July 10, 2009


Ozzy Osbourne has revealed to Classic Rock magazine that he is currently searching for a new guitarist for his solo band.


Classic Rock caught up with Osbourne last week at the Slash & Friends gig in Norway, where the whispers backstage had guitarist John 5 (ROB ZOMBIE, ex-MARILYN MANSON) lined up as a possible replacement for Zakk Wylde…


"Well, I'm getting a new guitar player as we speak," Ozzy told Classic Rock, "and everyone has been saying to me for a long time, 'Get Johnny 5!' And I tried him at one time and I didn't really give him a chance. We'll see, I don't know. I haven't fallen out with Zakk, but Zakk's got his own band, and I felt like my stuff was beginning to sound like BLACK LABEL SOCIETY. I just felt like I wanted a change, y'know?


"I've got a guy from Greece coming in — not the musical, the country of Greece — but I'm not going to say too much about it, 'cos I don't know myself at this point. I've got a new album, I'm working on it as we speak. I've got a studio at my house and I've got a guy called Kevin Churko, the guy that did the last album [Churko also worked on Ozzy's 'Under Cover' album, produced CHEAP TRICK's highly rated 2006 album 'Rockford', and has credits on releases by BRITNEY SPEARS, CELINE DION and SHANIA TWAIN] — he's great to work with.


"And it's great to have your own studio. On one hand it's great and on the other it's not, 'cos when you're at the studio you can go, 'Sorry darling, I can't get home for dinner, I'm stuck at the studio…' But she can fucking come down stairs now! But I'm just enjoying my life now…"


Classic Rock: So you're taking it easy recording this album?


Ozzy: "Oh yeah. Zakk came down and did a bunch of stuff and I don't know if I want to use it but I've got it there if I do. And this Kevin Churko is a bit of an all-rounder so I'm getting back to basics in some respects. One thing about a guy who can't do all the finger-tapping stuff is that he plays better on the riffs 'cos it's not all [hums riff for 'Iron Man' followed by over-the-top widdling]."


Classic Rock: Does HEAVEN & HELL having a new album out make you more competitive?


Ozzy: "No. Not in the slightest. I really wish them well. I mean I've been out of that band three times longer than I was ever in them. But people say, 'What do you think about Dio?' He's great singer. I've grown up since the days when I used to get pissed and slag him off. For whatever it's worth, good luck to them. I don't want to make enemies — I made enough when I was drinking, I try to make friends with people these days!"


Ne bi me cudilo da je "guy from Greece" Gus G. :) A sto se tice toga da pesme lice na Black Label Society...pa neka pise pesme sam kad je toliko pametan... Retardirani idiot.

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