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"Vampire Heart"


You can't escape the wrath of my heart

Beating to your funeral song (You're so alone)

All faith is lost for hell regained

In the dust in the hands of shame (Just be brave)


Let me breathe you this song of my heart before

I lead you along this path in the dark

Where I belong 'till I feel your warmth


Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart


I'll be the thorns on every rose

You've been sent I hope (You'll grow cold)

I am the nightmare waking you up

From the dream of a dream of love (Just like before)


Let me weep you this poem as Heaven's gates close

Paint you my soul, scarred and alone

Waiting for your kiss to take me back home


Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart


Hold me

Like you held on to life

When all fears came alive and entombed me

Love me

Like you love the sun

Scorching the blood in my vampire heart


Hold me (Like you held on to life)

Like you held on to life

(When all fears came alive and entombed me)

My vampire heart


Love me (Like you love the sun)

Like you love the sun

(Scorching the blood in my)

My vampire heart


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novi album su toliko nabudzili da stvarno nema vishe gde....na nabudzenost zvuka me jako nervira i mnooogoo bre kvati utisak..i ona sranja sto je vil napravio sa onim skotom sa snalicama u saradnji sa apokaliptikom(nista protiv njih,samo ova dva imbecila i njihovo mukanje)

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1. zvuk je radjen kao da je u pitanju OST zanr, samim tim ne moze biti prebudzen. konacno ih je neko snimio kako valja. zanatski savrseno.

2. covek se zove ville.

ost???sta god to bilo...

no,po meni najsavrsenija produkcija nije uvek i najsavrsenije resenje...ponekad se ,po meni,kad ja slusam,gubi taj neki smek benda i njihovog zvuka...sad mi gitare zvuce kao najbolje klavijature koje imaju savrsenu imitaciju gitarskog zvuka u sebi..sta znam...meni se jednostavno ne svidja ....


da,znam da se covek zove ville....ali hvala sto brines... icon_cool.gif

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Imam i ja novi album. Narezao mi drug... ali, konj jedan... a, ne mogu to da kazem za njega wub.gif ... anyway, nije mi napisao nazive pesama pa slusam samo Wings Of A Butterfly... mada, ima jos dve koje mi se puno svidjaju...mislim da je jedna od njih Vampire Heart. Inace, svidja mi se ceo album kako je uradjen icon_da.gif

Tvom ortaku trebaju ruke samo do shaka ...takvima bih ja prste sekao jer ne znaju cemu prsti sluze mrred.gif


U stvari, tvoj ortak ti je srezao preko one stvari, samo da te skine s vrata icon_smile.gif

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