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  Litthia said:
Kad sam rekla početak mislila sam pre svega na atmosferu koju je bend tada imao. Svakako da treba napredovati i ne ponavljati se toliko da postane nepodnošljivo dosadno, a opet treba ostati dosledan svom stilu...


Oni recimo uopše nisu "sazreli"... Niti što se muzike tiče, a o tekstovima da ne govorim. Samo su tako reći- zanimljivi, ništa više. Bar meni. Sada i iz ovog ugla. :)


Dok su prva dva albuma bila nešto što je zaista vredelo poštovati.



Добри су им и ови новији радови. Али, одоше превише у патетику.

Posted (edited)

Ali u lošu patetiku... :) Kad se samo setim... "For you"... Ono je bilo savršenstvo. A sad... Njah, nemaju pesme tu težinu. ;)

Edited by Litthia
  • 3 months later...

Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice


1. In Venere Veritas

2. Scared To Death

3. Heartkiller

4. Dying Song

5. Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)

6. Love, The Hardest Way

7. Katherine Wheel

8. In The Arms Of Rain

9. Ode To Solitude

10. Shatter Me With Hope

11. Acoustic Funeral (For Love In Limbo)

12. Like St. Valentine

13. The Foreboding Sense Of Impending Happiness


eto,ville nije mrtav..:) ima i neki rivju,ko hoce nek ceprka po googlu...uglavnom,trazili ste novi RR,dobicete ga...:)

Posted (edited)



Valo recently told U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine about the forthcoming CD, "Lyrically, it's the most sexual [album], the most horny one, we've ever made. The horny and the horned. Like the IMPALED NAZARENE song. It's got that and a sense of immediacy: 'I want it now, now, now.' It's not about being poetic or forlorn about something that is about to happen, it's actually about something that is happening at this very moment in time."



Edited by Talvi
  On 12/4/2009 at 2:33 PM, TopOfTheMorning said:

Ok pesmica, mada sam ochekivao neshto bar malo drugachije. ;) Chak nije ni toliko " catchy ".


Управо тако. Али можда је баш зато песма само "ок", а не "одлична".

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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