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Samo da ti kazem da to nije bila bas najsretnija kombinacija,koliko ja god volio i cjenio Partibrejkerse bili su na pogresnom mjestu u pogresno vrijeme,u publici je bilo mirmo osim 3 frajera koji su skakali ispred bine u SA,u BG nesto bolje ali isto vise nego hladno. Da je svirao neko od tadasnjih HM bendova npr.Annathema,Heller ili Bombarder mislim da bi bio haos.


A sta tek reci za novosadsku Grivu? ;) Procitao sam da su bili predgrupa Motörheadu na koncertu u beogradskom Pioniru 1984. godine. Doduse, u to vrijeme je sigurno bilo jos manje domacih metal bendova koji sviraju tvrdji zvuk nego sto ih je bilo te 1990.


Inace, Cane je u jednom TV intervjuu spomenuo tu turneju sa Motörheadom po ex-Yu. Nije komentarisao njihovu muziku, nego je ukratko rekao da im je to bilo zanimljivo iskustvo jer su valjda putovali istim tour busom, a i bilo mu je zanimljivo vidjeti kako radi i funkcionise bend iz zemlje u kojoj je rock’n’roll takoreci domaca muzika, a ne nesto sto su usvojili sa strane.



Pa za Grivu treba reci da pase 100% uz Motörhead.Poslusaj samo prvu plocu pa ces vidjeti da je jedna od zescih ploca izasla na ovim prostorima.

Lemmy je za Brejkerse rekao da skrot korektno rade svoj posao



  • 1 month later...

Mislim da sam na Grivinoj temi citao kako je Lemmy i njih bruka nahvalio, stavise da ih zvao na turneju sa njima, ali ih je na kraju odbio, posto je menadzer Grive trazio neke sulude pare...

Inace, ima li nekih indikacija o nekoj Motorheadovoj euro turneji? Bilo bi red da nas ponovo posete!

  • 1 month later...

Legendary hard rock band MOTÖRHEAD has set "Motorizer" as the title of its new album, due before the end of the year via SPV Records. The follow-up to 2006's "Kiss of Death" is being recorded at FOO FIGHTERS frontman/ex-NIRVANA drummer Dave Grohl's Studio 606 in Northridge, California.


Starci ponovo jashu! :rockdevil:


Odavno su prestali da se trude oko imena albuma tako da im na tome ne zameram :da:


Sto?Meni je Inferno ekstra ime za album,omot je fenomenalan,a nazivi pesama su tipicni Motorhead nazivi i tu nema nikakve filozofije.Kiss Of Death isto,samo sto ima los omot.

Ako novi album nastavi u tom stilu,ja zadovoljan. :da:

Posted (edited)
MOTÖRHEAD frontman Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister recently spoke to the Artisan News Service about the Lemmy Icon Figure (image), which is about to begin shipping from Locoape, creators of iconic figures and collectibles. An edition of 2,500 pieces is one exclusive that includes an individually numbered MOTÖRHEAD "Ace of Spades" playing card as well as an authentic D'Andrea Lemmy guitar pick. Also available is an autographed edition limited to only 50 pieces worldwide.


"I had to stand on this platform while the camera went around and did the hologram thing and then they made the model, only smaller," Lemmy said. "They said it's an action figure, and I said, 'So, you're gonna put a dick on it?' They said, 'No.' I said, 'Well, then it's not going to get much action then, is it?' A bad name for it, right?"


lemmy figura



Edited by ScudTheDisposableAssasin

Legendary hard rock band MOTÖRHEAD will release its new album, entitled "Motörizer", through SPV Records on the following dates:


USA: August 26

Germany: August 29

Rest of Europe: September 1




:icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


Kakav cover.. Odushevljen sam. Moram imati majcu sa ovime.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Motörizer" Tracklisting:

(Teach You How To) Sing The Blues / Time Is Right / We Are The Last / Runaround Man / English Rose / Rock Out / 1000 Names / When The Eagle Screams / Don’t Die Ashamed / Back On The Chain / Buried Alive


10 pesama, 40tak minuta dakle, molim lepo.

Posted (edited)
"Motörizer" Tracklisting:

(Teach You How To) Sing The Blues / Time Is Right / We Are The Last / Runaround Man / English Rose / Rock Out / 1000 Names / When The Eagle Screams / Don’t Die Ashamed / Back On The Chain / Buried Alive


10 pesama, 40tak minuta dakle, molim lepo.


Ti neznas brojati?Ja tu vidim 11 pesama. ;)

Klasicni Motorhead,ni trunka odstupanja.Jedva cekam album!

Edited by lemmy sixx
Legendary hard rock band MOTÖRHEAD will release its new album, entitled "Motörizer", through SPV Records on the following dates:


USA: August 26

Germany: August 29

Rest of Europe: September 1

Oha, mora da se nabavi album nema sta :D

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