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neka mi neko pomogne gde ih svrstavate???

ukratko, oni su začetnici Cyber Metala biggrin.gifa: biggrin.gifa:


svaki album možeš drugačije svrstati, ali jednostavno cyber metal, to je opis njihove muzike biggrin.gifa:

"Soul Of A New Machine" je u death metal fazonu sa uplivima u thrash metal, sa industrial ritmovima i minimalnom elektronikom...

"Demanufacture" su mnogi u to doba zvali Neo-Thrash... brutalni rifovi, duplaci brzi ko svjetlost, elektronika na nivou, cyber klavijature, semplovi, psihodeličan clean vokal

"Obsolete" je pravi cyber metal... moderan crossover zvuk, sa uplivima u nu-metal, elektronika najviše, klavijatura najviše, brutalni bubnjevi, melodičan vokal i konceptualna priča iza svega

"Digimortal" je otišao skroz u nu-metal...

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Mislim da je Burton C. Bell najkreativniji muzicar za koga sam ja cuo, ti njegovi tekstovi su 200 godina ispred nas. Obsolete je najjaci definitivno. E sada ne mogu da se odlucim izmedju Scapegoat i Self Bias Resistor...... Ali jebi ga smor je shto su se raspali sad.gif

  • 4 weeks later...

Bend jebe kevu.... ljudi razbijaju....... omiljene njihove pesme su mi Digimortal, Linchpin, What Will Become, Edge Crusher

Bas bedak sto su se raspali


sahranjujete ih žive... :roll:


Fear Factory :: Poslao Scissors :: posted on 08 May 2003

Bubnjar cyber metal heroja Fear Factory-ja, Raymond Herrera, je nedavno potvrdio da je bend još uvijek aktivan i da se radi na novom albumu. Prije nekog vremena Fear Factory su uradili kraći demo od četiri pjesme ("Slave Labor", "Corporate Cloning", "Archetype", "Bite The Hand That Feeds") koji su predstavili Roadrunneru. Sada se trenutno pregovara o novom ugovoru, jer im je trenutno istekao ugovor sa ovom izdavačkom kućom. Raymond je potvrdio i to da je Dino Cazares definitvno van benda: "njegov problem je bio taj da je sputavao napredovanje benda... kada god bi neko došao sa dobrim idejama, on bi to potisnuo. Zato ne želim da ga dovodim u bend, jer mislim da možemo pokazati se mnogo boljim i da Christian može da ga zamjeni na poziciji gitariste".

  • 2 weeks later...

Fear Factory je jedan od mojih omiljenih bendova.

Naravno, najjaci album mi je Soul Of A... a obozavam i Demanofacture...

U kolekciji imam i Fear Is The Mindkiller i Dog Day Sunrise...

Voleo bih da nabavim i sve ostale albume, pa ako neko ima i moze da mi odradi mp3 neka me kontaktira... Cyber future!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

haha nije loš strip smile.gif

ali istina je da Raymond ždere ko nenormalan... imam njihov Digital Connectivity DVD... Dino samo juri ženske i porno shopove, a Raymond svira bubnjeve, jede, igra PS2, jede, spava, jede smile.gif ludak žešći

  • 2 weeks later...





:| Puno mi se (((FF))) svidjaju. naj-album mi je Digimortal, remixu su im dobri, kvalitetan su metal. Spot za "resurectoion"("uskrsce") im je super...


(((FF))) su se raspali... sad.gif raspali su se ali bubnjar i basista su sada sa B-realom i gitaristom iz deftona ofrmili KUSH, neki novi bend. Dino je absolutno napustio (((FF))!

  • 2 months later...

digimortal? :? proučavaj ti još FF smile.gif demanufacture, obsolete i soul of a new machine su remek-djela... digimortal je ispod prosjeka benda...

a FF se nisu raspali pobogu... pogledajte sajt na kraju krajeva pa skontajte... svi su tu osim Dine Cazaresa... i prave novi album... i imaju tri demo pjesme... i dosta više! FF SE NISU RASPALI!

tačka smile.gif

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Približava se dan:



17 Nov 2003 Seminal LA cyber metallers Fear Factory are back up and running and back on Roadrunner!


"Everything is going great," guitarist (nee bassist) Christian Olde Wolbers told Roadrunner Records.co.uk. "We just finished tracking 14 songs at Rumbo Recorders in LA. This is where Guns N Roses recorded all their albums! The studio had a great vibe. A lot of history in this place! Roy Orbison still wanders thru the hallways!


"I must say this was the smoothest record we have ever recorded. We tracked the whole thing in 28 days! The record is called "Archetype" and was produced by FF ourselves. We used Ken Marshall (Skinny Puppy) to engineer and record the album.

Another Canadian!! LOL!


"Currently I'm finishing up programming and keyboards with Rhys Fulber, Steve Tushar and John Bechdel. We will start mixing on the first of December in Vancouver with Ken Marshall. I must say this is a pretty heavy classic FF album and our hardcore fans will be pleased!


"No watered down songs, no stripped parts...blah blah blah...Just brutal Fear Factory!!!! Raymond has especially pushed the bar in Metal drumming to the next level!!!! The drums on this record make Demanufacture for beginners!!!! LOL....


"I played all the guitars and bass on the album and we will start rehearsing with Byron Strout (Strapping Young Lad) on bass guitar in December. He will be our bass player for FF. I feel Byron has the perfect mentality for FF and he's a cool motherfucker!!!! And he's from Canada!!!! What's up with all them Canucks!!!!! LOL!


"We will be touring with Korn and Static-X in February which we're really excited about!! Both Static and Korn are longtime friends and I have nothing but respect for those guys! It's gonna be a great tour...and a great year for Fear Factory!


"We feel this FF is stronger that ever..more hungry than ever....and most important of all....Burton, Ray and myself have become best friends in the last 2 years! We see and hang out more with each other now than we did in 10 years of touring!!! It feels truly amazing!!!!!


"The website is under construction. We are doing a better site at the moment!




Slave Labor


Act of god

Default Judgement

Corporate Cloning



Bite The Hand That Bleeds...



Human Shields

Ascencion (outro)


"School "Nirvana cover" Bonus track


"I played some for Ross Robinson and he looked at me saying this is the best work he's heard from FF yet. Rhys is saying similar things......


"It feels good to be back!!!!!"


'Archetype' will be released by D3 in the USA, and by Roadrunner in Europe. A release date has tentatively been set for April 2004.


Jebiga, ja se krenem ufuravati u bendove čim se raspadnu, tako je bilo sa

FNM, Soundgardenom i još nekim, a i sa FF... Ali evo ih opet...


U fazi su transformacije u kanadski bend... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Guest TakeTheRedPill

FF kicks ass svi albumi osim poslednja dva su im sjajni a demanufacture im je najbolji...self bias resistor mogu slusati beskonacno...bas je drek sto su postali nu metal, valjda ce nesto ispasti od novog albuma...

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