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' timestamp='1383252004' post='2698271']

Ih bre Talvi, ja se obradovao procureo. :udri:

Ti si medju prvima koji kace linkove za albume.


Obradovao se novom Deicide-u, koji si optimista :)


boze me sacuvaj i sakloni

Jebi ga, neki pitaju kada im stane mozak, neki uključe caps lock kada ne umeju da čitaju. Ovim drugima nije lako.

  • 2 weeks later...

nije, pa sećaš se valjda kako ga je Benton spektakularno nogirao :D


sta bijase,kao nije znao da je on hriscanin,kurac palac?jel' stvarno mislis da pratim sta se desava sa tim gmazom?jedina informacija koja me zanima je kad crkne,proslavicu kao sin da mi se zeni


Glenton izbacio Santolu iz benda.



Glen Benton of DEICIDE stated in the photo comments on Facebook that guitarist Ralph Santolla was recently kicked out of the band and Kevin Quirion is back in.

Here are some quotes from Glen on facebook, so you don't have to dig for them.


"Ralph didn't make us better, he never wrote one part and he threw up all over the studio drunk when he did his leads, fuck that drunk, Kevin is back full time, we would rather have a tight sound than that drunk fucking his way through the set"


"Deicide If it had been solely up to me I would have kicked his ass off the tour the first night and sent for Kev...but the nice guy I am we gave him some chances, to bad alcohol is more important than your livelihood..."


" Oh the whole I am a Christian thing with him is total bullshit...the guy just uses that shit to upset myself and the fans...don't buy it, the guy couldn't tell ya the last time he went to church..."


" The fucked up thing is, that he thinks it's fine to go on stage a drunken mess, me and Steve have more respect for the fans then to let him make us look bad, fuck the guy, total drunk"


"Like I said, YouTube the drunk, let obituary sound like shit, we care what we sound like,"


"Just to get the story straight cause the bum will deny it, I kicked his drunk ass off the bus in Italy..and finished the tour as a three piece...that's how bad it was with the drunkard...I would rather sound tight than to have him slopping through the songs another night..."


omiljeni deo mi je "the nice guy I am" :haha:


sabrao 2 i 2


i dan danas da mi je da nafatam bracu tardije i peresa,da im se najebem mile majke sto mi usrase zivot


do tog dana mi je obituary bio najomiljeniji bend na svijet,treba prvi put u zivotu da ih gledam,a vec otpisao da cu ih ikad vidjet' kad su se raspali,i onda mi se onaj isprdak zabarski onako posere po zivotu


joj,jeba' sam mu mater ako ga ikad nafatam

  • Upvote 2

Blagi, sto ti mrzis Santolu toliko? :haha:


Evo ako mogu ja umesto Blagog.


Zato što mu je životna misija da uđe u što više kultnih bendova i onda se usere u njih svojim izdrkanim solažama.

  • 1 year later...
  • 9 months later...

Kažite da sam površan, al' svaki put kad vidim ovog Bentona pomislim koliko je propo siroma.


Izio ga darkside

Kažite da sam površan, al' svaki put kad vidim ovog Bentona pomislim koliko je propo siroma.


Izio ga darkside


Ma dobro je i živ, beše poodavno najavljivo da će se rokne u 33-oj :mhihi:


Talvi ne seri više, mislim da su ovi Slipknoti najavljivali da će ih povesti na turneju, bez da su ih uopšte konsultovali, kao, povešćemo mali Deicide kao support, more mrš u pičku materinu, i trebo je da ih iznapušava!

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