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skroz dobar album. po mom misljenju, daleko bolji od prethodnog, potpuniji, konkretniji. sjajna svirka, Darren-ov growl i scream takodje, jedino su cisti vokali malo zakazali. ono "power metal" intoniranje u prve dve pesme jednostavno para usi. no, to na stranu, kao celina album ostavlja vise nego pozitivan utisak.

  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Kontaktirao me je menadzer ovog benda i rekao mi da bi MB mogli da odrade vikend turneju u ovom delu evrope, pa ako je neko zainteresovan mogu da mu dam mail, ne traze puno kinte, a bio bi lep cert 100% i verujem da bi doslo dovoljno ljudi da se pokriju troskovi, bar!!!

  • Upvote 1
  • 2 months later...

reko' da malo trgnem temu jednim live snimkom. rec je o njihovom nastupu u Atini krajem prosle godine i pesmi "Part 1", koju su objavili na split-u sa zemljacima Lunar Gate-om. nije bas uobicajena praksa da je sviraju na koncertima, sto je steta, jer pesma ima fenomenalnu muzicku podlogu i predstavlja retku priliku da se MB cuje u izvodjenju jednog od svojih najboljih i najbrzih rifova.

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

So it was November last year since a website update and for good reason, we had nothing to say. The hours of riffs we had for the next album were discarded, as usual, and we began constructing and deconstructing the new stuff with a clean white board. And as the winter months slowly creep in things are beginning to slowly take shape. All minds focused on the strands that will link together the ideas that have been floating around the rehearsal room this year. We have no name, no artwork, no theme just the beginning of things to come and it sounds slow, long and torturous. Vague discussions of a summer 2012 recording in some valley begin and the abandonment of hope for an xmas number 1 are , at this stage, quiet real. Two things are certain this year though, the imminent release on vinyl of A Disease for the Ages on Grau towards the end of the year. The cover art will be the same as used on the shirts and things crossed it should look great. And on its tenth anniversary we also plan on releasing the vinyl version of The Sullen Sulcus with revised artwork courtesy of Paul McCarrol using the original idea, just a few shades of grey to the left. We will be updating regularly over the coming months so keep checking.



Inače, pričali su o novom materijalu još početkom godine, ali, evo, kažu da su odbacili gomilu ideja.


Одатле сам и узео инфо. Значи, почетком лета креће снимање албума. Ја га очекујем до краја лета, или почетком јесени. Таман да употпуни суморно време.


mrka kapa. uzimajuci u obzir dosadasnji tempo njihovog kreativnog procesa, ne bi me iznenadilo da pocetak snimanja bude prolongiran. nigde se i ne kaze da je on uopste izvestan. no, daleko je leto 2012e. zivi bili pa videli.

  • 10 months later...
We are crossing the ocean to Foel in Wales to record album 5 with a working title of Formless from October 15 to 25. The album should be released through Grau (along with a vinyl version) in January 2013 and the plan is to hit the road from March to the end… The album will be a double album and will have 6-7 songs with an approx running time of 75 minutes and there may even be an acoustic song to get your head around. Song titles include Disc 1 1.Theories of Old Bones 2 Ethics on the Precipice 3 Old Rope 4 Formless 5 Unnamed Disc 2 1 Transmissions(working title) 2 Unnamed or unfinished


The album is loosely dealing with the grey matter of life we wade through each day, how there is no structure to anything anymore, nothing is defined and words are just words but have no meaning, be it in public or private life. We have a new artist I am sure some of you are familiar with, Peter Rees, and for once I think the artwork will be finished around the same time as the album instead of having a six month struggle after the album is recorded to find something.


If we were to compare the new stuff with our previous album while ADFTA had an overall oppressive feel with repetitive riffs where each song could easily be part of any other song on the album Formless, while each song is part of the overall concept and the first 3 songs bleed into each other, each song will stand on it’s own. So here’s to the new year….be sure to wait slowly and don’t be tempted to download or this could be our last….


sjajan update.

  • Upvote 2
  • 1 month later...

Mourning Beloveth has issued the following announcement about working on a new album and performing a special Roadburn show:

"It's been a while since an update, as (un)usual, and we have been quite busy. We played a good dirty set at The Burning Oak Festival in Cork with Triptykon and we have been working on a few gigs for next year as I am sure some of you will have noticed with the Roadburn announcement. And to mark the occasion of the 10 year anniversary of The Sullen Sulcus album we will be releasing it on vinyl for the first time and playing the whole album as our set in Roadburn, some of the songs have not been played since we recorded them so it should be an interesting night.

"As for the album, well, we are in Foel in Wales to record album 5, Formless. The album should be released through Grau (along with a vinyl version) in January 2013 and the plan is to hit the road from March to the end…

"The album will be a double album and will have 6 songs with an approx running time of 75 minutes and there may even be an acoustic song to get your head around.

Disc 1

1.Theories of Old Bones

2 Ethics on the Precipice

3 Old Rope

4 Dead Channel

5 Nothing has a centre

Disc 2

1 Transmissions

"The album is loosely dealing with the grey matter of life we wade through each day, how there is no structure to anything anymore, nothing is defined and words are just words but have no meaning, be it in public or private life.

"We have a new artist I am sure some of you are familiar with, Peter Rees, and for once I think the artwork will be finished around the same time as the album instead of having a six month struggle after the album is recorded to find something.

"If we were to compare the new stuff with our previous album while ADFTA had an overall oppressive feel with repetitive riffs where each song could easily be part of any other song on the album Formless, while each song is part of the overall concept and the first 3 songs bleed into each other, each song will stand on it's own. So here's to the new year….be sure to wait, slowly, and don't be tempted to download or this could be our last…."

  • Upvote 2
  • 1 month later...

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