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ne znam tacno sta mislis. koju vrstu posla i sl kad tamo ima bar 20 njih direktno zaduzenih za veze, medije, turneju i sl...

Мислио сам да нико не би боље бранио Дејва приликом евентуалних вербалних напада. Чисто сумњам да тамо има фанатика као што си ти, ови само раде свој посао.

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Da...oni to rade za kintu...ona bi iz ljubavi








RNA: ma kapiram sta oces da kazes.. ali ovdje koliko vidim sve ide po loju, njima trebaju profi ljudi iz tog biznisa, s iskustvom, koji imaju trista veza, i nema tu nekih problema. ali jednog dana, sto da ne. kad pokrenem svoju izdavacku kucu, magazin, cijelu menadzeriju koja ce da pokriva cijeli muzicki biznis. icon_biggrin.gif

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ono jeste, ali nije nemoguce.. kako kazu, pola ti je biznisa odradjeno kad imas ideju haha. biggrin.gif


da, treba mi i stamparija, da skratim troskove stampanja, posmatrala sam malo Deretu kako radi. icon_da.gif



Sanraja odmah uposlim kao dezurnog pljuvaca, kolumna s njegovom slikom (ovom s avatara), ali ono - jedna puna strana, mnogo elokventnog humora, i bez pardona. icon_wink.gif

jedino sto bih cenzurisala u njegovim pricama jeste Megadeth - na ostalo nek sere koliko oce icon_smile.gif

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da uradim izlaganje, pa da mi maznu ideju laugh.gif



zezam se. nema to veze s daveom. to je do mene sve . on je samo usputni elemenat. mada, on covjek s diplomom koledza za biznis i menadzerstvo, mogao bi da bude `partner` u kompaniji. biggrin.gif

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DAVE MUSTAINE: 'I Don't Want To Have Any Part Of METALLICA Feud Anymore'


Jeb Wright of Classic Rock Revisited recently conducted a short interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:


Classic Rock Revisited: As you watch the finished ["The Arsenal of Megadeth" DVD], what do you feel? You have had some good and some bad in your life, as we all know.


Dave: "We all have good and bad things in our life. Because I am a public figure, people tend to take sides. What do I have now in my life that causes me problems? I have the ongoing feud with METALLICA that I don't want to have any part of anymore. I have come to terms with all of that and I would like to consider them friends. I also have a feud with Kerry King of SLAYER. I have no idea what that is even about as I have nothing against Kerry. In my entire life, I have two problems. How many people do you know that only have two problems in their life? The sad thing about it is that it is publicized."


Classic Rock Revisited: You do tend to get made into the bad guy...


Dave: "It is quite comical. We were all friends, and deep down inside, we are probably all still friends. The problems we have are very controversial and there is always some journalist that wants to stir shit up. I won't be part of it anymore. I respect them and I would like to keep it that way."


Classic Rock Revisited: In the media you are often portrayed as an angry person but in interviews you usually come across as a cool dude. Your music is full of angst. I want to know if you used your anger to propel your success?


Dave: "Certainly I did. Anger is a terrible motivator for most areas in a human beings life. When it comes to picking up a guitar and channeling your anger through it, angst is much more healthy. You have to remember that there was a time in this society when people like Lenny Bruce went to prison for saying fuck on stage. Now you are not considered any good unless you say fuck!"


Classic Rock Revisited: Is your [arm] injury completely healed and if so how far back to 100% are you playing-wise?


Dave: "It is 100% fine. Actually, because I had to re-learn how to play I have overcame a lot of crutches that I used to use. I am actually playing better than I was before. Some of the songs I relearned and kind of cheated but now I have gone back and cleaned them up a lot. I am playing with a group of people that I love playing with."


Hahaha...predao se...icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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Ma gde interesantne gluposti... jbg ako ne zele da se gledaju niko ih ne tera... nego rastezu istu zvaku 20+ godina... svako normalan bi se smorio.


Ali su obe strane previse egoisticne. Obe moraju da dobiju poslednju rec.


Slusanje traceva je za seljake koji slusaju narodnjake... radije bih slusala muziku oba benda i nove materijale Megadetha nego svadjice i niske udarce, dodatno preuvelicane u novinama poput Bravo i Metal Hammer.


Besmisao icon_mrtav.gif






(edit: slovne greske)

Edited by Valkyrie

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Ma gde interesantne gluposti... jbg ako ne zele da se gledaju niko ih ne tera... nego rastezu istu zvaku 20+ godina... svako normalan bi se smorio.


Ali su obe strane previse egoisticne. Obe moraju da dobiju poslednju rec.


Slusanje traceva je za seljake koji slusaju narodnjake... radije bih slusala muziku oba benda i nove materijale Megadetha nego svadjice i niske udarce, dodatno preuvelicane u novinama poput Bravo i Metal Hammer.


Besmisao icon_mrtav.gif






(edit: slovne greske)

icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif Pa pazi ja mislim da nema nikog ali skoro nikog na ovom forumu koji nije upoznat sa pljuvanjem i koji to nije barem cuo(traceve slusa svako za svoju "estradu"(prim.Doro i Mustaine)).A to sto bi mi voleli da se ne svadjaju i ne pljuju to je druga stvar. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

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Ma gde interesantne gluposti... jbg ako ne zele da se gledaju niko ih ne tera... nego rastezu istu zvaku 20+ godina... svako normalan bi se smorio.


Ali su obe strane previse egoisticne. Obe moraju da dobiju poslednju rec.


Slusanje traceva je za seljake koji slusaju narodnjake... radije bih slusala muziku oba benda i nove materijale Megadetha nego svadjice i niske udarce, dodatno preuvelicane u novinama poput Bravo i Metal Hammer.


Besmisao icon_mrtav.gif






(edit: slovne greske)

Zar se oni nisu zvanicno pomirili?


Jebesh ih, volim i jedne i druge (ako se iskljuce metallca od bleka pa nadalje)


Megadeth je bar ostao veran Thrashu, dok je Metallica brljavila...


zato vishe volim Megadeth (mada oni imaju dosta orginalnih i zanimljivih stvari)


Metallica bi bila savrshena da se raspala posle Justice... musik20.gifbiggrin.gif

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