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Cisto sumnjam da ju je i procitao. Iako, u jednom od narednih brojeva objavljena je Elefsonova slika sa nekog potpisivanja autograma kako se slikao bas sa tim brojem casopisa. Ispod slike je bio komentar: "Dejv Elefson Nasmejan. Mora da nije procitao recenziju." :)


E, ovo je tek koska! :)

Edited by Vilhelmina

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World needs a Hero ima par dobrih pesama ali mi je generalno atmosfera i dozivljaj albuma nekako bljutava...aok znate sta hocu da kazem :da:

bash tako, nekako je zvuk previshe sterilan, neznam kako da kazem drugachije


Bila je jedna dobra recenzija za "Risk" u Metal Maniacs, jedan deo je isao nesto ovako:


Posto znam koliko gos'n MAstejn mrzi poredjenja sa Metallicom, bas cu takvo poredjenje napraviti. Dok je "Load" bio osrednji album sa dve solidne pesme, dotle je "Risk" los album sa dve podnosljive pesme.

Load nije nikakav album. Risk je po meni cak i podnoshljiviji...


Poslusao sam ovu stvar "Gears Of War" i stvarno nije nista posebno...srednja zalost.Ali treba sacekati ceo album.

to jeste, ali jeste i korak unazad


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Isto kao i prošla dva. :D


Ja sam pokušao prije jedno 20 dana da slušam The System Has Failed.


Jedna dobra pa jedna loša pjesma, pa opet tako.

I onda mi se ne da slušati.

A onaj prije njega, za divno čudo, mi je neobično drag.


Ne očekujem ništa, a kontam i kako je vrijeme da prestanem slušati Megadeth.


Ne baš da prestanem slušati, ali, da uopšte ne nabavim taj album kad izađe.

Nemam poslednja dva Maiden albuma, poslednja dva od Metallice, poslednji od Tool, i još dosta tako albuma.

Radije da pružim šansu nekim mlađim bendovima umjesto da slušam pokušaje inspiracije.

Džaba tući mrtva konja...


P.S. Skupljam snagu da još jednom poslušam prvi album Exhordera. :ph34r:


Ovo je istinito i tužno, posebno zato što su novi bendovi sranje.



system je odličan album. a ja jedino ne gotivim KIMB. Risk i World Needs A Hero nisam slušao na tenane. Znam par pesama sa albuma koje su odlične ali ne mogu još da ih ocenim dok ih ne odslušam ljudski.


Vau... Ja kad kažem MegadetH, mislim na KIMB, a ti ga ne gotiviš... Da oni nisu snimili taj album, verovatno ih ne bi ni slušao.


Load je do jaja, Risk nisam ni slušao. Uostalom ja sam slušao samo KIMB, PCBWB i TSHF (sve sa Polandom)... :bigblue:

Edited by TowerdetH

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Ja cu Dejvu da ukazem malo poverenja. Uglavnom ga je zasluzio.




:pivopije::pivopije::pivopije: jedan od rijetkih matorih metalaca koji ga je fakat zasluzio.. a i ono.....


a i ono, razveo se od zene cim je mene upoznao :mhihi::) :)




ja kupujem album. iz respekta..


a i blamaza me bila kad mi je potpisivao Countdown - jer je mi je to jedini original koji posjedujem.. "kupili mi iz Cikaga moji, znas ti dobro koji" :)


i to `96..... jebote, 10 godina ima :ph34r::muzicar:

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Ne znam je li ovo bilo na temi, mrzi me da listam, ali će da bude PERFEKTNO:









MEGADETH and IMAGE ENTERTAINMENT have confirmed the March 6, 2007 release of “THAT ONE NIGHT: LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES” live DVD. The show was filmed live at Obras Stadium, Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 9, 2005 before a rabid audience of over 25,000 fans. The 90-plus minute film features songs encompassing MEGADETH’s career, ranging from their 1986 album Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying through 2004’s The System Has Failed.








MEGADETH and IMAGE ENTERTAINMENT have confirmed the March 6, 2007 release of “THAT ONE NIGHT: LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES” live DVD. The show was filmed live at Obras Stadium, Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 9, 2005 before a rabid audience of over 25,000 fans. The 90-plus minute film features songs encompassing MEGADETH’s career, ranging from their 1986 album Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying through 2004’s The System Has Failed.

“This was one of the greatest nights of my life,” says MEGADETH founder and frontman DAVE MUSTAINE. “I am glad I was able to document it and share it with you. ‘That One Night’ is a lesson in metal fanaticism by some of the best participating, most frenzied, and intense concert-goers in the world! I have waited ten years to show the rest of the world how much Megadeth and Argentina love each other. If seeing this doesn't convince you how lethal a Megadeth concert in Argentina with some very close personal friends can be, don't worry…you're already dead.”

MEGADETH recently wrapped up a leg of dates in Japan and Australia, as well as their second annual GIGANTOUR festival tour of the U.S., which included Lamb of God, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Overkill, Into Eternity, Sanctity and The Smash-Up. The multi-act, two-stage festival ran September 6 through October 8. A DVD and CD of last year’s inaugural GIGANTOUR was also released by Image Entertainment.

In a review of the New York GIGANTOUR show, Ben Ratliff of the New York Times noted: "Mr. Mustaine was one of speed-metal’s originators, and his double-time riffs are propulsive; bending over his guitar, long blond tresses hanging down, he gives his solos the direct feeling of wrestling with the music as he plays it, with some chaos and aggression" (September 30, 2006).

Since wrapping up GIGANTOUR 2006, MUSTAINE and the band--guitarist GLEN DROVER, drummer SHAWN DROVER and bassist JAMES LOMENZO--have been in the studio working on a new CD, set for release in spring 2007 via Roadrunner Records.


Here’s the track listing for “That One Night:”


“Blackmail The Universe”

“Set The Word Afire”

“Wake Up Dead”

“In My Darkest Hour”

“She Wolf”

“Reckoning Day”

“A Tout Le Monde”

“Hangar 18/Return To Hangar”

“I’ll Be There”

“Tornado of Souls”


“Something That I’m Not”

“Kick The Chair”

“Coming Home”

“Symphony of Destruction”

“Peace Sells”

“Holy Wars”


Special Feature: “Symphony of Destruction” Alternative Mix

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