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nesto vala i nisam zainteresovana. samo ako mi se svide vise od 4 pesme, mozda ga uzmem. inace, ako nije tako - nista! jako sam razocarana svime. pogotovo to sto se ceo svet sad vrti samo oko Villea i njegove odvratne brade. ne secam se ijednog intervjua u kome je Burt ili Gas izjave davao, ali eto...

e, gas je takav coolisa. opustenijeg lika od njega nisam video. super je. linde je izgubljen u vremenu i prostoru, mige je vecito cirke. burtona nisam nigde video van koncerta.

Posted (edited)

Ovo je ludilo:


"Several websites say that Ville Valo is currently working on a solo album which will probably be released before the next regular HIM album. It's supposed to be a mixture between classical, folk, country and rock."


Navodno je vest bila i na MTV news, a pojavljuje se i na svim HIM-related sajtovima. Znaci... icon_uhoh.gif ... icon_mrtav.gif Mada.. ja jos uvek mislim da je u pitanju glasina (tj nadam se)



EDIT: malo sam kopala po netu i na gomili sajtova je objavljeno sledece:

H.I.M. frontman Ville Valo will reportedly record a solo album this year that is expected to be released before the new H.I.M. CD. The solo effort will apparently be inspired by "country" music and Ville's recent work on APOCALYPTICA's "Bittersweet" video, and will include the songs "Under the Rose", "Face of God" and "Have No Fear", which were performed by Valo during a recent live appearance.

Edited by bestia

potvrda: da, snima solo album. nesto prilicno blisko njegovom radu sa the agents, samo sa malo vise distorzije. neil young fazon.

Kada otprilike izlazi taj Ville-ov solo album? icon_uhoh.gif

posle HIM albuma.


ne znam kako, ali zvuci mi vise obecavajuce nego HIM album. mozda zato sto gotivim country.

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