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samo da kazem kako je ovaj bend postao sranjkast i kako su omatorili i kako je dino bio super, a sadasnje gitare ga sakaju maxxx itd...

onaj ascension of the watchers je sranje isto


Ipak je Burtona udarila struja. U istom trenutku je jedan stage diver pao ispred mene a ja sam sve vreme bio u prvom redu.



540.000 degress fahrenheit


slave labor



self bias resitator

zero signal








acres of skin


archetype (pred kraj udarila burtona struja)

replica (nisu svirali)

timlessness (nisu svirali)





FEAR FACTORY Frontman Nearly Electrocuted In Luxembourg? - May 7, 2006

FEAR FACTORY frontman Burton C. Bell was reportedly nearly electrocuted during the band's first-ever concert in Luxembourg, which took place Saturday night (May 6) at the Den Atelier venue. A Luxembourg-based BLABBERMOUTH.NET visitor by the name of Théid has submitted the following report:


"The concert hall Den Atelier was obviously too small for a well-known American band, especially when it's attracting a lot of people from the three neighbour countries (France, Belgium, Germany).


"The support bands didn't get the sound they deserved (MISERY INDEX), so everybody was waiting for the first FEAR FACTORY song, and surprisingly the sound was OK, but only for a few seconds: at the moment singer Bell wanted to join in, the power on stage went down, and all you heard was the unplugged drum...


"After a second try and a series of classsic and new FF songs, power went down again and this prevented them to finish a song. After this second incident, many people (including singer Bell) blamed the technicians hoping there will be no third interruption... A few minutes before midnight, during the song 'Archetype' the singer instantly fell backwards, the audience, believing this was part of te show continued singing 'Open your eyes...' while the band stopped playing and roadies entered the stage to 'carry' Bell to the backstage. His eyes were open and he could almost stand alone, but looked not that good...


"This was the end of the concert, and beginning of the speculations...


"Twenty minutes later, I talked to the new guitarist of MISERY INDEX who told me that Bell was indeed electrocuted and still in the backstage, shaking and that nobody had called an ambulance or thought about getting him to a hospital...


"So much for the first and maybe last concert of FEAR FACTORY in Luxembourg."


Jeste, lezao je 5-6 sekundi. onda su svi polako prestali da sviraju, osim raymonda koji ga je gledao i smeskao se. covek nije znao sta se desava. inace, tokom koncerta je 3 puta nestala struja, a ja imam raymondovu palicu

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Meni je Fabrika Straha jedna od omiljenih grupa! U sustini su svi albumi dobri, mada ovaj poslednji je nekako meksi u odnosu na ostale. Imam utisak kao da su pozurili da ga snime. Ovaj put nisu pravili pauzu od 2 godine kao sto su to inace radili. Zbog toga sam imao neki los predosecaj da album nece biti bas sjajan i (na zalost) bio sam u pravu.

Koji album vam se najvise dopada?

I da, hoce li oni doci ovamo kao sto su rekli da ce uraditi?


Ja se 1998. uclanio u njihov fan club i pitam nekog lika da li slusa FF,a on mi odgovori:"I breathe Fear Factory" icon_mrgreen.gificon_mrgreen.gif . Posle toga tamo vise nisam isao.

  • 2 months later...

Dissolution jeste dobra pesma! Mislim, FF vs Sepultura. To tesko da moze biti lose. Voleo bih da znam ko sta svira. Da li je neko mozda cuo kako je Barton sa Static-X-om obradio Burning inside od Ministry-ja? Takodje su sa Danzigom obradili Enter Sandman.

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