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Nove dve pesme ne da razbijaju nego razbijaju na kvadrat....nisam to ocekivao s obzirom na to sta se sve desavalo sa bendom......i jos turneja pa da posete zemlju Grbiju laugh.gif

Ja mislim da kad bi dosli ovde bio bi masakr.Krenuo bih sa nozem na cert pa ko mi usput padne saka "dead by dawn"...



Glen ostao najdublje grlo Death metala...


Perverznjaku. biggrin.gif233.gif


Drago mi je da je novi EP dobar (po komentarima ovde, ne licni utisak), al' na konto onih prica o Bentonu i s obzirom na to kakvog sabana su zvali da im svira gitaru, mozda je bolje da zavrse karijere sa ovim albumom. Daj bre....ljudi treba da znaju kada je dosta. Bolje to, nego da razocaraju icon_smile.gif . A do toga ce, neminovno, doci. Moje misljenje.


Posted (edited)

Ko bre saban ? Ralph ili Jack ?! Saban sto ne nosi obrnute krstace itd. pretpostavljam?



Arrr...ne pretpostavljas dobro. Kakav je on to hriscanin ako svira u bendu kakav je Deicide? Kakav je bre to covek?! icon_smile.gif Mogu da pronadjem, ako bas hoces, neki intervju s njim, gde se nalupao gluposti samo tako. Tipa, bitno je zezanje. laugh.gif Pa, sta su oni - Kraljevski?! (icon_rockdevil.gif)

Opet ponavljam, to je moje misljenje, meni je to ogavno i besmisleno, ako tebi nije, ok. Tvoja stvar.

Edited by Spøkelse
Posted (edited)

Pa kakve veze ima kakve je veroipsovesti ?! Boze kakve nebuloze....

Znas koliko je meni bitno koje je veroispovesti Ralph. Meni je bitno ono sto izlazi iz mojih zvucnika.... ! A izlaze jebeni rifovi...


Edited by Frubi666

Pa jbg. moji su barem femsi ... nisu iskreni ki ovi tvoji :


user posted image


Kad ces nas upoznas sa drugarima ? icon_smile.gif


Nego dobar ovaj EP posebno prva pesma Homage for Satan sunce ti .... Dobri riffovi, ali ono nije deicide, ono ko da je neki drugi bend, al nema veze.


Posted (edited)

user posted image


Wigs of Steel


Queer metal spoof rocks, rolls, and begs for German cock


fensi fensi nego sta.



Elem furbi otkud tebi ideja da slusam black?:)Svi me zivi smaraju za black metal.Jeste da slusam par bendova ali ja sam preorjentisan na GRIND!!! icon_cool.gif

Edited by SATAN-iz Batajnice

Homeage for satan i Crucifix for the innocents ne se Deicide kakvi mi gi znamo. Sad sa melodicni ali ipak jebeno dobri.

hm.... i still preffer the old songs...


Ljudi dobro sviraju! Al su im tekstovi sranje! Mislim kako mozes da pljujes hriscanstvo sa satanizmom?!?! Kad je upravo hriscanstvo donelo satanizam, koje predstavlja mracnu stranu njihove religije.. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif






Vo fizikata pa i vo opstestvoto ima edna dobro poznata pojava. Sekoj se stremi da go unisti ona od koe nastanal...



kontradiktorna filozofija obogacenih pobunjenika...


Evo ovako ...

Religija na zapadu je sistem. Kod nas je do skora sistem bio Sloba , a pre njega Tito , tako da verujem da ne mozemo sasvim razumeti Deicide tekstove .To je jedino shto ih opravdava. Mada je eto u poslednjih 6 godina navala nekih pseudo hriscana. Crkva ne pomaze ljudima da postanu hriscani , kad si truo iznutra , onda je sve ostalo foliranje.


Deicide je zatupljen - mislim posvetiti ceo zivot jednom zatucanom stanovishtu - nisu nista bolji od sisate kurve koja se u latinoamerichkoj seriji moli

Presvetoj devici Mariji.


Muziku mi ne mogu ogaditi tekstovi , zadnji album je ok , iako je prekratak.




  • 2 weeks later...

DEICIDE's concert at the Hustlers in Laredo, TX Friday night (July 14) was reportedly shut down by the police after four songs and DEICIDE guitarist Ralph Santolla was apparently arrested during the ensuing chaos. The following two separate accounts of last night's events were submitted by BLABBERMOUTH.NET readers who attended the show:


Report #1: "Some business went bad with Glen Benton [DEICIDE frontman] and the promoter, and there was major power/sound problems for DEICIDE... Needless to say, Glen voiced his unhappiness over the PA during their set... bottles flew, DEICIDE guitarist Ralph got arrested, chaos ensued, and about 12 police cars, a SWAT team, and other law enforcement people showed up and cleared the place out. I don't have any other details as I was [elsewhere] when the real craziness happened, so most of my details here are second-hand (other than seeing all the cops and SWAT guys)."


Report #2: "Apparently, the entire night went wrong. The cops showed up and one of the guitarists from DEICIDE [allegedly] threw a Red Bull at one of the officers and the officer chased him and ended up spraying him with pepper spray and arresting him. Glen Benton kept complaining that the promoters had ripped him off and threatened to walk off stage. But the cops shut the show down after four songs and sent everyone home. Bad day in South Texas."



ovi ce i gorgoroth da zajebu ako ovako nastave

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