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ja sam cuo i da mu je mtv poslao pismo da ga pita u vezi sa tim i on je rekao "Da, ja sam otkrio Isusa. Uskoro stiže još vijesti. Bog vas blagoslovio”. (sa glazba.monitor.hr).

svaka cast onome ko u ovo poveruje

Guest slayer1

za nekoga ko je koristio svaku priliku da proziva isusa .... mislim dajte ljudi ...

ja mislim da on samo ima uvrnut smisao za humor

Guest Zli 0bucjar

stizu mi 3 majce Toola za 2-3 nedelje iz Kanade


from the tool website:


You know the old saying, “no news is good news”, well… that was the case as far as the recording process was going for the new Tool CD, but now things may have changed a bit. Yesterday, when I went to the studio to give Maynard a bottle of wine (a 1992 Maya) for winning the bet that I had with him involving his new film “Sleeping Dogs Lie” (I lost by default, not being able to attend the Sedona screening), not only wasn’t Maynard there, but, in what seems to be a case of enantiodromia (something becoming its opposite) if ever there was one (!), I was told the reason why he wasn’t there. I wish this post was dated April 1, but, unfortunately, it isn’t. Like a doctor giving a patient a straight, honest answer to a medical diagnosis, without sugar-coating the truth, here’s exactly what I was told: “Maynard has found Jesus.” This will come as a complete shock to most (but not all) of you, as it did to me. In fact, it just seemed like another MJK prank until I talked to the one person who I believe would know if all this was legit or not. After nearly an hour on the phone with this person, the answer I received was that Maynard has indeed “found Jesus” and that, for this reason, he’s abandoned the project for the time being, if not entirely. I don’t know what the f**k is in the water these days, but hopefully a black jelly belly will turn up in that golden bowl… that’s all I can think to say at this point. Before leaving the studio, I watched as Danny made arrangements to go play some golf, while Adam and Justin kept working on a particular song. So, in case you missed it (those who don’t read the whole post), here’s today's news: Maynard has found Jesus…

Ma daj... to je prvoaprilska shala... neshto slichno su vec priredjivali fanovima minulih godina, s tim shto je sada ispalo manje naivno imajuci u vidu deshavanje sa onim kornovcem... Maynard i religija... smeh... na kraju je rekao da je pronashao neku pijanduru na ulici koja je tvrdila da je Isus, . icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

Guest Zli 0bucjar

Ma jok na godishnjem sam, chekam neke majce



izacice 'turn off your television' majca..........sa novim albumom.........a must have!


koje si maje narucio? oce stici pre svirke u petak? hocu da nosim!!! ako ne, onda bar do sedmog (maja).......to ce biti globalna popularizacija toola posto sviramo u knezu icon_mrgreen.gif




a, ma jok bre lose sklopljena recenica (nazalost).......sviramo (watchout) u knezu, tacnije kod cesme Bele u knezu, valjda sedmog maja..........bice ceo dan neki program.............perqsionisti iz stankovica, valjda i neka klasicna muzika, a posle valjda oskar tomas, mi i jos par bendova.........organizuje srednjoskolska unija...........nego sam mislio da nosim majcu pa da vide ljudi i da qpe cd icon_smile.gif koji nema nigde da se kupi, btw.....


inace, trenutno je 5:26 AM i ja sedim u sobi, slusam TOOL vec dobrih 6 sati (okej, ima na plejlisti i duality od slipknota, i try od framelessa*to je ona fina pesma sa reklame za skoda oktaviju* i orestes, brena i 3 libra's)..............dakle, sedim u stolici vec 6 sati, slusam tool (i kompaniju), pusim pljuge i ucim za pismeni iz jebene matematike.........prva gimnazija unisti coveka icon_smile.gif





pozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x(





you look so precious.....

Guest Zli 0bucjar

hahaha matija kretenu prso si

Majice su:

1. Silver wrench

2. Holy reality

3. White box logo


i nadam se da cje mi lik doneti za leto

4. Heart


p.s. da se niste dogovarali neshto sa alexom :hide:

a, ma jok bre lose sklopljena recenica (nazalost).......sviramo (watchout) u knezu, tacnije kod cesme Bele u knezu, valjda sedmog maja..........bice ceo dan neki program.............perqsionisti iz stankovica, valjda i neka klasicna muzika, a posle valjda oskar tomas, mi i jos par bendova.........organizuje srednjoskolska unija...........

do jaja.... pivopije.gif


e, a za pocetak, svi u petak u dom omladine.....ne sad u petak, nego 22.........






inace, nista jos.....posle exita......jebiga, znas vec kakav je splet okolnosti...........nego 'ocu ja holy reality icon_mrgreen.gif

Ja na buvljaku naš`o APC i Lateralus bedževe i odrali me za 100 dindži. Ali vredelo je. Sad se stalno šepurim. ph34r.gif



njaaaah...nije to to


ali respect pivopije.gif

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