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Bas sam juce gledao sve njihove home videe...Secas se kako Marty izgleda na Rusted Pieces....E TO JE ZBUN!!!! A Nick izgleda kao sa drveta da je sishao...cccc

Bas me je uhvatila nostalgija za tom starom postavom...jos kad sam gledao Evolver...tuzno sto Junior, Marty i Nick nisu vise tu sad.gif


Sto se nicka tice...imam jedan video gde jos gore izgleda...sviraju TOC sa onim uvodnim Juniorovim solazama...i tada kad Nick krene deluje kao da ce da padne sa bubnjeva...


Jesi li primetila kako je Dave nadrkan na Lucretii?? Obrati paznju kad nesto prokomentarise Juniorovu majicu kako se ovaj samo na tren nasmeje i odmah napravi neku skenj-facu. I pred sam kraj kad im kazu jos pet minuta kako Nick gleda Dejva...kao dete kad nesto zabrlja pa ne sme da pogleda roditelje! Super je...hvala ti jos jednom Tanja

ma nema na cemu..



nije mi izgledao nadrkan nego vise ono u tripu da odsvira sve do kraja icon_smile.gif




a u pravu si za nicka.. kao klinja kad nesto zgrijesi. biggrin.gif



btw, koja razlika izmedju martyija na behind the music i lucretia icon_smile.gifbiggrin.gif ...


svidja mi se mary jane, i ona lujka sto vuce davea.. ne mislim da je ono profi snimak.. ono nesto amatersko.. bezveze.. a dave ne moze ni da stoji koliko je droZiran..






Heh, Marty promenio se jako....najzanimljiviji mi je bio negde u Youthanasia periodu...tada je tako zeleo to da radi, bio pun entuzijazma...a sad svira sa svojom Aikawom, jebala ga ona icon_wink.gif


Ono sa vucenjem je stvarno jako zanimljivo...ah ta narkomanija


u cemu je razlika izmedju Blica i New York Posta? icon_smile.gif



New York Post 8/21/05




MEGADETH founder, vocalist and guitarist Dave Mustaine is largely credited with ushering in the early-1980s speed-metal movement, adding an element of musical artistry to a genre that lacked it.


Despite this, Megadeth has never enjoyed the same level of widespread success as Mustaine's former band, Metallica.


But with his newly minted Gigantour festival hitting Jones Beach on Tuesday and PNC Bank Arts Center on Wednesday, Mustaine is making a bid for mainstream respect.


The festival was born out of his 2002 bout with radial neuropathy, which led to severe nerve damage in his left arm. Mustaine saw the Gigantour as something to work on if he couldn't play guitar anymore.


"I thought it would be cool to host a festival and be an emcee, kind of an elder statesmen for this metal scene," Mustaine says.


But when rehabilitation kicked in and his arm healed, Mustaine put Gigantour on the back burner to record a new album and mount a sold-out tour to support it. So it wasn't until earlier this year that he revisited the Gigantour idea.


To distinguish it from the rest of the summer music fests, Mustaine picked nine bands - including Dream Theater, Fear Factory and the Dillinger Escape Plan - known more for musicianship than star power, something that's important to both Mustaine and his legion of discerning metal fans.


"A lot of the metal that's out right now is disappointing for me," he says. "Some of the songs are really good, and right when you think there should be a guitar solo, there's none because there's no guitar player in the band - they're just strumming open chords or de-tuning the guitar.


"Take away the people in my generation, are there any guitar heroes? I think not," Mustaine adds.


While Mustaine is a fretboard hero to many a fan, that doesn't mean he's adopted a lofty position.


"I was brought up poor," says Mustaine. "My mom and dad got divorced when I was 4, so it was food stamps and hand-me-down clothes when I was in California.


"When I started Megadeth, I was actually homeless for a while. I can look out at our friends in the audience that truggle to get money to buy tickets and I can say, 'I've been there. I've been successful, but my heart is right alongside you.' "


This everyman sensibility, combined with songs about hardship, heartbreak and political confusion, is what makes Megadeth so popular with its hard-core fan base. It also helps that Mustaine has resisted the overblown posturing that defines the current metal scene.


"When I get up on stage, I don't roll my eyes up in my sockets and throw devil signs at people," says Mustaine. "I don't talk a lot because people pay to hear me play.


"I've seen enough people, where they're like, 'Oh, by the way, I'm going to break into a spoken-word segment.'


"Shut up!"








u cemu? mhihi.gif





joj kolko mi treba da procitam sve ovo... jedem pa nemogu dve stvari od jednom... icon_da.gif





e ono shto neshto rece za odrastanje: jel on neshto posle ziveo kod ujaka ili tetke ili tako neshto??? icon_confused.gif


Pa, u neku ruku jeste. Najdiskutabilnije je shtace Dejv da odluchi. Dal ce da cepa josh sa imenom Megadeth ili "solo" karijera. U svakom sluchaju, lichno, ne verujem da ce sa ovom postavom da snima album. Takav je moj utisak. Drover braca ionako vec odlazu novi Eidolon dugo zbog 'Deth turneje.


james se malo fura, ali malo samo..




radio solo ili ne, radice u svakom slucaju.. takodje, ne mislim da ce mu biti problem toliki naci neke ok muzicare.. bitno da se svira.


neverujem da ce raditi solo projekte.... przice u megadjedu dok ne zavrshi karijeru... tako bar ja mislim...



pitah sledece pitanje na proshloj stranici ali niko nije odgovorio... icon_rolleyes.gif dakle jel mustejn ziveo sa ujkom\stricem i ujnom\strinom kad je bio klinac???


O boze...kakve su ovo price...

A da li je istina da mu je snaja od zaovine bratanice trece koleno od komsijinog ujaka stricevog sinovca maceha niko drugi do Alanis Morissette???

Posted (edited)

In closing, these have been the best tours of my career, whether in the US the first time or this time, the UK and Europe the first time or the second, Australia or Japan, or the upcoming S.A. shows. I have had the times of my life.



Da li ovo znači da će nastaviti pod imenom Megadeth?

Edited by Vic Rattlehead

Zna li neko gde mogu da se nadju slike ili jos bolje neki video sa koncerta u BG?? Do sada sam video samo slike naseg Mustainea i onog lika koji ima veliku kolekciju pa je ovde objavio nekoliko....kako do ostalih? Mada divx koncerta bi bio najbolji icon_wink.gif

Posted (edited)

Zna li neko gde mogu da se nadju slike ili jos bolje neki video sa koncerta u BG??    Do sada sam video samo slike naseg Mustainea i onog lika koji ima veliku kolekciju pa je ovde objavio nekoliko....kako do ostalih?      Mada divx koncerta bi bio najbolji icon_wink.gif

Otprilike sve što valjaju su bile postovane ovde. Ja imam par video snimaka sa mobilnog, ali su tako lošeg kvaliteta da je teško i prepoznati pjsemu. icon_biggrin.gif


P.s. ovo nađoh na Megadeth forumu, parodija na Holy Wars:




Gangsta Wars...The Drug Money Due


Gangsta will kill gangsta

Spilling drugs across the land

Killing for crack money

Something I don't understand


Fools like me, who cross the streets

And come to gangsta streets

Ask the dealer, for a 5 buck deal

Will you smoke on freinds command?


Gangstas are divided

Surely will not stand

Police Officers erased, no more authortyies

No foolish authorities stand


Drug war end is near, it's crystal clear

Part of the gangsta plan

It might be your streetlands


Gangsta Wars


Down in the ghetto ,as the

Know it all Gangsta

Down in my street of addicts

Door bangs, running from the law

Up in my dopebox, a gangsta

Out to corrupt the world

Down with my homies as a

Wannabe smack addict


Stage the war on Gangsta habit crimes

Sneak the attack, repel with the rocks

Snort up a line

Some people risk to get a deal from me

Some people live to destroy me

Either way they get high.


Drugs killed my life with my baby,

With hopes to destroy me

First mistake... last mistake!

Paid by the mafia, to pray on the giants

Next mistake... no more mistakes!


Fill the joint in,

With cannibas granite

Because I don't smoke it,

Don't mean I ain't rolling it.

Next thing you know,

They'll take my drugs away

I know what I smoked,

Now I must dream of the overdose

And the lack of gangsta killings

Edited by Vic Rattlehead

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