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tesko je porediti... Saturnus je emotivniji...

Hajde da se još malo vrtimo u krug! icon_smile.gif

Meni je recimo Saturnus melanholičniji, ali MB mi je recimo dosta emotivno intenzivniji... lešnici il bademi, vala baš! icon_smile.gif

Posted (edited)

tesko je porediti... Saturnus je emotivniji...

Hajde da se još malo vrtimo u krug!  icon_smile.gif

Meni je recimo Saturnus melanholičniji, ali MB mi je recimo dosta emotivno intenzivniji... lešnici il bademi, vala baš!  icon_smile.gif

Saturnus su emotivniji, a MB su dosta emotivno intenzivniji icon_da.gif


Saturnus su iz Danske, a MB iz Irske icon_da.gif



" ...lost my way..."

Edited by Out Of Time

oni su isti, oba pocinju na "S" osim Mourning Belovetha, s tom razlikom sto MB stvarno lici na MDB, a Saturnus ne.

  • 6 months later...

Не волим претерано овакав дум, пре свега, због граула, но музички су сасвим океј. Срећом нађе се нешто и чистог вокала. Иначе, много ми се више свиђа, рецимо, португалски Desire и од MB и од Saturnusa.


mmm. jedini lik iz nekog svetski priznatog benda koji je registrovan na forumu i postovao na YuM je ovaj iz MB..

a peder nas nije udostojio ni posta na sopstvenoj temi..


btw, šta se dešava sa mar de grises i tom turnejom..? hoće li je biti, i hoće li mourning beloveth sa njima?



sta je trebalo, da dodje Adrian i da napise kako je Mourning Beloveth do jaja? icon_smile.gif


on rece da je Mar De Grises potvrdjen, no ima jos dosta do aprila..


mozda u medjuvremenu padne neka A-bomba..


I was sitting around the other day admiring how big my nuts are, when I came to the conclusion that they are somewhere between fairly giant and super giant. It's like I have a pair of Epcot centers dangling between my legs. Of course, you have to have a pretty big pair to say some of the things I've said, and then go on national TV. That's part of the reason my balls are so astronomical. The last nine or ten false readings in gravity wave detectors have been due to the gravity field of my nads. They're just under critical mass, a few inches away from collapsing into a super dense vortex of nutsaqutron (a type of radiation given off by enormous balls).


I've made a chart to help you get a feel for the size of my jewels:

user posted image

I don't even have an office chair anymore, I just sit around on my nuts. People come over to my house and they think I'm just sitting on a giant flesh colored bean bag. I once took a bullet right in the cojones just to prove how tough I am, but the bullet ricocheted off of a pube and shot some kid in the face. I almost felt sorry for the kid, but he had it coming. Nobody can step to my nuts. My ex-girlfriend was bitching at me one day, so I tossed my nuts at her. BAM. Knocked the bitch out cold. The best teabagging she ever received, and I wasn't even trying.






Mourning Beloveth je keva, ali opet (na mene) ne deluje preterano emotivno-intenzivno, sem kad idu clean vokali. Nekako me fino vuce...


Saturnus je majka. Ne smem da ga slusam danju, jer mi se zivot utapa u tugu.


MAR DE GRIESES mora doci!!!


Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus

March 2005


01. The Apocalypse Machine

02. Elemental Nausea

03. The Crashing Wave

04. Nothing (The March of Death)

05. …Yet Everything


valjda će uskoro biti na netu..


koja sad turneja?? MB? ili mar de grises? ili oba benda zajedno? i ovuda kao pešta, zagreb i tako to, ili ovuda kao beograd?







ti kad daš informaciju..

Mourning Beloveth - A Murderous Circus

March 2005


01. The Apocalypse Machine

02. Elemental Nausea

03. The Crashing Wave

04. Nothing (The March of Death)

05. …Yet Everything


valjda će uskoro biti na netu..

i ja se nadam..



evo ništa, spremam ispite biggrin.gif


čekaj, jel se album već pojavio na netu??

i jel se pojavio novi nightrage?


Meni je Mourning beloveth ,kad ih onomad nabavih, vec posle par dasna slusanja lagano usao u top pet bendova!Ajd sto se ne zna koji je album bolji

nego sto ne moze da se kaze ni koje su pesme najbolje. Jednostavno nema lose pesme, ali ni jedne.Bulju bi prodao da im odem na koncert!


PS. kad malo razmislim pesme koja najvise odgovara mom trenutnom stanju u ovom zlom, mracnom i odbojnom ( hehehe ) svetu je All hope is pleading!!!


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