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  • 4 months later...

Braca Hofman nisu vishe clanovi benda Deicide. Glavni razlog: oni ne zele vishe da rade na metal sceni. Glenn Benton je izjavio da najvecio dio otkazivanja koncerata se desio zbog Bryanove ili Ericove krivice, nisu stizali na vrijeme na avion ili neki drugi razlozi.


Bend je trenutno na turneji. Dave Suzuki (Vital Remains) i Jack Owen (ex-Cannibal Corpse) su novi sezonski clanovi za ovu turneju. Postava za snimanje novog albuma je: Dave i Tony(obojica gitara,obojica Vital Remains), Steve(bubnjevi) i Glen Benton(Bass gitara i vokal).




Postavljeno 02:51:37, 13-12-2004 od elektro_pg



' date='13. 12. 2004, 23:36'] Braca Hofman nisu vishe clanovi benda Deicide. Glavni razlog: oni ne zele vishe da rade na metal sceni. Glenn Benton je izjavio da najvecio dio otkazivanja koncerata se desio zbog Bryanove ili Ericove krivice, nisu stizali na vrijeme na avion ili neki drugi razlozi.

Ja nisam cuo za ovo icon_confused.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
Muzika najbolja, tekstovi vishe nego debilni pukeface.gif ....vokal odlichan.

Pa sasvim je moguce da su tekstovi debilni, jer je hriscanstvo totalno debilna religija icon_da.gif

Muzika najbolja, tekstovi vishe nego debilni pukeface.gif ....vokal odlichan.

To si u pravu. Samo si zaboravio na gitare koje kidaju.

Oni pricaju kako mrze Hriscane jer veruju u nesto sto ne postoji. A je li neko video Lucifera?

  • 4 weeks later...

slusaj ovo

On Novenber 25th, 2004 Glen Benton officially stated that the Hoffman brothers will no longer be in the band due to them cancelling and walking off many shows among other personal issues. However, later on in January of 2005 guitarist Eric Hoffman had a few things to say about Glen. That Glen was saying these things about why the two brothers left the band to save his own ass. Eric went on to say how unprofessional and false Glen was. That he never seen him worship satan ever, and was even married in a Church. Eric also went on to say that Glen had mostly no part in Deicide at all, except for that he got most of the money the band earned. When the band started Glen didn't even own a bass and Eric had to buy him one. Most of the bass recordings on all of Deicide's albums are done by the drummer Steve. Glen didn't even contribute anything to the band except for lyrics, and that wasn't untill the band was already in the studio. Deicide's past sound engineers according to Eric Hoffman all have said he is the worst bass player they've ever seen.

Auuu icon_wink.gif prozivka evotigana.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Pazi njih dvojica jesu mnogo znacili,ali ni Dave Suzuki i Jack Owen nisu losi.Uostalom,Owen je svirao u Cannibalima,a Suzuki svira sa Bentonom u Vital Remains,pa to valjda nesto znaci.

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