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Mene je isto novi izneverio na prvih par slusanja, delovao mi je kao los pokusaj sellouta, ali vremenom...Confined je bas onako fino legla, The darkest nigts je tolalni emicj-hiticj. QL.

  • 2 weeks later...

svi ljudi kad pominju poslednji as i lay dying kazu da su im djj stvari Confined, The Darkest Nights i Through Struggle odnosno, pesme koje imaju i clean pevanje!


kladim se da dosta ljudi kad slusa, preskace odmah na clean delove icon_smile.gif



mada, kad nema clean pevanja i mene vecina stvari iz metal core fazona smori icon_redface.gif


ubacivanje clean pevanja u metal core je uvek delikatan posao koji samo par bendova odradjuje sa ukusom, dok ostali to rade na silu i zvuce krajnje pateticno, po principu posle heavy strofe ide refren sa clean pevanjem.


dakle, clean pevanje je odlicna stvar! Problem nije u njemu, vec u gomili bendova koji to ne umeju da uklope u svoju muziku, pa su ga zato ogadili kao pojavu...


Slicna prica je i sa brzim sviranjem dva bas bubnja, gitarskim solazama itd.




  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

AS I LAY DYING: Early Recordings To Be Reissued


AS I LAY DYING will be re-releasing their first two recordings, previously out on Pluto Records. "Both 'Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes', which was recorded two months after the band started, and our split EP songs, which were recorded a year later, will both be on one CD (Metal Blade Records)," the band write. A May release is expected.


AS I LAY DYING's sophomore album, "Shadows Are Security", has sold 174,000 copies in the United States since its June 14, 2005 release, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

  • 4 weeks later...

ja u poslednje vreme bas dosta vrtim frail words collapse. Stvarno je odlican album. I treba ga slusati celog, da bi se potpuna slika stekla, ima raznovrsnih momenata...


poslednji album mi je dosta losiji (a u pocetku nisam tako mislio). Vise su isli da im album bude ispeglan produciski nego sto su se skoncentrisali na song writing (koji je metal core klise). Rezultat je kao i kod svakog metal core benda - dve, tri pesme koje su do jaja za mosh i imaju clean pevanje i ostatak albuma koji je nezanimljiv...


ali sve jedno, as i lay mi je super bend...

  • 4 weeks later...

AS I LAY DYING Set Release Date For Reissue Of Early Recordings


AS I LAY DYING will be re-releasing their first two recordings, previously out on Pluto Records, on May 16 via Metal Blade Records. The set will include both a re-recorded and the original version of the band's split CD with AMERICAN TRAGEDY (originally issued in 2002), plus their first album, "Beneath the Encasing of Ashes" (2001). The track listing is shaping up as follows:


01. Illusions (re-recorded)

02. The Beginning (re-recorded)

03. Reinvention (re-recorded)

04. The Pain Of Separation (re-recorded)

05. Forever (re-recorded)

06. Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes

07. Torn Within

08. Forced To Die

09. A Breath In The Eyes Of Eternity

10. Blood Turned To Tears

11. The Voices That Betray Me

12. When This World Fades

13. Surrounded

14. A Long March

15. Refined By Your Embrace

16. The Innocence Spilled

17. Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier

18. Illusions (original version)

19. The Beginning (original version)

20. Reinvention (original version)

21. The Pain Of Separation (original version)

22. Forever (original version)


evo bas skidam sa net-a As I Lay Dying i...svidja mi se...!

ali ipak mi se vise svidja The Haunted


Jel ste gledali spot za The Haunted - All Against All?

Spot je vise nego dobar, a za pesmu da ne pricam...







  • 2 weeks later...
  KRANG said:
novi album je generički, totalno neinspirativni, do-zla-boga prehvaljeni i neverovatno dosadni metalkor.




kao i onaj bleed the sky. mhihi.gif

nemash ti pojma sta je metalcore... i koji kurac prozivas scremo hc bendove.. na svakoj temi komentarishes kako su sranje .. ako ti se ne svidja zaobilazi a nisi u hc fazonu i sumnjam da znash ista o tome da bi mogao da vrsish neku propagandu i da se bunish protiv pomenutih bendova.

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