Fiery Posted June 5, 2004 Report Posted June 5, 2004 Danas sam otkrio naj-jebeno-bolje figure ("igracke") koje sam ikada video, pa sam usput potrazio i koja im je pozadina i pronasao Mobile Suit Gundam sagu. Sa oficijelnog sajta: The original Mobile Suit Gundam was an animated science-fiction series which debuted on Japanese television in 1979. In this groundbreaking series, the traditional giant robots of Japanese anime were for the first time portrayed as realistic war machines instead of invincible superheroes. The people who used these machines to fight in a futuristic space war were complex characters whose motivations and beliefs didn't break down into simple good and evil, and the story encompassed human drama and social commentary as well as thrilling robot battles. Mobile Suit Gundam's popularity led to a series of sequels and followups - first a three-part movie compilation, then a succession of new television serials, original videos, and theatrical films. After more than two decades, this Gundam saga has expanded to include nine television series, four video series, ten movies, and countless novels, comics, and original video game adventures. This saga encompasses six different worlds, each with its own unique history and society, and showcases the work of the most celebrated talents of the anime industry. Although this saga's stories encompass centuries of future history and span several alternate worlds, they all share a single unifying element - the legendary line of fighting machines which bear the name of Gundam. From the prototype RX-78 Gundam featured in the original series, to the unique and colorful machines which star in later stories like G Gundam and Gundam Wing, all these stories recount the adventures of heroic Gundams and their brave pilots. The Gundam saga made its North American debut in 1998, and in the following years Bandai Entertainment has continued to release new chapters of this epic saga. Meanwhile, Bandai America has produced a wide range of merchandise for Gundam fans young and old, including fully poseable action figures and a selection of the astonishing model kits for which Gundam is justly famous. As you explore this Web site, we hope you'll enjoy learning about this fascinating and ever-evolving saga. A evo i nekih od modela koji su me toliko odusevili: Ima ih jos ovde, na primer. Da li se neko jos susreo sa Gundam-om? Ima li neke epizode ili nesto?
SL Posted September 19, 2004 Report Posted September 19, 2004 ima i mod. "Gundam galaxy" za StarCraft chisto ako te zanima...
Old Smuggler Posted September 19, 2004 Report Posted September 19, 2004 bash su kvalitetno odradjene ... ko bi reko da su to igrachke
luktopod Posted September 24, 2004 Report Posted September 24, 2004 FAJRI, pita gigi dal to funkciomishe
Mr_Deadic Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 Nista dok crtani ne gledate. Vrhusnki je.
Mr_Deadic Posted October 17, 2004 Report Posted October 17, 2004 Crtani je bio prija na francuski Manga TV.
Fiery Posted October 30, 2004 Author Report Posted October 30, 2004 Video sam par epizoda Gundam SEED, i prilicno su razocaravajuce.
Mr_Deadic Posted October 31, 2004 Report Posted October 31, 2004 Mozda je to neki ovi serijal? Ja nisam gledao nista od njega...
Fiery Posted November 2, 2004 Author Report Posted November 2, 2004 Najnoviji. Puno pucanja, malo svega ostalog, animacija u tranziciji. Nista posebno, bar ovo malo sto sam video. I suit-ovi su nedovoljno fensi.
Alita Posted April 7, 2005 Report Posted April 7, 2005 Nije da sam gledala ali imam ortaka koji ima taj Gundam Seed, a i Gundam Wing. Jel to uopste spada pod Gundam? Znam da medju Animama cesto se imena potpuno razlicitih crtaca razlikuju samo po jednoj reci...
Black_Raven0990 Posted April 7, 2005 Report Posted April 7, 2005 Gundam Wing... Ima frend negdje na cd-ima...oko 30-40 epizoda, brijem... divx... Ali je stvarno dobar...iako je meni od animea bolji Van Hellsing i Neon Genesis Evangellion, Gundam je isto dobar... Moja preporuka za pogledat je i Silent Mobius...prejeben... Cheers!
Alita Posted April 7, 2005 Report Posted April 7, 2005 eh, ako cemo sa teme... Berserk. Ubedljivo. Mislim da je to najjaci crtac koji sam gledala... Anima, naravno.
Black_Raven0990 Posted April 7, 2005 Report Posted April 7, 2005 eh, ako cemo sa teme... Berserk. Ubedljivo. Mislim da je to najjaci crtac koji sam gledala... Anima, naravno. Vidio...dobar... Nije najbolji, ali dobar...
Fiery Posted April 7, 2005 Author Report Posted April 7, 2005 Nije da sam gledala ali imam ortaka koji ima taj Gundam Seed, a i Gundam Wing. Jel to uopste spada pod Gundam? Znam da medju Animama cesto se imena potpuno razlicitih crtaca razlikuju samo po jednoj reci... Gundam Seed smara, ali Wing me vec interesuje. Sto se najbolje anime serije tice, tu nema nikakve rasprave:
Alita Posted April 20, 2005 Report Posted April 20, 2005 Moram te razocarati Fiery, post je bio upucen dami . Moram reci da nisam gledala trigun. imala sam mogucnost da uzmem, al ortak je rekao da je nevidjeno sranje pa sam odustala.
SerbZmaj Posted April 20, 2005 Report Posted April 20, 2005 Berserk - jedan on najboljih serijala...samo malo mi se kraj nije svide, usrase sa onim demonima... Likovi ekstra odradjeni. Rorouni Kenshin Ova - odlicno, samo steta sto je ovo samo pilot verzija il kako vec. Gits je ipak najbolji. ............................................................................................................ Blah, Trigun, narezao sam sve ali nisam jos gledao a i ne privlaci me nesto. Imam - Gundam Wing - Endless Waltz - dugometrazni...
Fiery Posted April 24, 2005 Author Report Posted April 24, 2005 imala sam mogucnost da uzmem, al ortak je rekao da je nevidjeno sranje pa sam odustala. Ortak nema pojma i treba ga upucati.
Alita Posted April 29, 2005 Report Posted April 29, 2005 S tim se ne bih slozila... Sve sto mi je ikad rekao da je dobro, bilo je cak odlicno, a sve sto je rekao da je sranje, bilo je jos mnogo gore od toga. S moje tacke gledista onda je lakse tebe upucati jer nemas pojma !
Bla Posted May 9, 2005 Report Posted May 9, 2005 Video sam par epizoda Gundam SEED, i prilicno su razocaravajuce. Nemoj da gledash nekoliko,odgledaj svih 50 epizoda.Crtacj je jedan od najboljih anima koje postoje,a ja trentuno pratim svake nedelje Gundam SEED Destiny,najnoviji serijal,takodje mnogo dobar. eh, ako cemo sa teme... Berserk. Ubedljivo. Mislim da je to najjaci crtac koji sam gledala... Anima, naravno. Berserk nije losh,ali posle postaje josh ludji.Mange ima 28 volume-a i josh uvek izlazi i prica postaje perverznija,ali i crtani je postaje mnogo bolesniji.Anima shto postoji je 25 epizoda.Kada bi uradili sve iz mange,bilo bi ih jedno 250-300 garant. Znam da nije u istom fazonu, ali X X kao Gundam X ili X kao X-anima za sebe. Gundam X nisam gledao,imam neshto malo kod ortaka,ali X trenutno gledam i mnooooogooooo mi se svidja!!!!! Berserk - jedan on najboljih serijala...samo malo mi se kraj nije svide, usrase sa onim demonima... Likovi ekstra odradjeni. Rorouni Kenshin Ova - odlicno, samo steta sto je ovo samo pilot verzija il kako vec. Gits je ipak najbolji. He,to nije kraj ! Da vidish shta se sve kasnije deshava,postaje pravi frp,sa primesama bolesnog uma nekog japanca. A Kenshina inace ima 96 epizoda i nekoliko dugometraznih filmova,pored tog pilota...tako da nisi ti video nishta.
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