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Posted (edited)

Poslednji Puscifer album su snimali kod Maynarda, u njegovoj kući/vinariji u pustinji. Evo deo intervjua od pre neki dan sa jednim od članova benda:


SCENE: What’s it like to be in such a bafflingly fruitful desert out there?

MAT: It was great. Y’know Maynard draws a lot of attention from his other bands and getting to be a part of that is awesome.


SCENE: What were the advantages of being removed from the metropolitan environment for this particular process on this album?

MAT: It absolutely helped. You can hear it in the music. Getting away from the distractions and getting away from the excuses of having things to do and places to be allowed everyone to kind of focus and relax. It made the process go quicker and I think the quality was better.


SCENE: Maynard had said in regards to that there was less pressure on the process out there, that you wouldn’t necessarily push a take like you would in the studio, that you could take breaks to hike and things like that…

MAT: Yeah because you’re not looking at the clock. You’re not paying by the hour kind of thing. In that regard it was just way more relaxing and comfortable, that you’re not thinking about time. But at the same time, like I said before, it almost made things go quicker because you weren’t distracted by anything.


I Telling Ghosts live:


Edited by instalater
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Something that might be encouraging to some Tool enthusiasts is that while riding with Danny to Chili John’s yesterday, I heard a lot of new Tool music (sans Maynard). This was the most new material that I’ve heard so far, although a few of the riffs and arrangements were familiar. So, what did I think? Dare I say that it sounded like… Tool (some of it reminiscent to earlier Tool stuff, with other parts pushing the envelope), and I assume that it will sound even more like Tool once the vocal melodies, etc. have been added. To answer your next question, I cannot say how far along in the writing process the band is. If I had to GUESS, I would say more than half way (and keep in mind that in the past, at least, the writing went faster once the first few [more complex] songs were finished).

  • 1 month later...



citiracu jednog lika sa fejsa koji je komentarisao ovo sa cijem se komentarom u potpunosti slazem:


I don't understand the nature of Maynard's disdain for the reception he receives regarding his part in Tool. But I'm worried that he is trying to disconnect himself from a band that has so far been his most effective way of communicating with his fanbase. Maybe he begrudges his fans for this, maybe he begrudges himself for this. My firm opinion is that when he writes and performs with Tool, he is surrounding himself with the some of the most talented influences that I am currently aware of. If you consider the lyrics in 10,000 Days "Set as I am in my ways and my arrogance," and consider the musical influences he is surrounded with ... it only goes to show that he would be upset why people only want to talk about Tool. In Tool, he is NOT the supreme performer. In Tool, he is NOT the supreme creative influence. In A Perfect Circle, and in Puscifer, and in his goddamn vineyard (whose wine I have yet to drink, so please forgive my swearing), he IS the only influence which receives any recognition. His disdain for Tool stems from his own egophelia, which is satisfied through every other one of his projects. He has claimed before that he had been successful in every other venture before Tool, but I believe that he begrudges the band because it is his most successful endeavor which does not reflect his creativity as much as it does the other members of the band. Maynard ... if you really begrudge Tool as much as you claim to, you can fuck yourself. Get over yourself. You are smart, but if you don't "crucify the ego" you will continue to be a filthy hypocrite. I have been a fan of yours for many years, but I cannot stomach the opinions that you have for the band which produces the best work you have to show.'

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Ima istine, nesumnjivo.


Meni je, recimo, uvek bilo čudno i pomalo smešno kako ljudi potenciraju njegov učinak u Tool-u, komentarima tipa "Mejnard je bog" i slično, kada je on tu samo deo ekipe i nikako polazna tačka kreativnosti sa čisto muzičke strane. Sada, deluje kao da nekome (sebi?) pokušava da dokaže da može i samostalno da uspe.


Moj brat mi je ovo rekao pre neki dan. Kolko je Majnard bio dobar za Tool nekada, tolko je on los sada. Vec duze vreme calnovi benda zele da se skrase u studiju i da pocnu sa pravljenjem novog albuma, ali Majnard je jednostavno totalno ne zainteresovan i veoma tezak za saradnju sada.


Da, upravo to. Sve zavisi kako ko dozivljava bend i koji aspekt njegovog postojanja voli. Ako se neko przi na tool zbog tekstova, reci ce da je mejnard bog samo zbog toga, ako neko vise posmatra cisto muzicki aspekt benda, nesumnjivo je da je za to odgovorna hemija carrey,adam,justin. Uvek je pokusavao da se istakne, preko kostima, farbanja i slicno sto se meni licno nikada nije previse dopadalo i kvarilo mi je taj neki ideal pojave i mistiku samog benda. Ali ponovo, ne mogu da zamislim da je bilo drugacije...

Posted (edited)

Dobro, on ima tu ideju oko držanja u senci, pevanja sa zadnjeg dela bine i slično - po mom viđenju, maskiranje je deo toga, sakriva se od ljudi.


Realno, njih četvorica su bend, svako sa svojim učinkom; da se jedan promeni, nestala bi magija koju su pokazali na dosadašnjim albumima.

Edited by Lou
Posted (edited)

Vise bih voleo da ne izbace album uopste nego da maynard dodje nezainteresovan i ne inspirisan da snimi nesto. Postoji i varijanta da namerno hoce da skine hajp sa Tool-a, da to sve ostane u pozadini i da izadje kad izadje, kapiram da niko od njih ne voli da prica o tome pa i on, bas da bi zadrzali tu mistiku i da bi eliminisali naboj koji se stvorio oko toga svega. Mislim, ne bi tek tako ovi ostali usli u studio da snimaju a da znaju da je maynard ne zainteresovan.

Edited by chess

Ne verujem da bi oni izbacivali pod imenom Tool da nema Majnarda. Svaki od njih je kljucan deo benda i ne mogu da zamislim Tool bez ijednog od ovih clanova.


ja kapiram da Maynard-a ljudi preterano smaraju oko Tool-a pa da mu je delom i zato to sve dokurčilo. APC svakako nije bio aktivan više godina do pre nekog vremena a oko Puscifer-a je uvek bila priča tipa "da da, sve je to lepo, ali aj sad novi Tool". Što i jeste razumljivo imajući u vidu o kakvom kosmičkom entitetu od benda govorimo, ali kapiram i tu Maynard-ovu frustriranost kad ljudi hoće od tebe samo jednu stvar, pa ga verovatno to odbija u nekom smislu.

Posted (edited)

Iskreno, ne znam zasto ljudi tripuju da je APC Mejnard u muzickom smislu (sans tekstovi, imidz itd.) ista vise nego sto je to Tool.. ja prvi celavka jako gotivim ali sto se MUZICKIH ideja tice, prakticno SVE sto je ikada valjalo a da je on ukljucen nije MUZICKI (samo) njegova ideja - npr. najbolja pesma pucifiera potions, saradnja sa Trentom, APC u kome su definitivno drugi ljudi bili veoma ukljuceni u pravljenje muzike, sve od Tool-a itd. E sad, to da je Mejnard egoista vec je stara prica, ali ako je zaista doslo dotle da sabotira Tool zato sto mu je krivo sto je tu najuspesniji a najmanje -muzicki- doprinosi, onda je stvarno idiotcina prve klase. Pogotovo zato sto samo njegov glas, a da ne pricam istripovane vokalne melodije i efekti (koje, ljudi cesto zaboravljaju, mejnard radi) doprinose u mnogome prepoznatljivosti i vrednosti Tool-a. Mada, iskreno, ne verujem, mislim da je miks raznih stvari kao sto vec rekoste, i on i danny imaju neke druge prioritete, ili makar interesovanja trenutno, malo su se mozda svi oni i ispraznili, a i, uostalom, da se ne lazemo, tool je oduvek bio bend koji jaaako sporo izdaje albume, kada se tome doda mozda ta neka povecana doza side projekata i cuda, ne treba da bude toliko cudno sto ne mogu da se nakane.

Edited by Salvation

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