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pa morali su pocet odnekle smile.gif nisu mogli da evoluiraju pa da se rode smile.gif

radiohead je bend koji se gospodski prosetao kroz pop, grunge,... postavio nove osnove i ideje u elektronici, i zadnjim albumom (za sada) 'hail to the thief' pohvatao sve zanrove kroz koje je do tada prosao. zar nije vrh?

  • 2 months later...
Guest BrankaG
Posted (edited)

moj top5 bend! volim the bends najvise, koji mi je top5 album svih vremena! ok coputer je super, pablo honey isto dobar. posle ne toliko za mene, ali i dalje cenim. bend! icon_da.gif


oxford uveeeeeek!! icon_biggrin.gif

Edited by BrankaG

izdali su novi EP Com Lag

ima dosta od tad ali evo tek mi se sad ukazala prilika da postujem icon_razz.gif

jos ga nisam preslusao mada imam par pjesama sto sam skidao ranije kao unreleased. cekam da nadjem vremena da ga skinem... u cg su skupi sati icon_smile.gif

pitchfork ga je ocijenio 4.0 sto je skoro awful po njihovom ratingu, ali ne obazirem se na to s obzirom da je u pitanju radiohead, a i taj covjek sto je pisao review mozda vise voli gitarske stvari sto Com Lag bas i ne predstavlja icon_smile.gif



more productive


not drinking too much

regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week)

getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries

at ease

eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats)

a patient better driver

a safer car (baby smiling in back seat)

sleeping well (no bad dreams)

no paranoia

careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole)

keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then)

will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in wall)

favours for favours

fond but not in love

charity standing orders

on sundays ring road supermarket

(no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants)

car wash (also on sundays)

no longer afraid of the dark

or midday shadows

nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate

nothing so childish

at a better pace

slower and more calculated

no chance of escape

now self-employed

concerned (but powerless)

an empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism)

will not cry in public

less chance of illness

tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat)

a good memory

still cries at a good film

still kisses with saliva

no longer empty and frantic

like a cat

tied to a stick

that's driven into

frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness)


fitter, healthier and more productive

a pig

in a cage

on antibiotics



Na ovu stvar vecina vjerovatno nije ni obratila paznju....

Radiohad jednostavno receno savrseni...

  BodyRemover said:
daj bre sto si jadna...


ukini taj text. ti si kao... 13 godina.




Pa blizu si mhihi.gif


Ali ne mozes reci da text nije savrsenstvo!!!! (ako si ga shvatio icon_wink.gif



hehe azal icon_smile.gif nema najboljeg. tesko je uporedit 'kid a' sa eto nekako njemu najblizim po svemu 'amnesiac'-om a kamo li sa ostalima... sve su to razlicite price, razliciti periodi koji govore sami za sebe. ako dovoljno pazljivo slusas shvatices da ne postoji najbolji.

Posted (edited)

И ја сам их пажљиво преслушавао и шта рећи осим тога да је The Bends тотална мајка,а наравно о`ма` иза њега је OK Computer,док Kid A највише коље,бар што се мене тиче,крдо електронике,али и без обзира на то има сјајних ствари:Idioteque,Evrything in its Righ Place,How to Disappear и наравно Optimistic са својим јаким текстом и још јачом атмосфером коју стварају музика и Томов фантастични глас.

Edited by CrniBombarder
Posted (edited)

ok mozda sam trebao reci: slusajte kako JA slusam i shvatite kako JA shvatam icon_smile.gif ali to naravno ne mozete? mozete li...?

Edited by Mengesh

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