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Ma ajde...izbacili ga pre 200 godina i on jos uvek kuka...sta mu fali...ima odlican band...ovako bi svirao za americke mase sa Metallicom...

Pa nmije samo za americke.Oba benda su dosla i kod nas icon_rockdevil.gif

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Otvorite lepo temu Metallica vs. Megadeth, ili bolje cak: James vs. Dave. Ovo je cisto gubljenje vremena i zatrpavanje jedne preterane teme boskorisnim djubretom, da ne kazem spamom!!! evotigana.gif


Dakle, moja zelja je da ja sad dodjem na ovu temu i da citam kako se ljudi dive ovom jako ql bendu koji jebe keve vec 20 godina, i koji ce ih jebati jos mnogo. To je to. Megadeth je moj dobar drug...



Mega Deda has spoken... icon_mrtav.gif

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Otvorite lepo temu Metallica vs. Megadeth, ili bolje cak: James vs. Dave. Ovo je cisto gubljenje vremena i zatrpavanje jedne preterane teme boskorisnim djubretom, da ne kazem spamom!!! evotigana.gif


Dakle, moja zelja je da ja sad dodjem na ovu temu i da citam kako se ljudi dive ovom jako ql bendu koji jebe keve vec 20 godina, i koji ce ih jebati jos mnogo. To je to. Megadeth je moj dobar drug...



Mega Deda has spoken... icon_mrtav.gif

Mislim da su teme "ovaj vs. onaj" zabranjene negde u pravilniku foruma. A u toj priči (Metallica vs. Megadeth) ionako nema više šta da se kaže, niti da se vidi.


Ovo nije spam. Ipak nije moguće 100 stranica raspravljati koji je najbolji album, i još 100 stranica divljenja bendu icon_rolleyes.gif

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Mislim da su teme "ovaj vs. onaj" zabranjene negde u pravilniku foruma. A u toj priči (Metallica vs. Megadeth) ionako nema više šta da se kaže, niti da se vidi.


Ovo nije spam. Ipak nije moguće 100 stranica raspravljati koji je najbolji album, i još 100 stranica divljenja bendu rolleyes.gif

Amin. Inace svaka tema posle druge stranice prelazi u spam, tako da ovo uopste nije problem, jer je tema i dalje vezana za Megadedu, tako da teoretsi nije spam. Right icon_confused.gif ?


Btw, ja mislim da je to sve manje-vise samo prica za tabloid, da su se oni odavno pomirili i sad se hvataju na tu pricu da bi punili tabloide...


Well, how it goes "No More Mr. Nice Guy!" kako reche Dave...


NEgo, jel neko nabavio ove remasterizovane albume?


Izbacili su 8 remasterizacija od prvog do "World needs a hero" cini mi se...


Za mene je Megadeth za sva vremena... icon_rockdevil.gif

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Lepo receno... pivopije.gif


A sada, jel poseduje neko onaj novi dvd sto je izasao sa neobjavljenim intervjuima, spotovima i koncertima sto je najavljen za pocetak marta? Cuo sam da ce biti krsha preteranog materijala, ukljucujuci i primanje martija u bend pred snimanje Rust in Peace... Jel izaslo to uopste? musik19.gif

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Lepo receno... pivopije.gif


A sada, jel poseduje neko onaj novi dvd sto je izasao sa neobjavljenim intervjuima, spotovima i koncertima sto je najavljen za pocetak marta? Cuo sam da ce biti krsha preteranog materijala, ukljucujuci i primanje martija u bend pred snimanje Rust in Peace... Jel izaslo to uopste? musik19.gif

Pogledaj prethodnu stranu.

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evo sta sve ima na dvd-ovima



na prvom dvd-u

Original Music Videos


Peace Sells

Wake Up Dead

In My Darkest Hour

Anarchy In The Uk

No More Mr.Nice Guy

Holy Wars...The Punishement Due

Hangar 18

Go To Hell

Symphony Of Destruction

Skin O' My Teeth

High Speed Dirt

Forclosure Of a Dream

Sweating Bullets

Tran Of Consequencies

A Tout Le Monde

Reckoning Day


Almost Honest

A Secret Place



drugi dvd


Rattlehead - live from the CLASH OF THE TITANS ,1990

Reckoning Day & Symphony Of Destruction - On Mtv 1994,1995

Sweating Bullets & Peace Sells - from GIGANTOUR 2005

plus rare acoustic perfomance Argentina


Archival interviews from 1986 to 1998

TV appearences , promos & candid footage bacstage and on the road , including unseen material from Dave Mustaine personal collecton

Hidden Treasures featuring Megadeth in rehearsal and on the video set


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evo sta sve ima na dvd-ovima



na prvom dvd-u

Original Music Videos


Peace Sells

Wake Up Dead

In My Darkest Hour

Anarchy In The Uk

No More Mr.Nice Guy

Holy Wars...The Punishement Due

Hangar 18

Go To Hell

Symphony Of Destruction

Skin O' My Teeth

High Speed Dirt

Forclosure Of a Dream

Sweating Bullets

Tran Of Consequencies

A Tout Le Monde

Reckoning Day


Almost Honest

A Secret Place



drugi dvd


Rattlehead - live from the CLASH OF THE TITANS ,1990

Reckoning Day & Symphony Of Destruction - On Mtv 1994,1995

Sweating Bullets & Peace Sells - from GIGANTOUR 2005

plus rare acoustic perfomance Argentina


Archival interviews from 1986 to 1998

TV appearences , promos & candid footage bacstage and on the road , including unseen material from Dave Mustaine personal collecton

Hidden Treasures featuring Megadeth in rehearsal and on the video set

U jebote dok sam citao sadrzaj htela je srcka da me rokne!!! To se podhitno mora nabaviti icon_rockdevil.gificon_rockdevil.gif

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Chad Bowar of About.com recently conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine. An excerpt from the chat follows:


Q: Will there be a Gigantour 2 this summer?


Mustaine: "Yes. We've already started confirming some of our acts and working out what the routing is for the festival, like the dates and times and how many groups we're going to have. We actually started discussing this two days after Gigantour 1 ended. The announcements will come within the next month or so. The festival will probably be the end of August through the beginning of October."


Q: After the first festival did you decide to make any major changes for this year?


Mustane: "I don't know how to say this without sounding pompous, but there really wasn't that much to learn going from a place of being the facilitator for a festival and being an organizer. There's so much stuff to do, but it's stuff I knew how to do because I used to do all that stuff back in my other band. In the beginning I would handle a lot of that stuff. It was like going back to school a little bit, but I knew how to do it. I think the talent is going to be something that's going to step up a notch, because it's proven now. We can reach out to some more bands that are higher up in their accomplishments. Some of the bands we took out were young and unknown. It was great to have them out and they helped Gigantour get some credibility. I think this time we can go out and present it to some other people."


Q: The band has been doing some songwriting. Do you have a timetable for the next MEGADETH studio album?


Mustaine: "We start tracking on April 19th in England. Jeff Balding is going to work with me in producing. We're going to take a different approach to this record. I'm not going to say any more than that. I know what we're capable of doing. 'The System Has Failed' was a great comeback record, and I think this is going to continue claiming new fans and reintroducing ourselves to some old fans who may have gone to listening to other music."


Read the entire interview at this location

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znaci, danas pocelo snimanje.. biggrin.gif fino..




smijesi mi se dave i ove godine biggrin.gifbiggrin.giflaugh.gif


valjda su pregovarali s axle roseom da bude gost ovog sad gigantoura..

bilo bi lijepo da pozovu opet symphony x.. in flames bi bio dobar isto.. nevermore opet da pozovu.. ostalo manje vise.

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bilo bi lijepo, sto jes` jes`!



ovdje je karta, koliko se sjecam bila - 35 dolara.. sto je stvarno nista za Megadeth, symphony x, nevermore, dream theatre, fear factory.. i jos par manje poznatih.. bobaflex kill dry logic ili kako god da se zovu - (ja jela virsle dok su oni svirali icon_smile.gif )

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Megadeda me jos nikad nije razocarao!


Jedini album koji me je malo skenjao je "Needs a Hero"


ali kasnije sto sam ga vise slusao bivao mi je sve bolji!


Opet tu su odlicne pesme kao sto su:


Burning Bridges, Return To Hagar, Dread & Fugitive, ...Need a Hero...


Sve u svemu, odlican mi je svaki album, zasto ne bi i ovaj bio bolji?


Nego, sta bi sa onim: "Oprastamo se od vas..."

Nestalo im para?

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