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Posted (edited)

Hahah :)

Al vidis, drzi vodu to sto govoris...


Al bolje i to nego reunioni kad novac zatreba...


Ajd shvatam Carcassovu svrhu reuniona i ponosan sam sto sam ih uspio dozivjet i svaka cast Jeff Walkeru, al npr. At The Gates, Immortal i ekipa... sad jos i Amebix...

Bezveze skroz.. ak je samo zbog profita...

Edited by *Nameless*

A jebiga, ocito svako svojim putem krenuo... Reunion ce bit, to svakako... trebali su svirat u Splitu ove godine, to znam iz pouzdanih izvora, no medjutim opet je dosla do prepirki unutar benda pa je i to otpalo...

Posted (edited)

Koje su ovo pukotine

Rock N Roll Experience: Is this really Ministry’s last tour?

Burton Bell: Yup!

Rock N Roll Experience: Not even a one-off show here or there?


Burton Bell: No dude, he’s (Al Jourgensen) done, he’s done, & some fans have just got to let it go..nothing lasts forever, but think of it as a new beginning for Al...Ministry is ending, but Al is doing some new stuff...he’s talking about finishing off Lard with one more Lard record & finishing up Palehead with one more Palehead record, but he’s gonna do soundtracks, working with his label, so he’s still gonna be doing music, but Ministry is done & he’s done...he’s been doing it for almost 30 years...


Rock N Roll Experience: But Ozzy Osbourne said that too!


Burton Bell: Al has more conviction than Ozzy


Rock N Roll Experience: You don’t think Al will get the urge to get back onstage again?


Burton Bell: Nope...I sincerely believe that he is talking from his heart when he says that he is done..I say more power to it.


Rock N Roll Experience: As a Ministry fan though, aren’t you a little bummed?


Burton Bell: No...because I’m still working with him (laughs)...you know, some things must end...sorry, Ozzy, he’s writing shitty music (laughs)


Rock N Roll Experience: But it’s all about Zakk Wylde when Ozzy music for me


Burton Bell: I’m sorry...it sucks! That last song I heard from Ozzy just blew!


Rock N Roll Experience: You didn’t like “I Don’t Wanna Stop” from Ozzy?


Burton Bell: Nahhhhh, Come on dude!


Rock N Roll Experience: I liked what Zakk Wylde did on that song


Burton Bell: I don’t know...I think it was just weak (laughs), but that’s just my opinion & my opinion doesn’t really mean anything


Rock N Roll Experience: So what is going on with Fear Factory?


Burton Bell: Nothing.


Rock N Roll Experience: Is Fear Factory over with?


Burton Bell: We’re taking some time off to figure some shit out. I ve been doing Fear Factory for 17 years & I need to do something different for a while & everything comes to an end at some point


Rock N Roll Experience: You were speaking recently with Dino..is there any chance you’ll play with him again?


Burton Bell: Dino & I were friends way before Fear Factory so, he came to the LA show because Tony is in Asesino, so they are friends & he showed up backstage & there he was & I said, “Hey”, & it was like 2 old friends but I’m not talking any business with him...it felt good, it was cool


Rock N Roll Experience: Did you see the last Ministry tour with Joey Jordison on drums?


Burton Bell: Yeah, that was ok...he’s (Joey Jordison) is an ok drummer


Rock N Roll Experience: Come on, Joey Jordison was good!


Burton Bell: He’s sloppy! Aaron is way better! He’s (Joey) good for Slipknot, you know, but...I think Aaron is way better, he’s tighter, he’s more consistent


Rock N Roll Experience: Do you have a cold right now?


Burton Bell: Yeah...everyone’s been sick on this tour & Al’s getting over Bronchitis & I’m getting over acute Bronchitis & I’m on an inhaler & Sudafed & everyone’s been sick, it’s been harsh, but everyone’s feeling better right now & it’s getting better


Rock N Roll Experience: Are you changing the set list at all on this tour?


Burton Bell: No, Al has a set setlist, but, the first hour is like the last 3 albums, & then the 2nd hour is the old songs & cover songs & that’s when I come out, so that’s when my fun starts! When you’re on tour, it’s best to stick with what you’ve got & know what works instead of rehearsing things everyday.


Rock N Roll Experience: Are there any special plans for the very last show on this tour?


Burton Bell: I think Al’s got a plan, he wants to add a couple more songs like “Psalm 69” & he actually wants to do “Wonderful World” & we’ll see what happens, he’ll probably surprise us with some shit


Rock N Roll Experience: Are you recording any of these shows?



recording EVERY show


Rock N Roll Experience: Have you ever met any rockstars who were a**holes?


Burton Bell: ALOT! (laughs) Honestly, Chino from the Deftones...I remember, we toured with The Deftones & that guy never talked..I tried to go talking to that guy & he never talked to me, I even went up to him backstage after one of his shows in LA & I just tried to talk to him & he was like (does a shrugged off impersonation)


Rock N Roll Experience: It was probably drugs


Burton Bell: Or he’s just a dick! But, he was always a dick to me....I’m probably talking way too much, can I say this...I’m gonna erase this (points to my mini disc recorder) right now (laughs)


Rock N Roll Experience: If you don’t want me to use any of this interview, I won’t...let me know


Burton Bell: Well, I’m not lying, so...I’m telling the truth, so if he (Chino) tries to deny it, I’m like, well, Fuck You, I’ll never see him again anyway! I’ve met alot of cool people on this current tour...I got to meet some of my hero’s like Jello Biafra, got to meet Ogre, got to meet Billy Gibbons..


Rock N Roll Experience: How was it meeting Billy?


Burton Bell: Awesome! I got to meet Glenn Danzig & he was totally cool...those are like the big ones


Rock N Roll Experience: Did Billy Gibbons play with you onstage?


Burton Bell: No...he didn’t wanna do it, he just wanted to listen..he was there to hang out...dude, that’s one of the best guitar player’s ever!

Edited by Angel of Revenge
Posted (edited)



Исполнитель: Arkaea
Страна: USA
Альбом: Years In The Darkness
Жанр: Industrial/Modern Metal
Год выхода: 2009
Формат: MP3 VBR
Размер: 88 МБ


01 Awakening
02 Away form the Sun
03 Beneath the Shades of Grey
04 Black Ocean
05 Break the Silence
06 Gone Tomorrow
07 Locust
08 Lucid Dream
09 My Redemption
10 Rise Today
11 The World as One
12 War Within
13 Years in the Darkness



Edited by VoivodBG

Koji Chester isustimateeeer!!!!


Al mi se svidja album, iako je mlak, podsjeca me na neko lijepo doba svog zivota... Nekad sam se jezio, trnci su me prolazili na ovakve pjesme.... Eh, nekad...

Posted (edited)

Nostalgija me udarila jerbo muzika zvuci mnogo na stari FF, tipa Obsolete i Archetype, ali ovaj pevac i dalje boluje od Chesteritisa, neka me zaobidje sa time.

Album sam po sebi nije vredan slusanja na duze staze, jedino eto ako ste toliko cekali novi FF album, pa imate ove otpatke na ovom albumu da odslusate nekoliko puta, koji je vec zavrsio u mome recycle bin-u gde mu je i mesto...

Edited by VoivodBG

Lucid Dream!!! Jeeze, koji Deftones worship covjece. Pjesma zbog tog odskace od ostatka albuma i zvuci kao Deftonesi kakvi su trebali ostat, s chesterovskim vokalima na refrenu :)


Album mi je iz slusanja u slusanje sve bolji :-)

Mada, ima tu i novi Divine Heresy, novi Horna, novi Clutch, od maloprije i novi Municipal Waste... :-)


Ovo ljeto je ludilo s dobrim izdanjima, iako mi je Darkest Hour novi i dalje na tronu :-)


gledao sam spot za Locust i nemam velju ni da skinem ovo :D


ovaj lik je izgledao slucajno upao u threat signal pricu, on bi se najbolje snasao u nekom soc nu metal bendu poput ademe :)


ovaj locust je mozda najgora pesma godine, aranzmanski toliko glupo, nijedan riff ne ulazi prirorno u sledeci, bukvalno copy cut paste sve.


i pun kurac iritantan vokal. na TS albumu jos podnosljiv ali ovo je bas za peglu.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

City Of Fire - City Of Fire (2009)








Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory) - vocals

Byron Stroud (Zimmer’s Hole, Fear Factory, Strapping Young Lad) - bass

Ian White - vocals/guitar

Terry "Sho" Murray (Shocore) - guitar

Bob Wagner (Shocore, Econoline Crush) - drums



Edited by Theory of Chaos
  Theory of Chaos said:
City Of Fire - City Of Fire (2009)








Burton C. Bell (Fear Factory) - vocals

Byron Stroud (Zimmer’s Hole, Fear Factory, Strapping Young Lad) - bass

Ian White - vocals/guitar

Terry "Sho" Murray (Shocore) - guitar

Bob Wagner (Shocore, Econoline Crush) - drums

Mogli su da se slikaju kod Gazele, ako i nisu to vec uradili...soc do koske

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