Мајор Гашпар Posted August 24, 2004 Report Posted August 24, 2004 Goga je (prema nepotvrdjenim izvorima)izbacen zbog love..Kako i zasto, to se jos ne zna..Ne bih da govorim neistine,vec samo kazem ono sto se prica Nema tu nista bez Gorana Smiljkovica Goga uber alles Quote
Azog-Gauroth Posted August 24, 2004 Report Posted August 24, 2004 najjaca od nasih black grupa.odusevljen sam Quote
Мајор Гашпар Posted August 24, 2004 Report Posted August 24, 2004 jebi ga..i ja sam tako mislio9..ali nemaju kontinuitet Quote
CYBERWASTE Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 evo imam meeting with...vec godinu dana,i tek sad skinuh tekstove sa neta,i nesto mi je cudno u pjesmi like a wind upon my face,koja mi je inace najbolja imaju stihovi: ,,i waited for you in purgatory,but you IS far away... YOU is??? Quote
Azog-Gauroth Posted September 27, 2004 Report Posted September 27, 2004 zacaran said: evo imam meeting with...vec godinu dana,i tek sad skinuh tekstove sa neta,i nesto mi je cudno u pjesmi like a wind upon my face,koja mi je inace najbolja imaju stihovi: ,,i waited for you in purgatory,but you IS far away... YOU is??? aj daj link za textove Quote
CYBERWASTE Posted September 28, 2004 Report Posted September 28, 2004 http://www.svastara.com/muzika/?tekst=5828 pa se uvjerite,i kad slusam pjesmu tacno se cuje,znaci nije stamparska greska:) Quote
Мајор Гашпар Posted September 29, 2004 Report Posted September 29, 2004 A jel ti mislis da Goga peva bas sve kako tamo pise Quote
CYBERWASTE Posted September 29, 2004 Report Posted September 29, 2004 (edited) ne znam...valjda Edited September 29, 2004 by zacaran Quote
Apeiron Posted November 10, 2004 Report Posted November 10, 2004 Samo da pomenem da je novi album ovog benda izvanredan!!! Ostvarenje vredno svake pohvale! Samo cekajte da se objavi, pa cete cuti. Rad je perfektan na svim poljima, a klavijature mozda najbolje ikad na nasoj sceni u extremnom metal zanru. Album se zove Tournament in Hell. Poz! Quote
cepes Posted November 12, 2004 Report Posted November 12, 2004 ono sto sam cuo nije lose ... vjerovatno (u stvari sigurno) ce novi album bit jos boji Quote
damian Posted November 27, 2004 Report Posted November 27, 2004 Apeiron said: Samo da pomenem da je novi album ovog benda izvanredan!!! Ostvarenje vredno svake pohvale! Samo cekajte da se objavi, pa cete cuti. Rad je perfektan na svim poljima, a klavijature mozda najbolje ikad na nasoj sceni u extremnom metal zanru. Album se zove Tournament in Hell. Poz! Slazem se da je album dobar(posebno klavij.)ali je "Meeting with..."daleko bolji!Sve je nesto u fazonu neke "future" produkcije a i vokal je previse povucen! Quote
zoom Posted December 3, 2004 Report Posted December 3, 2004 Quote ' date='10. 11. 2004, 21:42'] konacno U PRODAJI JE NOVI ALBUM GRUPE SIMARGAL OD 1.12.2004 POD NAZIVOM"HIDDEN GOD" Quote
Guest He Who Sought The Fire Posted December 3, 2004 Report Posted December 3, 2004 Za koga je izdat? Quote
zoom Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 He Who Sought The Fire said: Za koga je izdat? Ovaj put grupa Simargal izdaje sama album. Quote
Guest He Who Sought The Fire Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 Super, gde može da se naruči CD? Quote
WS Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 zoom said: Ovaj put grupa Simargal izdaje sama album. Divno, biće verovatno podjednako dostupan koliko je svojevremeno to bio album Amon Dina. Quote
Apeiron Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 Ah, imam ja Amon Din official kasetu A valjda ce Simargal to da resi kako treba, iako generalno ne volim samoizdanja ovde kod nas, pogotovo ako bend ne komunicira mnogo putem neta, tacnije, gde god da su oni sad uopste. Ali total respect za album! Poz! Quote
zoom Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 He Who Sought The Fire said: Super, gde može da se naruči CD? Od ponedeljka 6.12 2004 bice u prodaji u Beogradu a moze se naruciti i na simargal@ptt.yu. Quote
Мајор Гашпар Posted December 5, 2004 Report Posted December 5, 2004 Ja dobijam za dz cim vidim ekipu Quote
Мајор Гашпар Posted December 21, 2004 Report Posted December 21, 2004 Nothern Kingdom He comes from northern kingdom, homeless filthy To fight fenician priests of king Athau he is prophet of cursed sea Alone with stick in hand covered with goal skin He comes at sun’s end Hear me filthy Fenician priests, you who adore bitch Astarte Come to me io hill of Karmil call our Gods, to fight till die Screaming priests of Astarte start coming to hill of Karmil Tries have died, water become blood People and animal ripped them self of pain and sickness Where ever you go Powerfull lust, thousands sparkles the million screams of lost soul. Were hearing upon the skull that might? Where blasphemy and darkness fight Fire from the sky fast as lighting burn the sacrificed virgin And wood, and stone, and water, and ground fire and ash all became To the red fog of lust and blood, he cut Astartes priest throats Just as he cut a lamb of goat. He chopped at half Ripping out bellies crushing heads, and learing apart I am the chosen one. I am the prince of darkness and blasphemy Hear me king Ahao, your priests are dead Peaople are sick of leprosy and plague You die in thousands pain in my kingdom Your soul is mine, your soul is mine! Hidden God You master of the hundred vivid fires, you will surely understand how insane is to provoke power of dark, but if you dare to do it let guardian of the infinites have mercy for you because we are merciless. Take the sword and put the goblet on that sacred altar covered with a black flax. Let the knife absorb the nectar You must throw yourself in black tunnel to gather the seeds of wind and throw them all around When will you come? Time is not important place doesn’t have a meaning. This is time, place is everywhere. I’ll come from water, pick up the sword and look for the goblet and while drinking from it, I’ll stab it into the stomach of great mother so that chosen one could be reborn with sword in his hand If you are with me there’s no power in the world which stops you to seize me under the dark infinites. The word of mine can have a beginning but it’s without end, nothing has begun and everything finished. In Nominee Satanus How long you where waiting in the mud? How long you where waiting to be born again? You remember walking those streets Some other day were afraid You were far from your peace. You heard speed beatings On your heart And then like it stopped You was, you was dead You will be born again In nominee Satanus All Christians Are Destroyed Down falling our brothers I’m falling down We are lead by glory and the power Expel the Christ wherever you are And our victory is not a final. His power will be with us till the end Jesus lost everything he had The power, the people, and himself. Let’s crucifix them all And celebrate this sacrifice His majesty will give us Everything we dream on. Quote
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