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Posted (edited)

  dethman said:
Ma jebes Exit - previse je skrnav za Maidene i Mega...

Al bi svi isli ipak... Novi album je zakon...





Ps od maidena verovatno nista nikad nece ni biti kod nas biggrin.gif

Edited by diamond73

Nick Menza has been replaced in the lineup for the upcoming Megadeth tour. In his place will be Shawn Drover (Eidolon). We look forward to the upcoming tour with Sean and wish Nick best of luck in his next endeavor.


Zna li neko da li ce Maideni praviti turneju uopste? Posto je bilo nekih prica da im je dosta toga...(nisam bas neki fan)


James McDonough:

I've met many of you during my travels and will undoubtably meet many more, either you will respect my opinion or not. I'm up front and speak my mind which isn't entirely a good thing but oh well. Regarding everything that was spoken in the interview with Jnr. (Ellifson), I need to state somethings point blank. I am Megadeth's bassist bottom line, there will never ever be another Dave in the band. I've sweated blood to get this gig , literally, I've had to adapt to a entirely different style of playing and have put 200% of my heart and soul into this endeavor, if that is even possible to concieve. It will be over my dead body that I give up my post, which won't happen anyway with all the comments I've recieved from "The General". Most of you won't understand what has gone on in the inner workings of this band, but you see where the music comes from......no one was involved except Mustaine on this album and see how genuine it is. There were no negative influences or other (cancers) to taint the muse. Alot of the basslines you think he came up with, were of course Mustaine. I don't feel right explaining the ludicrisy behind what Jr. is suing Dave for , nor is it my place, but I will tell you one thing, some of your comments and posts are not far off the mark at all. Jnr. is coming out with all this because he realized what a big mistake he made with the lawsuit. Think about it, why would he insinuate future dealings with Mustaine in the middle of a huge legal ordeal that is global news? Also this gets his name back in the headlines. I personally have nothing against him, he was always cordial to me in the past but this is the present and things happen for a reason. The new Megadeth is by far the best line up, most dedicated and this will show at every live performance. I know you will be skeptical at this , but I promise you , just wait. I hope I'm not coming off as arrogant. You just have to trust me on this, you'll get more than you bargained for and will not go away dissapointed. Read my thread on what Glen is like and that'll give you a little more insight as well. I wish all of you well and will see you soon,

James MacDonough

  grave said:
Nick Menza has been replaced in the lineup for the upcoming Megadeth tour. In his place will be Shawn Drover (Eidolon). We look forward to the upcoming tour with Sean and wish Nick best of luck in his next endeavor.

Јебо му ја мало матер. Он ће мени Мензу да мења, је л' да? Будалетина!

Није да не волим Шона, али Ник је Ник.

  Fantomni said:
Ne svidja se meni eidolon nishta posebno...

Dobra bi bila varijanta da dovedu dave lombarda za bubnjevima...mislim da bi se uklopio vrhusnki u megadeth!

Ne znam bas...

Posted (edited)

Spot je odlican i tematika se bash uklapa uz pjesmu...

A shto se tiche manekenstva tu si mozhda i u pravu...

I po spotu se vide tezhnje dave-ove ka solo karijeri.

Edited by Fantomni
Posted (edited)

A ponovo je poceo da se fajta sa Larsom i Jamesom oko nekih gluposti. Mozda njemu ipak fali kinta i slava?

Edited by rustik

SPOT JE SAVRSEN, TACNO GOVORI STA TREBA U OVOM TRENUTKU...Sto se manekenstva tice, zar ne mislite da je Dejv mator da i dalje mlati glavom u fazonu 80-ih???


Ma Something I'm Not je zlato suvo. A i Scorpion ima 'ebacki refren. Nego ste provalili novu postavu? Kaze, Jimmy MacDonough (Iced Earth, jelte) i braca Drover (Eidolon/King Diamond). Sad kako ce to da funkcionise ne znam, al ja svu trojicu OBOZAVAM!!!!! icon_wink.gif

Posted (edited)

  dethman said:
SPOT JE SAVRSEN, TACNO GOVORI STA TREBA U OVOM TRENUTKU...Sto se manekenstva tice, zar ne mislite da je Dejv mator da i dalje mlati glavom u fazonu 80-ih???

Зашто? И ја бих волео кад дођем у његове године да млатим главом, ако ми остане нешто косе на њој! У противном би било смешно.

Edited by RNA
Posted (edited)

Ok, RNA, ali nakon 20 godina???

Inace ima neki lik sa megaforuma koji nesto radi za njih i uglavnom kaze da sva cetvorica ubijaju kako dobro zvuce, kaze svirali su Reckoning day, KICK THE CHAIR...i tako. Poslao je i par cool slika sa tih proba. Kaze da je video setlistu od 49 pesama koje spremaju, sto znaci da ce biti bukvalno svega od prvog do poslednjeg albuma...pa sta kome zapadne icon_wink.gif

Edited by dethman

Ma verujem da je novi album iskren.... javicu vise kad ga detaljnije preslusam.Sta reci kad ljudi koji su mrzeli megadeth su se odusevili kako zvuci noci album.


i omot je odlican... Ma megadeth iz back!!!!!!!!!

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