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^ zajebi to..

ljudi ceo singl:






jebo te.. bash je dobra stvar..


i evo vam lyrics:


Lyrics(not confirmed):


Eye on the TV cuz tragedy thrills me,

Whatever flavor, it happens to be like.

Killed by the husband, drowned by the ocean,

Shunned by his own son he use to poison.


In his dream,

He kissed goodbye.

That's my kinda story.

It's no fun until someone dies.


Don't look at me like I am a monster.

Thrown out your one face,

But with the other.

Stare like a junkie into the TV.

Stare like a zombie,

While the mother holds her child.

Watches him die.

Pleads to the sky crying,

"Why, oh why?"


Cuz I need to watch things die, from a distance

Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies

You all needn't choose your own lie


Why can't we just admit it?

Why can't we just admit it?

We wont give pause until the blood is flowing

Neither the brave nor bold were writing the stories so,

We won't give pause until the blood is flowing


I need to watch things die, from a good, safe distance

Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies

You all feel the same, so

Why can't we just admit it?


Blood like rain fall down

Drowning the grave and ground


Part vampire

Part warrior

Carnivore and voyeur

Still have the transmitter

Sink to the death rattle


La, la, la, la, la, la-la-lie (x4)


Could you at least admit that your desire to believe in,

Angels in the hearts of men

But pull your head on out

Your head believes in, give a listen

Shouldn't have to say it all again


The universe is hostile, so impersonal

Devour to survive... so it is, so it's always been


We all feed on tragedy

It's like blood to a vampire


Vicariously I live while the whole world dies

Much better you than I


[taken from Toolnavy.com)


evo preslusah ga na poslu preko "zvucnika", pa da bacim prve utiske:

slusam je vec negde 8. put za redom

sta znam...Maynardovo pevanje je mozda malo previshe u APC fazonu (sto je na nekim mestima lepo leglo)

onaj deo "Why can't we just admit it" mi ide na kurac opasno, totalno je retardirano

riffovi su ok, samo ja ocekujem mnogo cvrsci ostatak albuma i iskreno se nadam da je ovo najmelodicnija pesma icon_smile.gif

lyrics je ok, mozda malo previse konkretan kad je Tool u pitanju al opet sa dobrom poentom


u globalu, pesma je totalno ok uz par bas retardiranih deonica

moja ocena: 7.5/10


Na prvo (prvih par icon_biggrin.gif ) slusanje zvuci vrlo dobro...



Samo maynard me je razocarao, why can't we just admit it je stvarno gadno...

I ocekujem mnogo bolje textove na ostalim pesmama, jer ovo ne prilazi lateralusu...


Ovakva promena u textu me podseca na mudvayne (ld50 i teoattc, pa onda lost n found)


I da, cuju se MESHUGGAH momenti, koje su spominjali...



Sve u svemu pesma je dobra, ali ocekujem bolje kad cujem ceo album (narocito od maynarda).


I second that.Posebno paralela sa Mudvayneovim albumima.


'Why can't we just admit it' me neodoljivo podseca na retardirano dete koje pokusava nekom da se ruga i ponavlja to do besvesti icon_smile.gif


evo posle 27. slushanja mogu da kazem da mi je bolje legla

na prvo slushanje sam bio u WTF fazonu, sad je vec totalno ok

s tim da mi je refren favorit - svaki za nijansu drugaciji i muz. i textualno

ok je pesmuljak, verovatno je sa razlogom singl - najblizi je masi


@[4] 27 slushanja.. opa.. ja sam tek na desetom ili sl..


evo chitam po forumima neke postove nezadovoljnih ljudi..

kazu kako je vicarious ostatak sa lateralusa i da je izbachena

kao singl in order to shut the masses up do drugog maja..

i kao zato je toliko losha.. ma.. nikako nije losha..

a shto je vishe slusham sve je bolja i bolja..


.. sad josh i album da izadje pa da vidimo kako se vicarious uklapa u celinu..



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