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Posted (edited)

ne znam, ali ja jednostavno moram da otvorim ovu temu!!

ovak bend je fenomenalan, sto po muzici, sto po textovima.

preporucio mi ga je jedan drug punker/core-ovac. imam njihove albume vec godinu ipo dana, i vrlo cesto ih sliusam. na diskovima imam 4 albuma(S&M Airlines, Heavy Petting Zoo, So Long and Thanks for All The Shoes, Pump Up The Valuum) i njih bukvalno znam napamet dok ostatak imam na mp3. znam da se u bg-u punkeri i metalci ne mirisu, ali jebiga, budite malo "open minded" i slusajte NOFX. preporucujem da procitate tekst za bilo koju pemu.(clams have feelings too i what's the matter with parents today).


elem, diskografija (procitajte nazive albuma) :


The War On Errorism

45 or 46 songs that weren't good enough to go on our other records

Nofx/Rancid BYO Split Series Vol. III

Pump Up The Valuum

So Long and Thanks for All The Shoes

Heavy Petting Zoo/Eating Lamb

I Heard They Suck Live user posted image

Punk In Drublic

White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean


S&M Airlines

Liberal Animation

Maximum Rocknroll


nazivi albuma sadrze male igre reci:

-Punk In Drublic(drunk in public)

-Liberal Animation(animal liberation)... icon_mrgreen.gif


user posted image

Edited by Superius Deus

user posted image

Da bude i link icon_da.gif


A da te Goran vidi, bio bi ponosan icon_wink.gif


Nisam previse slusao NoFX, ali ono sto jesam zvuci interesantno. I ako je to punk, pobegli su od klisea, ponavljanja. Imaju "nesto".


Zar nisu oni neki Straight Edge HC?

Zaista ih nisam slusao tako da ne bih umeo sam da zakljucim, ali imam ortaka koji ih maksimalno obozava i kolko mi rece, trebalo bi da su HC...


U svakom slucaju, ne slazem se sa Straight Edge ideologijom ali su mi svi koji je furaju maksimalno pozitivni. Tako da, complete respect za NOFX.


Nisu HC i definitivno nisu SXE.


Nofx - Drugs Are Good Lyrics


Want to fuck off, drop out

Never trust a fuckin' hippie

For that matter don't trust anyone

Quit school, don't work

Livin' up the music you punk

If I could do it so could anyone

Drugs are good

They make you do things that you know you not should

And when you do them people think that you're cool

And when you do them people think that you're cool

Want to join a punk band

Shave your head and get a tattoo

You don't need talent just the attitude

Self destruction

For no particular reason beat up everyone

Drugs are neat

And you can buy them relatively cheap

And when you do them people think that you're cool

And when you do them people think that you're cool

Posted (edited)

Znas kako, moglo bi se reci da imaju elemente Maddox "logike" i nacina izrazavanja. Sve u svemu, pravi su anti-sve-i-svasta punk.



NoFX - Theme from a NoFX Album


We're professional punkers we come from the suburbs

After 15 years we're still having fun

Now we're over 30 not looking so pretty

at least we got a beat up accordian


That's Erik our drummer his fathers a plumber

He drank enough booze to get rhode island drunk

Now sober but smelly he's got one big belly

From living the good life provided by punk


Singin Singin Singin

Buy me a becks beer or pass me a bong

Gimmie some bushmills I'll sing you this song

Open another big box of cheap wine we're over 30 we're doin just fine


El Hefe is not satanic he's one hip hispanic

He grew up with one dozen cousins and kin

He wears baggy pants he know how to break dance

You've seen him do every impersonation

That Melvin on six string some tell me I can't sing

Oh I think you can just don't do it round me

Stick with what you know

Playing guitar solo with hetson and watt in punk rock karaoke


Singin Singin Singin

Buy me a becks beer or pass me a bong

Gimmie some bushmills I'll sing you this song

Open another big box of cheap wine we're over 30 we're doin just fine


My name is Fat Mike I'm obsessed with big lesbians

I've been a punk rocker for most of my life

I sing kinda flat I'm not really that fat

But that's how I hit them with a hook or a slice

I'm Kent I do sound look his getting so round

I'm Timmy the Turtle he counts as he clicks

I'm Jay I don't care someone please cut his hair

I'm Limo from Scotland so give me haggis


Singin Singin Singin

Buy me a becks beer or pass me a bong

Gimmie some bushmills I'll sing you this song

Open another big box of cheap wine we're over 30 we're doin just fine

Buy me a becks beer or pass me a bong

Gimmie some bushmills I'll sing you this song

We a quaalide or chop we a line we're pushin 40 we're doin just fine


Give me a casual, pass me a bong,

Give me Glenlivet I'll sing you this song

Open another big box of cheap wine

If you take the low road then I'll take the high

Edited by Fiery

Hehehe moram priznati da mi se svidja njihov stil icon_smile.gif


Krajnje pro-ikonoklast trip (neko bi pomislio da takva rec nema nikakvog smisla, ali je bas zbog toga u pitanju pro-ikonoklast trip icon_smile.gif ). Sad cu definitivno morati da ih nabavim za preslusavanje.


Ma nemoj icon_razz.gif

Ja sam vrlo karakterna licnost. U zivotu ni jedan jedini narkotik (osim kafe i alkohola) nisam cak ni probao. Ukljucujuci tu i nikotin. Ovo bi sada, kao, trebalo nesto da znaci te umoljavam sve koji ovo citaju da mudro kilmnu glavom par puta u znak kooperacije.



Prodao si se inspiraciji. Napusti kolumnu kod jos imas imalo casti.


I, naravno, slusaj NoFX, koji po najpovoljnijoj ceni mozes nabaviti od nas, ako samo okrenes broj koji vidis na svom malom ekranu. icon_cool.gif


A ne, kolumna nije inspiracija nego literarna diareja icon_smile.gif


A NoFX necu da kupim nego cu tokom mentalne proJekcije mog genijskog ja da slusam kao muziku sfera, samo sto nece biti muzika sfera nego muzika hiperbolickih paraboloida.

Posted (edited)

Stravicno. Kako si mogao sebi da dopustis tu drugu recenicu?




Edit dva: A i prva recenica je... Znam sta je kolumna. Upravo tvoje surovanje s inspiracijom ce je unistiti.

Edited by Fiery



Ovo je vec druga stvar na koju me navlacis, manijace.


a sta je prva "stavr"?? icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


Nisu HC i definitivno nisu SXE

u pravu si. mislim da su punk, a ako nisu onda goran zivi u zabludi godinama


inace ovao morate da procitate:


"What's The Matter With Parents Today?"


Mom and dad

How'd you get so rad?

When exactly did you get so hip?


Wearing teenage clothes

You're always coming to my shows

And telling me that I should mellow out


It's absurd

They're singing every word

You're not supposed to like my band

Things I like you don't understand


So please put down that rum and Coke

That's not behaviour for old folk

Can we just hang on holidays

Dad and mom

What planet are you from?

And what convinced you to pack up and leave

Doing drugs

And asking me for hugs

What's the matter with parents today?


Not again

When will it end?

Dad's dressing like Motley Crue

And why is moms hair dyed bright blue?


And stayin' out till 2 or 3

Then having sex publicly

I thought the apple fell far from the tree


Mom and dad, I think you ought

To quit smoking so much pot

And hanging with my friends


Laying round, on the couch

With my Misfits records out

Softly banging your head


Maybe its just a passing phase

What's the matter with my parents these days?


i jos nesto:


"Clams have feelings too"


Birds are dumb cause small bird brain

But so are kids and old people

Some birds talk most other sing

I don’t see you eating a talking bird

Pigs smell bad they roll in pooh

But so do kids and elderly

I don’t see you chop off an old man’s feet

Put them in a mason jar and pickle them

No chowder for you, cause clams have feelings too

Actualy they don’t have central nervousness

No manhatten style, clams have the right to smile

Come to think about it they don’t have a face

They have no face, no place for ears

There’s no clam eyes to cry clam tears

No spinal cord, they must get bored

Might as well just put them out of misery

I don’t believe it’s selfish to eat defenseless shellfish

No chowder for you clams have feelings too

It could happen to you, clams have feelings too

I don’t think they do, clams have feelings too


eto vidis, i ja sam odustao od aggressive in-line-a, pa fiery nije uspeo da me povrati na stazu tr00 extremnih sportova, vec je dopustio da trunem u pozeraju sa ostalom decom ovde i da vozim... necu da kazem icon_redface.gif

ipak ti imas "a thing" za fiery-a.

izvinite modovi za offtopic-e(osecao sam se odgovornim da ovo napisem jer je ovo ipak moja tema)! biggrin.gif

Guest mali zmaj

nofx nema veze ni s punkom ni s HCom a ponajmanje sa sXe..


al je jedan od najgenijalnijih bendova ikad u klasi ne toliko genijalnih bendova.. likovi.

Posted (edited)

eto vidis, i ja sam odustao od aggressive in-line-a, pa fiery nije uspeo da me povrati na stazu tr00 extremnih sportova, vec je dopustio da trunem u pozeraju sa ostalom decom ovde i da vozim... necu da kazem  icon_redface.gif

Mislis da nisam uspeo? Sve ono lomljenje dasaka, nije to slucajno icon_biggrin.gif


Zaista, zmaju, sta je to NoFX, ako nije punk? Prosvetli nas...

Edited by Fiery

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