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ovde ne objasnjava zasto megasmrt pretsaje da izdaje albume....

da ti ukratko prepricam sta o tome kaze DM u onim silnim intervijuima....


Daveu je puko kurac.... i mora na operaciju icon_smile.gif

salim se, bez ovog drugog, i to je to... doslo mu... da kaze fajront! icon_da.gif

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ma ok, a koje objasnjenje je daO....

ukoliko se megasmrt sastavio, tj. mustaine se sastavio sa rukom i mozgom, imalo bi smisla izdati josh nesto s obzirom da je diskografija benda relativno siromasna, i da megasmrtu nedostaje josh kompletno dobrih albuma - nista ne garantuje da bi ko zna kakav album trebalo ocekivati da je bend produzio, al' ipak je diskografija siromasna....


Edited by Blacksunray Verb Delikvent

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ko voli nek izvoli... neka se cita! icon_smile.gif


Mitch - Right. Now why did it disband and why did you come back so soon after?

Dave - It wasn’t soon after. O.k. I had fallen asleep on my arm; I had radial ulnar nerve damage to my left arm. My left hand stopped communicating to my brain and likewise my brain stopped communicating to the hand. The muscle in my left arm atrophied and I couldn’t play anymore. I disbanded the group because, on top of my injury, I found out that the other members and management had gone to the label. They said they were doing pre-production for the record and took a third of a million dollars and I was pissed. Granted they divvied up the money and they put my share aside but that’s still sitting there. I wasn’t happy that that happened and that money is still sitting over at the accountants. When I came out of retirement it wasn’t to do a record; it was to do one song for a movie. It was for Tomb Raider 2 and I wrote the song Die Dead Enough. It was going to be a solo artist, the beginning of my new career. I wasn’t going to go back to Megadeth and they said they liked the song when I demoed it. They offered an amount then they said here’s the amount we’ll give you to record it and it was just impossible to record a demo or to record a movie quality song for the two figures that they had thrown out there. So, we passed and I had thought that the fire inside of me to play would go out. I thought I would kinda creep off into anonymity –well not anonymity but into obscurity and keep my legendary status and just kinda go in to being you know ‘where’s Elvis?’ kinda thing. It didn’t happen. The fire in me never went out, so I said you know what? I wanna make another record and I told the record company and I told the management and I told the publishers, but something weird happened over at the publisher’s. I had put 150 files in my pro-tools machine of songs I had kept over the years and I started working, started writing the record, went out to New York, talked to the record company, and they said make the record for yourself, don’t make it for us, don’t make it for press, radio, TV… make it for yourself. Basically, he prefixed that by saying at one point you carried the flag for heavy metal, you were the best riff writer and one of the most poignant political writers and you abandoned that flag. It’s time to reclaim that flag and that’s what the song My Kingdom is about. So, I thought about it and they said you know we don’t care if it’s a Megadeth record or a Mustaine record we just want a record from you. I’m like, ok it’s really esteeming that it’s not about the franchise it’s about the songwriter. So, we next went over to the publishers and that’s EMI Publishing in America and I told my management I said I owe them another Megadeth record, see if they accept my solo record as the Megadeth record. If not, ask them if I’m a free agent. They said, “no, we can’t accept a Dave Mustaine record as a Megadeth record contractually and until Dave gives us that Megadeth record we own him, forever, and ever and ever and ever.” And I went…Well guess what? This new record I just wrote is a Megadeth record cuz I had 22 songs set aside. I was going to go into the studio and do two records at once like Ozzy did when he did Blizzard (Of Ozz) and Diary (Of A Madman) and I’m going to release one, tour it, take a break, release the other one, tour it and then see what happens. I figured it would be easy on my family, easy on me and the pace I had was really comfortable. So, when I found out it had to be a Megadeth record I figured ok, well I need to contact what I believed was the best Megadeth line up, the Rust in Peace line up… contacted Menza, he was in… said it was fine. Contacted Marty Friedman, he said “I want to know what the budget is, I wanna know what the fund is, I wanna know what the marketing is, I wanna know what the tour plans are, I need to hear the music…” I said, ‘Whoa, dude! It’s not a reunion. It’s a record. You’re just gonna play solos on it. I’m gonna give you some cash and that’s it. It’s just a record. There’s no tour.’ And then when I talked to Ellefson, he wanted to know how much money was in it for him and I just said, ‘I don’t know what to tell you. It’s the terms of the contract.’ Went back to Marty and I said, “you know what? I’m gonna let sleeping dogs lie,” and I went back to Nick who had agreed. I said, “Nick, I can’t accommodate those two guys, I’m sorry, it’s off” and he was pissed… and rightly so. So, I finished what I was doing in the studio. I tracked with Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Sloas and I had Chris come in. Chris, like I said, was hired as a session guy. The reason he came back obviously was the money because he’s made it clear he wants to continue to follow his fusion desires or what not and… I mean the whole thing about his attorney and manager coming after me right now it’s just, it’s just ruined it. I probably shouldn’t have even called him.


Mitch - Probably not. Now Dave is doing the same thing. Let’s talk about Nick. That’s the more positive one. Nick wasn’t on the album but now he’s back. How did you manage that one?

Dave – Well, Vinnie is a session guy and is under a lot of demand and he’s very expensive and I don’t believe that even if I wanted to that we could accommodate him on tour because this is a guy that plays with Sting and Shania and so on and so forth… people who can throw down ten thousand bucks a night and I can’t. Even if I wanted to I can’t. I mean in the studio it’s totally different from live and I talked to Nick I said ‘do you think you can play Vinny’s parts?’ He said, “dude I’ll light that on fire” in ‘Nick speak!’ So I figured o.k. and I’m thinking Nick was a showman. He was the best Megadeth drummer there was. Vinny is a session guy so he wasn’t really a Megadeth drummer. Having said that, Jimmy was a good player, just hard to be around, just really negative and Nick had his problems. He was fired because he was doing stuff that was keeping him from doing his job and he said that he had cancer when he should have said, ‘I might have cancer’. All of us thought he had cancer and when we found out he didn’t we just said, that’s it… It’s a grey area. So I’ve talked to him since then so I don’t know if he’s covering his tracks or if he really did make a mistake. Bottom line is I love Nick, I’ve always been very concerned about his well being and over the last five, six years I’ve called him all the time just to see how he’s doing, so I was worried about him and Nick told me Ellefson only called him twice. You know, you spend ten years playing concerts almost every night with somebody and you call him two times over five years? And I don’t know if Marty ever called him at all so, it’s sad really. So that’s how Marty came in…



Part II



On Sept 7th, BW&BK’s Mitch Lafon sat down with Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine to talk about his new album and more. Yesterday, we brought you part one of three in this exclusive interview. Today, we present Part II…


Mitch - You had mentioned that the original plan was to have this as a solo album. Are you happy that it fits into the Megadeth catalogue? That it’s a Megadeth album.

Dave - Yeah. I think that it’s pretty obvious that when you listen to it; it sounds like a Megadeth record. But knowing that this was a solo record, it gives you an indication of where I’m going and for anybody who is concerned about what is Dave gonna do… my advice is don’t be concerned. This is what it is. The lyrics might be a little different because they’re not going to be so Megadeth-esque, it’s going to be a little different. Not much. And the fact that it went from being a solo record to a Megadeth record is because I was brought up really old fashioned. You said you were going to do something and you do it. That’s why I sold off all my guitars. People were owed money when Megadeth disbanded and I was not about to see people who had been my friends over the years be left holding the ball. It would be the wrong thing to do - for them to be left with a big debt like that and I was capable of paying them. So, each line-up had a debt. I sent back everybody’s stuff, everything that belonged to that particular band line-up, I liquidated, paid the bills, anything that was left over I split four ways. Pretty fair right? I went like that through all the gear and then when there was nothing left except what I needed to tour with, all I had left was my collection of guitars. People were still owed money so I sold my guitars and paid them off. Now, should I have done that? Yeah. Should I have been the only one that did it? No.


Mitch - But you gotta lead by example sometimes…

Dave - Well sometimes you can’t lead people.


Mitch - You also mentioned that this was sort of a contractual obligation. Does this mean that the next album is going to be a Mustaine album?

Dave - This is the last Megadeth record, last Megadeth tour.


Mitch - Would you go as far as calling it a farewell tour?

Dave - It is. It’s the end of the road. Bye, sayonara, the last rotation, the last orbit, funeral waltz. Whatever you wanna call it.


Mitch - You’re not gonna do like Kiss and come back fifteen times…

Dave - You know what? I can honestly say that if people want this farewell tour to continue to circulate - so be it, but there’s not going to be another Megadeth record. I mean I don’t know what Kiss is doing; I’m not really into Kiss anymore. I mean I was a little bit when I was a kid but it’s not really my cup of tea anymore so I don’t know what they’re doing.


Mitch - They just keep touring and touring and they keep calling it the farewell tour but it started in ’98 so…

Dave - Well that’s a pretty damn good farewell tour (laughing), I don’t see myself doing that though because I imagine at some point you’re going to exhaust all your market.


Mitch - Now are you afraid to go out alone as Mustaine and give up the franchise? Not sad at all to let it go, I mean you’ve been with it for so many years…

Dave - No. I don’t see where fear plays a role in this because if you’ve known me and my history, I’m not really intimidated by much. I’ve been through a lot of stuff that not a lot of people would be able to make it through. I don’t know if it’s ignorance, if it’s stubbornness, if it’s being blind to reality or just having drive like nobody else. I like to think that it’s perseverance coupled with drive. People think I’m really arrogant and they don’t know me. They don’t know my inner fears of wanting to just make it right and my fear of failure and the perfectionist in me that makes me doubt myself. Arrogance can be mistook very easily from somebody who is confident. I’m very confident in what I do, but I also know that there are guitar players out there that are better than me—not many but I know there’s a lot. Same thing with I know there are a lot of bands out there that are more successful than me. Have they created a guitar style? No. Are they legendary? Probably not. I mean I could stop today and be satisfied with my accomplishments. Do I want to? No, I don’t. I like playing. If it gets to the point where it interferes with my family again like it did before, then it’s over. And that’s why I’m going to be doing very small legs. It could take six years to tour the world the way I’m going to be doing it (laughing). The first leg is going to be four weeks, it’s only seventeen dates in four weeks, which is, you know, you’re doing 17 shows in 28 days. So, It’s a little bit of a spread there and I’m not playing again until next year so, it may take a while. I want to come back to Montreal because the city matters to me. That’s why I did that kind of quasi-benefit thing we did during the ice storm. That’s the thing that kind of pains me when some Canadians think poorly about Americans. We’re not all assholes. Most of us are.


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isti kurac....nece se zvati megasmrt, a ne verujem da ce stilski biti ne znam koliko razlicito....videcemo....

vidish, sve znas!

sta ja da ti kazem... sem, bice ok! icon_da.gif

tada mu niko nece smeti prikenjati za zvuk albuma i pesme, i ostalo... sem ako ne budu krsh, naravno! icon_da.gif

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toliko sam umorna od prezderavanja i ovih domacih obicaja da nemam snage da citam sve to.. moze li neko biti ljubazan pa mi u dvije recenice reci najbitnije da ne ispadne da propustam desavanja..


`pava mi se.. sad.gif

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e' date='8. 1. 2005, 13:37'] Jel to neki crni Fruit Of The Loom dooks preko kojeg ces da nosis Santorini majicu mhihi.gif


kurs zlobe laugh.gif

taj rad... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


kada izlazi knjiga, i mogu li dobiti besplatan primerak, sa sve malo tvoje krvi, posvetom i autogramom!? icon_rolleyes.gificon_smile.gif


Blondie: ma prekurcilo mu a i ono sto je rekao rizzen isto!


A i bolje je tako, nego da on svira sam sa par anonimnih likova (dobro nisu bsh anonimni) icon_da.gif



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toliko sam umorna od prezderavanja i ovih domacih obicaja da nemam snage da citam sve to.. moze li neko biti ljubazan pa mi u dvije recenice reci najbitnije da ne ispadne da propustam desavanja..


`pava mi se.. sad.gif

porasce ti guza ti si ipak zena u priblizno Zrelim godinama....

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taj rad... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


kada izlazi knjiga, i mogu li dobiti besplatan primerak, sa sve malo tvoje krvi, posvetom i autogramom!? rolleyes.gificon_smile.gif


Blondie: ma prekurcilo mu a i ono sto je rekao rizzen isto!


A i bolje je tako, nego da on svira sam sa par anonimnih likova (dobro nisu bsh anonimni) icon_da.gif

ma jaki su to sviraci, elefson je kreativno bio nebitan, tako da to nema sustinske veze....

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ma jaki su to sviraci, elefson je kreativno bio nebitan, tako da to nema sustinske veze....

elefson je bio veoma bitan... ima on dosta zanimljivih bas deonica... icon_da.gif


Sta ce ti knjiga?!? Nisam znao da si u tom fazonu  ?!?


knjige prijatelja su specijaliteti! mhihi.gifmhihi.gifmhihi.gif

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elefson je bio veoma bitan... ima on dosta zanimljivih bas deonica... icon_da.gif




knjige prijatelja su specijaliteti! mhihi.gifmhihi.gifmhihi.gif

pa nije istina da su nesto zanimljive, aj' malo objektivnosti....

komponovao je minornO, pa nije on steve harris pa da je bitan za bend....

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porasce ti guza ti si ipak zena u priblizno Zrelim godinama....

sta ces. mora i to neko da bude. danas zena, sutra majka, prekusutra baba.


a dupe se samo siri.


ali pravo da ti kazem imam i drugih briga.



za marka:

ma lutam svuda pomalo.. prosla sam tek oko tri drzave, uglavnom, cifru od pedeset je tesko postici. icon_smile.gif

nema svirki trenutno, ali ono - ovih dana idem malo po gradu da nadjem neki dobar klub.

i jos nisam bila na grobu Jimi Hendixa, a nalazi se na 10 minuta od kuce, eto koliko sam zauzeta. ipak, zelja mi je da vidim grob brus lija. biggrin.gif


isla sam do microsofta danas, smorila sam se k`o zmaj. da mi nije bilo megadetha, bacila bih se pod prvo auto. icon_da.gif



mustain, nadji mi tu daveovu sliku MOLIM TE.. ajde ziv bio. sad.gif

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