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Ne znam, meni se svidela ta sa nekromanom. Bila je jedna zeznuta bitka bar kad sam ja igrao. Morao sam da cak tri puta loadujem. icon_biggrin.gif

Sad krenuh sa dungeonom i sve mi se cini da su misije sve duze i duze kako napredujem...


Meni je sve nekako cudno!!! Malo smeta promena interfejsa, ali da se na nju navici... Navigacija kroz gradove mi je bezveze, i sve je nekako prenabudzeno i nepregledno.

Borbe su super - kome su jedinice male moze uvek da zumira teren. Inace sam teren za borbu - sve sa jedinicama - me neodoljivo podseca na dobri stari North&South sa Amige 500. icon_smile.gif Istina je da su neke fore pokupili iz WC3, kao na primer za ucitavanje. icon_smile.gif

Koliko god sve ovo izgledalo lepo uvek ce mi nedostajati prelepa 2d grafika i staromodna jednostavnost. Koju god 3d igru da igram, nikada me prikaz jedinica ne odushevi koliko se odusevim savrshenoj 2d grafici neke jedinice...


"Two Critical Improvements for Heroes 5 Poll results:

1. Map Editor - 59 vote points

2. Random Map Generator - 58 vote points

3. Additional Factions - 54 vote points

4. Duel Hero Customisation - 11 vote points

These vote points indicate which features HC members would suggest to Fabrice as the two critical Heroes 5 features to work on ASAP. Clearly, maps are number one, and there's an almost even split between voters for the first priority - Map Editor or Random Map Generator. Additional Factions are in surprisingly high demand, even though the game has just been released. And Duel Hero Customisation doesn't seem to be a high priority at all for most people. What would Fabrice say to that? We'll let you know soon icon_smile.gif"

He, eto. Lepo im ljudi kazu, a oni samo lagano, da se prvo lepo nabaci kintica. "And Duel Hero Customisation doesn't seem to be a high priority at all for most people." to je samo zato sto ima MNOGO precih stvari da se urade, inace to je isto manjak veliki. icon_da.gif


meni je trojka bila i ostala vrh. ocigledno ce i ostati, posto sumnjam da ce mi petica raditi. koju masinu ce da trazi?


1. System Requirements






- OS: Windows 2000/XP, SP2, DirectX 9.0C

- CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon 1.5 GHz or higher

- RAM: 512 MB or higher

- Video: 128 MB AGP GeForce4 Ti4200 / RADEON 8500 or higher video card

- CD/DVD-ROM speed: 32x

- Sound: DirectX compatible PCI 16-bit sound card






- OS: Windows 2000/XP, SP2, DirectX 9.0C

- CPU: Pentium 4 / Athlon 2,4 GHz or higher

- RAM: 1024MB or higher

- Video: 256 MB AGP 8x GeForceFX 6600 / RADEON x800 or higher video card

- CD/DVD-ROM speed: 32x

- Dolby Surround 5.1 sound processor


Problem je što ti treba kartica sa hardverskim piksel šejderom, a koju ti nemaš. Jel lepo piše u zahtevnosti GF4 Titanium (PS 1.3) ili Radeon 8500 (PS 1.4).

Je l' ovo pokusaj docaravanja 'Ostao Sam Bez Reci' sentimenta? icon_smile.gif

Ma jok, samo smo podvuko ono što je čovek rekao, underline taj neki fazon icon_wink.gif


Izuzev onoga za veličinu jedinica dobro to i nije tako bitno ...



Bedak za vas koji nemate mašinu, novi Jeroji su stvarno dobri.


Ispostavilo se da je za igricu najvazniji ram za ugodno igranje. Na bartonu 2500+ 512ram-a i asus gf6200 128 igra fino radi, medjutim povremeno se malo zastucne pri skrolu, tako da moram dodati josh ram-a.

dodati josh ram-a.

Ram-a nikad dovoljno icon_da.gif


Instalirao sam peticu juce, ali nemam jos neke bitnije komentare... Pisacu kad malo proigram.


OK, odigrah par puta, i za sada mi u oci upadaju samo minusi...


- Hodanje po terenu, pogotovo u podzemlju je uzas, ne mozes da se snadjes ni odakle si dosao, ni gde ides (iako lepo izgleda sa vizuelne strane). Vidis metar ispred sebe i to ti je... mozda treba da se navikne covek na to, ali za sada malo gadno izgleda.


- NE VIDI SE KOLIKO VOJSKE IMAS SA SOBOM NA EKRANU! Zar svaki put mora da se pritiska dugme gde je info za heroja i da se proverava trenutno stanje sa vojskom? Moglo je to lepo da stoji u jednom od uglova.


- Kako do djavola kontrolisati garnizone na terenu za dizanje vojske? Zar nije lepo moglo da se napravi da na desni klik misa na gradjevinu vidis koliko ima nepodignute vojske, a ne da moras dolaziti do gradjevine svaki put da bi to proverio? To bas nervira i usporava igranje, jos na malim mapama, a bojim se kako ce tek biti na velikim...


- Zasto nisu stavili vise mapa za igranje, umesto onih par komada, i jos sve imaju nekakve specijalne zadatke? Kako navezbati igranje, mimo kampanje? Nikako izgleda...


Muzika je odlicna, sa druge strane. Zamkovi lepo izgledaju, ali opet nepregledni.


Nemam pojma, 3 deo je i dalje neprikosnoven, mada je ovo procena samo nakon nekoliko igranja...

- NE VIDI SE KOLIKO VOJSKE IMAS SA SOBOM NA EKRANU! Zar svaki put mora da se pritiska dugme gde je info za heroja i da se proverava trenutno stanje sa vojskom? Moglo je to lepo da stoji u jednom od uglova.

Da čovek, to sam i ja govorio, al ovde ljudi samo iskazuju izrazito neslaganje sa mnom.


Nepreglednost i neintuitivnost sistema su glavne mane igre, ali s vremenom se navikneš na sve to, ima i novih stvari koje ubrzavaju igru ...


A izbor skirmish mapa je stvarno mizeran ...


Hohoho, evo i patcha. NARAVNO, u njemu ni govora o Editoru il pak Random Map Generatoru. Evo changeliste:

Features added:

- Auto-patcher

- EASY mode



- MP does not start if the player states differ

- "Ubi.com error" message does not appear after a win in a rating game

- Random cities use name and description from map

- Profile screen fixes (experience, alignment)

- Haven: stables message is back, other messages fixed

- Profile screen: random race games now shown correctly

- Camera glitches in Rebellion' campaign map cutscene removed

- Item selection in lobby screen fixed

- Ghost mode 'guard' command fixed

- Ghost mode after disconnection turn transfer fixed

- Profile info for other players now accessible

- Map info for MP games is localized

- The spells added by the library are given to the hero immediately

- MP game preferences panel fixed

- "Resisted" combat text fixed

- Training games results are not reported to Ubi.com now

- Hero perk rolls fixed

- Elemental creatures not affecting by Wasp Swarm spell now

- Druid Elder's Mana Feed ability fixed

- Temptress hero specialization fixed

- Some points of Combat AI fixed

- 'The Promise' campaign map 3-th cutscene sound fixed

- ATBBar refresh fixed

- Separate stacks displayed in Combat Results

- Heroes planned paths searching at turn start/after whirlpool fixed

- Invalid level ups (double skill increases) blocked

- Representation of heroes on boats in ghost mode now is correct

- After all players disconnected from Ghost mode game ending correctly

- Combat pathfinder does not ignore the moat

- Artifact Merchant submenu can not be called by hotkey without the building

- Reconnected players can't see themselves on Ubi.com now

- Dark Raider retaliation strike fixed

- Creatures under Berserk spell effect always attack now

- Refined Mana perk fixed

- Hut of Magi still shows areas after pressing Esc key

- Castle gates are closed immediately

- Zero-count monsters on low difficulty levels fixed

- Water shaders fixed

- Startup videos playback fixed

- Grail map called from underground fixed

- Ghost mode phase message fixed

- Sound glitches fixed

- MP game name length is restricted

- Interface sounds are not 3d fixed

- Fixed prerequisites for Urgash's Call, it was impossible to take it.

- Campaign map 'The Conquest' Main Sylvan hero Gilraen weakened, his script fixed

- Maeve added as haven random hero

- double hero portraits prevented

- Now after 'The Attack' campaign map loading right 'Invasion' map instead 'The Regicide' map

- 'The Defence' campaign map scripts fixed

- Shadow Witches have new model

- 'The Cultist's' campaign map garrison fixed

- Credits fixed

- 'The March' campaign map keymaster blocked for AI

- Demon character fixed

- Zehir's flag color changed

- Map tags fixed for MP maps

- AI-geometry for Pyramid and shipwrecks fixed

- Dungeon town: Grim Enclosure and lightmaps fixed

- Random heroes on MP maps fixed

- Hero Jhora gets Magic Missile spell due to her specialization description

- Inferno and Necropolis lightmaps recalculated

- Maeve hero Tactics removed

- '954 YSD: Hot Pursuit': some map objects fixed

- 'Dragon Pass': object fixed, rebalanced

- fixed instant travel holes

- Duel presets rebalanced

- 'The Betrayal' campaign map message for garrison approach added

- 'The Expansion'campaigm map multiple fixes added (hero skills, messages, added guards)

- 'Raelag's Offer' campaign map: texture near Inferno Military Post fixed

- The game works with onboard video and some of the older video cards now

- LAN games can now be played in different segment configurations


Dosta al ipak nedovoljno.

Ima ovde da se skine.


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