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Bas zato su te stvair nebitne - bitna je zika :D

I bitno je ipak da nas cene i kroz muziku posto kroz sve ostalo smo nula u svetu. Mravci.


Ovako bar je dosta bendova odavde otislo bas lepo srecno i zadovoljno. Haha :D


Tako da eto...ako budu dolazili opet, radujmo se! BRE!


  ZmYchE said:
Nije protiv Srba.

Ljudi pa vi niste uopste se ni potrudili da iskoristite taj internet sto imate, pobogu!


Covek koji je odusevljen energijom i publikom, da su se ovde skoro najvise odmorili na turneji i dobro najeli...

Ali bukvalno sam Dejv ide na neke forume ili bar ostavlja drugim oficijelnim likovima da postuju njegova pisma...


Evo vam citati, mrzovoljne lenstine (mislila sam da ste pametniji i da cete bar google koristiti):



"All night we crawled through the mountains on roads so bad they would cripple a donkey. Because we were headed so far east on this leg of the tour the only bus company that was willing to take us there gave us the most battered pieces of crap I've been on. The air conditioning doesn't work at all in the band bus, the windows are sealed so there is no air flow, and the toilet reeks so bad that our eyes feel like they've been maced.


Also the farther east we go the worse the roads get and the harder it is to follow or depend on the road signs - as a result the drivers keep getting lost and all estimates on travel times a pathetically far off. So we spent all night reeking and rolling through treacherous mountain roads into Croatia, then north through the de-militarized zone and on up into Serbia.


It turned out to be the most restful part of the trip so far.


It seems that Serbia is on the verge of breaking away from its troubled past. There were still some signs of recent conflict, buildings that were still caved in from missiles or mortar shells. But there is also a sense of a society on the upswing.


One thing is for sure - they were happy to have us there and did everything they could to take care of us. The fans were amazing. The venue was packed wall to wall and there were at least as many kids outside hanging around to listen as there were inside watching. Also there were fans on nearby rooftops. Fans precariously balanced on stone walls peeking over the edge of the venue. Fans in trees grinning through the leaves and banging their heads on the branches.


Sorry Finland, Serbia actually managed to beat you out in the manic enthusiasm department. But before we pass out any trophies, I'm waiting to see what South America has in store for us."


A 08.01.2007. godine kada su bile glavne najave za predstojecu turneju u 2008. godini, Dave je izjavio sledece:

Whilst being burried under the workload of this last session with Andy Sneap [producer/mixer] on the new album, I can't help but enjoy the countryside out here in Derbyshire, England. I am working on finishing by Thursday (fingers crossed), and will return to the States to start unwinding in order to just wind back up again for the U.S. run which is going to be super selective cities, venues, and with the perfect support groups.


"Gigantour NA will go out in January of 2008, as we are going to be spending most of 2007 trying to get into some of the countries that we have not been in for a while. Of course this means scaling things down so we can revisit, or in the case of South Africa (which I yearn to play), visiting for the first time; and places like Serbia, or Romania again, now that we have made our first impression there. I still hope to find my cell phone in Serbia; I certainly can't have the posuers in my cell phone being revealed and crank-called. Well, there are two idiots that I guess I would enjoy getting cranked, but whatev!!!"


I eto neverovatne situacije da je ovde izgubio telefon i da su ga ladno nasi zajebavali - to je jedino nervirajuce, a po mom misljenju uzasavajuce kakve smo picketine odvratne.


Eto toliko.


Mozda sam preterala sa reakcijom, ali jednostavno necu i ne mogu da prihvatim da svi mozete da izjavljujete kako ste fanovi, kako sve znate, kako sve i svasta imate od ploca, originalnih cdova, dvdijeva, majica i svega i da uzaludno trosite dragoceno vremen prosipajuci svoju takozvanu pamet na forumu a VEZE nemate da se zainteresujete sta se stvarno desava sa tim bendom i sta STVARNO oni pricaju i za nas i za druge.


Dave je napisao CITAV DNEVNIK za CELU turneju te godine.




Djevojko, sve to što si stavila ja ne da sam pročitao nego imam kopirano u My Documents.

I za tvoju informaciju, taj dnevnik nije pisao Dave nego neki novinar koji je pratio tu turneju.

Tako da ipak znam šta se dešava sa bendom i šta pričaju o nama.

Ne kažem, hvalili su nas, rekli da smo odlična publika, ALI, u tom tekstu piše "Nato invaded Yugoslavia to end ethnic cleansing; there was no UN". Sad, šta misliš, kad se Amerkancima pomene etničko čišćenje i Jugoslavija, da li će većina njih reći da to to "etničko čišćenje" počinili Srbi ili Makedenci? CNN, BBC, jebi ga.

Ali još u meni ima nade da nije na to mislio :bigblue:

I jesam lijenština, ali ne i mrzovoljna.

  Child in time said:
Kako to zakljuci majke ti?!


:glare: Pa, pogledaj VH1 Behind the Music, samo kad vidiš šta i kako priča, sve ti je jasTno. Lik je bio narkomančina teška, umirao više puta... Pravio pesme protiv boga koje sad odbija da svira...


Fakat su svi u bendi bili zesci narkosi. Prodavala se tu oprema za gudro, a i budzeti za snimanje albuma su isli za iste. Zato prvih 3 albuma i zvuce onako tanucno u produkciji. Hehe, nema se, popusilo i posmrkalo.


Dave je ok, vrlo inteligentan lik za prosecnog amera-metalca.


Same here :D


@Vic Rattlehead

U svakom slucaju nisam mislila na tebe nego na neke pojedince. I svaka cast za MyDoc :) hehe, e to bi mene vec mrzelo da cuvam iz kompjutersih razloga, a i sve je dostupno online :wink:


Opusteno :pivopije: :pivopije:

  Tower... said:
Ma, daaaj... Koga boli kurac šta Dave Mustaine misli o Srbiji?


Zamislite kad bismo svi sad slušali muziku prema tome kakve stavove imaju njihovi osmišljači.


Pa, ja ne bih NI JEDAN bend slušao. LOL


Jedino NE MOGU i NEĆU da slušam nacističke bendove, a za ostalo me boli kurac. Dave Mustaine je bio NARKOMAN, sad je HRIŠĆANIN i priča gomilu gluposti o politici. On je debil, moron, mamlaz (lol), pa je opet jedan od mojih omiljenih frontmena i songvrajtera.


Ajd' da i ti nesto pametno kazes. ;)



Megadeth mi se svidja slusam ih.....imaju dobru mjuzu....svidjaju mi se.......

steta sto je Mustine napustio Metallicu........mozda bi bilo dobro.......ali ovako je isto extra......

  Tower... said:
:glare: Pa, pogledaj VH1 Behind the Music, samo kad vidiš šta i kako priča, sve ti je jasTno. Lik je bio narkomančina teška, umirao više puta... Pravio pesme protiv boga koje sad odbija da svira...

Znaš, mnogi bendovi i izvođači se stide onoga što su radili na početku, jer tada još nisu skroz sazreli. Jasna stvar.


Ja se izvinjavam što sam prvi put na ovom forumu imao pravopisnu grešku, verovatno sam žurio negde, pa sam brzo kucao. Možete pogledati sve moje postove, i uvideti da su krajnje ispravno napisani.

  blondie said:
aj ne seri, pa `engleza` i nepismenih ima kol`ko volis..

Знаш шта је најгоре? Мислим да се по последњем српском правопису упраов тако и пише - 'ни један', а не 'ниједан'.

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