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Posted (edited)

dave ima vise plavu nego narandzastu kosu. dave ima pjegice po rukama.

dave je nosio na koncertu smijesne patike koje lice na kopacke.

dave svira svaku pjesmu kao da mu je posljednja.

dave ima smijesne zube.


ja samo zelim opet da pjevam......



if there`s a new way...... I`ll be the first in line....




ja sam malo u outu

Edited by RNA

btw, na koncertu u vegasu je bilo mnogo indijanaca metalaca.. ne znam koji je to fazon ali mnogo su bili simpaticni. cak sam vidjela i poglavicu Prljava Carapa!

Mislim, bio je to neki stariji chicha.. koji je samo zlokobno pogledao u bledoliku malu plavu skvo (to jest, mene) i rekao kolezi vracu `ajmo po vatrenu vodu` (to su htjeli pivo ili sta vec)..


i dvije ribe su iz prvog reda iznijeli na nosilima. jednoj je krv tekla preko citavog lica. bila je to ruzna skvo.

Posted (edited)

Da povjerujem u moju informaciju je najvishe zasluzhan moj drug Filip, kome je neka cura (ja mislim iz NS-a) koja je novinarka, rekla da se sprema u februaru koncert jednom velikom metal bendu....

A imash na nekom sajtu (domacem) diskusiju o tome..zaboravio sam adresu sajta ali ima veze sa metalom icon_rolleyes.gif

Edited by Fantomni
Ukratko posle Risk-a zato sto je metal prestao da ga zanima...nesto u fazonu "Ne vidim svrhu sviranja Peace Sells-a u 2000 godini"

treba poslusati marty jeve solo albume.nije ni cudo da je izjavio da ga metal vise ne ispunjava,s obzirom kakvi su "scenes" i albumi posle njega...

E vala ne bih se mogao vise sloziti icon_smile.gif ...bas smo juce ja i Mustaine (sa foruma icon_smile.gif ) diskutovali koliko je prebedna ta pesma icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif

mislim da i nije bas tako bilo icon_smile.gif


ne bih rekao da mi se ta pesma ne svidja... ona je bas dobra, i najvishe mi se svidja na tom albumu, bas zbog onog prvog preveselog dela, koji je bas super... mnogi koriste izraze poput "gay" za neku pesmu, ako bar malo vuce na neku ljubavnu ili u ovom slucaju na extra veselu pesmu! To je jednostavno loshe...

Verovatno je to bio neki nesporazum, meni je pesma bas super! icon_da.gif


A ima i jedna anegdota ono te pesme... evo sada cu da citiram Friedmana:


Also, the sound at the end of the song where it sounds like the tape is being slowed down, was done by literally leaning on the 24 track 2 inch tape machine with my whole body with force and slowing down the actual tape. I don’t think that the studio owner would like to know about that...


Stoga poslusajte sam kraj te pesme... moze biti bar malo zanimljivo icon_smile.gif



A sto se tice Martyjevog odlaska iz Megadetha, evo ovo mozda nesto kazuje i o tome... verovatno ni Dave Mustaine ne voli GAY solaze wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif



This was my fave tune on the album at the time. I also did my fave solo of the album on this song, but it was replaced by Dave without my knowledge. I showed up in Nashville all excited to hear the mixes and when "Breadline" came up, I was especially excited. The solo came and my mouth dropped to the floor. Where the hell was my solo??? I was furious that no one had told me anything until the song was already mixed. It turns out that our managers didn't like the solo I that did, they said it was 'too happy and melodic'. Well it was a 'happy and melodic' song! Anyway, if they needed it redone, they just could have told me, I would have been glad to get back to Nashville and redo it. This lack of consideration certainly planted the seed for me to want to quit the band. It was like, if they didn't need my guitar playing, I certainly didn't have to be there. It wasn't like I was Ace Frehley, too high to play and not showing up in the studio to record. I did a great solo, and I would have been happy to replace it with one that made everyone happy, but no call, no nothing, until I'm standing in the control room listening to the final mixes.

Jebiga Marty sta da ti kazem... jednostavno si ima pokazao! icon_smile.gif

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