Mikkah_Pickkah Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 (edited) Ja jesam Hehe, trebalo bi mene da čuješ kako pevam na finskom ... favorit mi je Paratiisi što se toga tiče. Kao što Mađari pričaju engleski ... čoveče, ko bi rek'o da toliko nemaju pojma Je l' čuo neko ovu pesmu???? Love's Requiem ('Love Metal' limited edition) Confusion writhes around our hearts impatiently It drains the faith that lights the dark And sets us free From the chains of our war and the pain we once called love The poison of doubt enslaves our minds and we bleed We abandon the trust that kept us blind and disappear Under the crimson wings of hate Where the lost are safe until they love again The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there And that hope will be our Love's requiem We pray to the serpent of delight desperately The questions are answered and we try not to weep Until we are sure We're suffering for love In the dungeon of our dreams We're so weak The promise made to be broken still Haunts our sleep We won't open our eyes Afraid we would die for love again The salvation we seek will be waiting us there In the heart of darkness lonely and scared With a promise of death for our love For our love And now that we're free From the chains of our dear love I'm lost - so lost Take me into your arms And sing me your beautiful song Hold me until we're one And sing me your beautiful song Edited October 11, 2004 by bestia Quote
tovar Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 imam. nije nista posebno, lici na pokusaj da dostignu doom iz predalbumske faze, a da produkcija ostane fancy. manje-vise bzvz. Quote
Dead on Arrival Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 NJ..........ja to nemam ........mozda ipak imam?? tolko HIMova,vetj sam se pogubila..............ali ta moja ortakinja......kako je ona zaludjena HIMom...............ma ona je nauchila Finski,ide u Finsku na leto!!!! Na letnjem raspustu upoznala neke Fince i isprichala im da voli Villea najvishe na svetu i oni je pozvashe da dodje kod njih........ Quote
Sinstrel Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 (edited) azal said: ja ne mogu da izvali razliku izmedju muzike HIM-a i The Rasmusa. Ja ne mogu da izvalim razliku izmedju (khm) muzike Meshuggah i vesh mashine. Edited October 11, 2004 by AzzA Quote
Ivan_Creed Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 Meni se svidja Azza kao i njegov trenutni potpis! Quote
KRANG Posted October 11, 2004 Report Posted October 11, 2004 korn je gej bend.. čekaj ovo je tema o ... him? a, dobro, i oni su gej bend Quote
The Princess of Darkness Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Dead on Arrival said: nego,jel slushao neko mozda pesmu Ville Valo-Valo Yossa??? Inache,pesma ni po chemu nije zanimljiva sem po tome sto je na finskom........jedana moja ortakinja je zna na pamet ...........totalna zaludjenica...... Imam ja sve te pesme koje je Ville otpevao na finskom, ali to nisu svirali momci iz HIMa vec ben The Agents...toliko... Quote
The Princess of Darkness Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 mai said: je li slušao neko ono izdanje sa 5 acoustic pesama 3. albuma (limited fan edition)? - samo ville i jedna gitara, a zvuči kao da je tek ustao iz kreveta kladim se da su to demo snimci.. Sto se tih 5 akusticnih stvari (Villeov glas + akusticna gitara) imam ga i nije bas toliki krs...ne...uopste nije lose...mozda mi se malo cak i svidja... Quote
Sinstrel Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 Ivan_Creed said: Meni se svidja Azza kao i njegov trenutni potpis! Mnogo si slushao HIM Quote
PanzerGoth Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 The Princess of Darkness said: Imam ja sve te pesme koje je Ville otpevao na finskom, ali to nisu svirali momci iz HIMa vec ben The Agents...toliko... yes, the old good Agents... usput - nasla sam 2 pesme na finskom; jednu peva samo Ville - Kulkurin Poika a drugu peva sa Tehosekoitin (da li je bend ili neko, ne znam) - Laura. Quote
Mikkah_Pickkah Posted October 12, 2004 Report Posted October 12, 2004 The Princess of Darkness said: Imam ja sve te pesme koje je Ville otpevao na finskom, ali to nisu svirali momci iz HIMa vec ben The Agents...toliko... Znamo, bre. Oni svirali, Ville pevao. Quote
Mikkah_Pickkah Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 A provalite ovo. To je jedno od fan's questions na koja je Ville odgovarao (ne znam kad) - Are you bisexual? - No, unfortunately not. We have thought about it in the band and some time in the future we might not be as afraid to experiment with our sexuality as we are today. It would be fabulous in the bus. Everyone would be satisfied and happy. All in the group and the crew has such an intimate relationship that most marriages don't even come close. But we miss sexual respect for each other, especially since we wash so seldom. Especially Mige is a smelly boy and I would't wanna let him take my virginity. Sorry to disappoint all of you guys. hehe. Quote
mai Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 sve stare priče... ali, o.k., možda neko od novih fanova nije čuo za sve to .. jedino nisam čula za ove dve pesme koje je Join Me In Death spomenula .. so, kiitos @The Princess of Darkness - nisam ni mislila da su krš Quote
mai Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Ville Valo, Lauri Ylönen and Apocalyptica together - The dream team of Finnish rock! Music unites us. I wouldn't call us the prominent artists of Finland, but I do hope that this glorious song will reach number one in the charts of every country, Ville Valo summarizes their common goal. No one of the participants want to brag, but they aren't denying it either: this is not only the Finnish dream team, but it has the ingredients of a smash hit, when Ville Valo and Lauri Ylönen sings a duet containing their own lyrics, on Apocalyptica's song "Bitter Sweet". -I'm very pleased, cause it's a fine song. Heavy cellos and Ville and Lauri at their best, Apocalyptica's Eicca Toppinen analyzes. Yesterday all five of them were at the video shoot, directed by Antti Jokinen, in Herttoniemi in Helsinki. ..... Ville's and Lauri's parts were filmed in calmer circumstances, at a long table. ..... Apocalytica and HIM officially performed for their very first times at the same place, the same day. -The year was 1995 and the place was Teatro in Helsinki. Since then we've been friends, and many times talked about that I'll some day sing on one of their albums, says Ville. .... Apo's album will be released in February, and the single "Bitter Sweet" will be played on radios in a month, and the video will be released simultaneously. ... Lauri will also sing on the track "Life Burns" on the album. ... Lauri and Ville have become friends in the past couple of months. -That's one of the best things about this. We've grown closer and managed to talk about things that you can't talk about with many people, reveals Lauri. - I didn't know Lauri before this. We have a lot in common, and it's been nice to share experiences and see what kind of a man Lauri is. He proved to be a really cool guy, says Ville. In the first place Apo asked Ville and Lauri to sing on their album, but it was Ville's idea to put them together to duet companions. Ville and Lauri wrote the lyrics and they also took part in arranging this song. -I've never written with anyone before. It was fun to create the lyrics with Lauri. Ville leaves the country today. He goes to present the songs he's made this summer, to their new record company. -I've learned to accept critic much better these last years. You are many times so close to your own creations, that you can't see the forest for the trees. I'm a stressy charachter. We'll see how the co-operation with the new record company works, when we start to make the new album, Ville ponders. Quote
TheBlackGoddess Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 gay is okay.... ma dobar je ville...yeah right... ne znam onaj mi razorblade romance nekako i moze proci... a sa deep shadows and brilliant highlights mi se dopada jedino beautiful.... love metal necu ni da pominjem ko bi rekao da mi je prije 3-4 godine HIM bio najmiliji bend Quote
Telcontar Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 NE verujem kakvi su ovi Apocalipticari postali lameri, da rade sa VVom.... Quote
Telcontar Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 Pre 3-4 Him, a sada neki black, jel tako... ako mogu da pogadjam, onda CoF... Klasican razvojni put svih mladih metalerki.... Quote
TheBlackGoddess Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 niet... trenutno mdb opeth empyrium ton... koji sam stupanj ? Quote
Telcontar Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 (edited) Pa dobar U svakom slucaju, nista cudno... mnogi su tako poceli... Edited October 13, 2004 by Telcontar Quote
TheBlackGoddess Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 niet... trenutno mdb opeth empyrium ton... koji sam stupanj ? Quote
Mikkah_Pickkah Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 TheBlackGoddess said: a sa deep shadows and brilliant highlights mi se dopada jedino beautiful.... love metal necu ni da pominjem Love Metal je bolji albim od DS&BH Quote
TheBlackGoddess Posted October 13, 2004 Report Posted October 13, 2004 rekoh da mi se sa njihowog 3. albuma dopada samo beautiful . to je jedna od rijetkih pjesama His Infernal Majesty-a koja mi je i dalje ostala urezana u sjecanju....a sa ovog Love Metala mi se ne dopada nijedna mozda Path ali ne,nemam vishe nerava za tu patetiku od 5 centi Quote
Guest Akasha Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 Uuuu... Bestia sto ti je lep avatar !!! Ko je to? Quote
Guest Akasha Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 sto se tiche ovoga sa Laurijem i Apocalypticom mozda i uspe. Mozda. Quote
Mikkah_Pickkah Posted October 14, 2004 Report Posted October 14, 2004 Ma, gde crno da uspe... Mislim, uspeće sigurno, Nemci će da razgrabe singl za minut a i Amerikanci (to sam tek skoro saznala) nisu mnogo dalje... Ali ne verujem da će nešto dobro od toga da izađe. Ne znam, samo jedva čekam da vidim to pa da na miru umrem Na avataru mi je Jonathan Rhys Meyers, glumac/najlepši stvor u svemiru Quote
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