FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Vasil Granata, covek koji drzao tocilice u klubu :)hahahahahaha.... jedan od drugara od organizatora koncerta :)hahahahaha... KVLT ! Quote
RNA Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 Ух, ја се уплаших да је Роко Граната био на концерту у Болоњи... Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 13, 2008 Report Posted September 13, 2008 LOL ... elem nadjoh neke raporte iz Slovacke i Ceske, ako neko zna sta kazu neka javi : Svátek smrtícího kovu odstartovali statičtí AMON DIN ze Srbska, kteří odprezentovali valivý death metal ze staré školy mírně říznutý občasnými thrashovými výpady. Na svých myspace stránkách mají sice uvedeny inspirační zdroje typu MORBID ANGEL, nicméně k dosažení alespoň revivalového statutu nesmrtelné US legendy jim ještě pořádný kus chybí. Poslední položka setlistu však svojí rozmanitostí poněkud ospalý dojem z performance AMON DIN trochu vylepšila. Reklamy o nich sice často nemluvily, takže hodně lidí nestačilo koukat, co že se to děje. První kapelka se jmenuje Amon Din a pochází ze Srbska. To co nám předvedli bylo na předkapelu takových velikánů velmi povedené a důstojné vystoupení. Hudebně se jedná o klasický death metal, který by se dal přirovnat k něčemu mezi Morbid Angel a Grave. Ty pasáže kde připomínali MA se mi velmi líbily, zatímco ty druhé už o dost méně, ale ve výsledku se mi to líbilo o hodně víc než právě jmenovaní Grave. Dále bych rozhodně vytkl naprostou statičnost celé kapely, kde pařil jenom bubeník. Ovšem hudební provedení precizní. Na rozjezd velmi příjemné. Do sálu se začíná pouštět v 19:00 a cca o 30 minut později nastupuje první kapela AMON DIN. Její název většině přítomných (mě nevyjímaje) nic neříká. O to větší je překvapení, když začne hrát a převádí poměrně slušný dřevní nářez. Kytarové riffy znějí hodně death/thrashově a hudba je místy protkaná i působivými melodiemi. Bohužel kapela stihne odehrát pouze čtyři, nebo pět songů a pak si již musí balit fidlátka. Škoda, klidně bych je vydržel poslouchat i déle. Každopádně dobrý rozjezd, je vidět, že i v Srbsku se dají najít slušné kapely. Pre Srbov Amon Din bude dozaista veľkou cťou sprevádzať ich na spoločnom európskom turné. Svoj melodický death metal už ambiciózne prezentovali po boku mnohých prvotriednych kapiel, čím sa snažia pokoriť hendikep spôsobený krajinou, z ktorej pochádzajú. Prvoseptembrový večer oslavujúci deň vzniku Ústavy Slovenskej Republiky otvoria dve domáce zoskupenia, Po krátkom vyvetraní sa zase ženiem pod pódium, kde začínajú Amon Din zo Srbska. Ich death metal s melodickými vyhrávkami pôsobil ako balzam na moje sluchovody. Aj keď sa kapela ku koncu začala trošku opakovať, viac krát som sa pristihol ako si poklepkávam do rytmu väčšinou končatín a hláv. Sympatické bolo aj spevákove prihováranie sa ľuďom po slovensky. Na konci ich show sa spevák pokúsil venovať minútu ticha zosnulému kamarátovi, ale po necelých desiatich sekundách od toho upustil, keďže sa zase raz prejavilo, že slovenský fanúšik znalosťou angličtiny neoplýva a keď aj hej, vždy sa nájde nejaký intelektuál, ktorý si potrebuje dokázať silu svojich hlasiviek. Podľa mňa Amon Din odohrali dobrý koncert a dúfam, že sa u nás ešte zastavia. (Dudri) trentuno pijemo jos... pa ckada se sredimo ce da procesljamo komplet internet :)hahahaa. Quote
archsound Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 E propalice nemojte sad da dizete noseve nego dodjite veceras u livingroom da vidite malo i underground svirke, da se podsetite malo kako je to, hehe!!! Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 (edited) E dolazim ja veceras :)ahahaha... ovi su u Valjevo tako da kuj gi jebe :)hahaa. ps. Okacili smo blog utisaka nakon turneje, pa check out :)hahaha. DM Edited September 14, 2008 by Frubi_ZMIJA Quote
archsound Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 (edited) E dolazim ja veceras :)ahahaha... ovi su u Valjevo tako da kuj gi jebe :)hahaa. ps. Okacili smo blog utisaka nakon turneje, pa check out :)hahaha. DM E super, sredicu ti da udjes dzabe, hahaha!!! Procitao sam blog, nadam se da ce posle ovoga postati normalno da nasi bendovi idu na ovakve turneje, a vi samo gurajte napred!!!! Edited September 14, 2008 by archsound Quote
banedeathmetal Posted September 14, 2008 Report Posted September 14, 2008 (edited) Da cestitam Amon Dinu i Legacy-u sto je (skoro) sve proslo savrseno! Edited September 14, 2008 by banedeathmetal Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 17, 2008 Report Posted September 17, 2008 Konacno sam naso kabl od kamere... sad ce da prebacimo sve video zapise, pa veceras na jutjub. Za sada leba ti ovaj snimak iz bratislave zvuci bolje nego produkcija na albumu hahahahaha ). Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 17, 2008 Report Posted September 17, 2008 Umbra: Inace najverovatnije sledece nedelje objavljujemo prodaju diska + majce , 1000din ce kostati oboje, a ako hocete posebno onda majca 600 disk 700. d.m Quote
banedeathmetal Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 ... Inace najverovatnije sledece nedelje objavljujemo prodaju diska + majce , 1000din ce kostati oboje... Imas od mene 1000 dinara za taj paket. Trebali bi da sviramo 5. Oktobra u BG-u pa cemo se cuti vec nekako, ako ne onda mi posalji postom paket a na PP mi posalji kako da ti uplatim pare. Pozdrav! Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 (edited) Pa jade 5-og da odradimo razmenu i to je to , nema postarina i govana :)hehee. Pozzz Evo malo rumunije : Edited September 18, 2008 by Frubi_ZMIJA Quote
RNA Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 Је л' у тој комбинацији обичан диск или дигипак? И каква је мајица? Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 Obican disk, nije izdavac odstampao digipack. Majca logo napred, pozadi datumi sa turneje . Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 A BUGARSKA : BUAHAHAHAHAA Quote
marko.nocturne Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 (edited) Frubijani, ovako je google preveo... Feast of deadly metal odstartovali statičtí AMON DIN from Serbia, who odprezentovali rolling death metal from the old school slightly říznutý brief thrashovými výpady. On their myspace sites have a given type of inspirational sources MORBID ANGEL, however, to achieve at least revivalového the status of U.S. immortal legends they still ordinarius piece missing. Last item setlistu its diversity, however, somewhat sleepy impression of the performance AMON DIN slightly improved. Ads on them, although often nemluvily so many people watch not enough, as it is happening. The first kapelka is named Amon Din and comes from Serbia. That brought us what was presented to such great povedené a very decent performances. Music is a classic death metal, which could be compared to something between Morbid Angel and the Grave. These passages MA remember where I liked very, while the other has enough on less, but in the end I enjoyed it a lot more than just appointed Grave. Furthermore, I would strongly criticise full statičnost whole band, where pařil only drummer. However, the implementation of musical precision. At the start very pleasant. Within the hall pouštět begins at 19:00 and about 30 minutes later comes first band AMON DIN. The name of the majority of those present (excluding me) does not say anything. This is bigger surprise when he starts to play and converted a relatively decent wood nářez. Guitar riffy added a lot of death / thrashově and music is protkaná points and impressive melodies. Unfortunately stihne band played only four or five songs, and then you must already packed fidlátka. Skoda, I feel it is vydržel to listen longer. However, a good start, it is seen that even in Serbia can find a decent band. Pre Srbov Amon Din will dozaista veľkou cťou sprevádzať I spoločnom európskom on tour. Svoj melodic death metal ambiciózne already presented alongside many prvotriednych kapiel what is snažia pokoriť hendikep spôsobený landscape, ktorej pochádzajú. Prvoseptembrový evening oslavujúci day emergence of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic otvoria two domestic zoskupenia, After krátkom vyvetraní its turn ženiem under the podium where začínajú Amon Din so Serbia. I melodic death metal with vyhrávkami pôsobil as balzam on my sluchovody. Lo is when the band began to koncu little opakovať, more times that its pristihol as a poklepkávam in rhythm väčšinou končatín and hláv. Sympatické was also spevákove prihováranie its ľuďom after Slovak. At the end of their show is spevák pokúsil venovať minútu silence zosnulému kamarátovi, but after nearly desiatich seconds from the refrain, since its turn again prejavilo that the Slovak fanúšik znalosťou English neoplýva when lo and hey, is always nájde any intellectual, which needs a silo dokázať svojich hlasiviek. Podľa me Amon Din odohrali good concert and dúfam that is with us ešte zastavia. (Dudri) Moraš priznati da je baš death metalski! Edited September 18, 2008 by Vic Mackey Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 (edited) A ovo vise opisa ili kako ?) Evo jedan review albuma ( sa nekog france zinea) : Group hitherto known of the only specialists in the Metal of the Soviet ex-block (I adore this expression completely dated in Mac Guyver!), AMON DIN unloads on our premises via Thundering Records. With the program? Of Death/Thrash to old, made-in Serbia (!). I adore the groups which claim affiliation SLAYER/MORBID ANGEL/DEATH and consorts; the problem is, that on the matter, it tower of the question was already made thousands of times. Then useless to say to you that no originality emanates from this group, because it is the batch of all those which practise this Metal style. It should be noted that AMON DIN is said influenced by MORBID ANGEL; somewhat excessive comparison with my direction because I do not feel any occult wave with the listening of this disc. The music, at the same time pêchue, mid-tempo and relatively melody rather will seek root at MALEVOLENT CREATION and all the other groups which, on a Thrashy basis, stick singing exercises Death rather. Would AMON DIN be the Serb answer to LOUDBLAST? One could see it like that. Always it is that 90% of their work are directed towards the refining of the guitars as well in the field of the technicality as of the production. You will quickly realize there by throwing an ear on the piece dispo here. Small detail amusing, on this piece promotion, they tried to reproduce the effect of anti-hacking presentation of the feus discs promotion of Earache while striking us a very subtle “you' Re listening to the new Amon DIN album”, except that here, it is made with the Serb accent - died of laughing. For this album “Where The Dreams No To skirt Exist”, the métalleux ones of Eastern Europe left the big game: aggressive logo, rather successful small pocket, its quasi professional, but here is, that lack either of originality, or on a side retro old-school pronounced to the extreme and assumed to carry my adhesion completely. If I believe the extracts available of them on their page, they took the right direction with this album all the same, by transfering all the too symphonic keyboards and while choosing a more direct and radical step. I will keep the open large eyes to see what they go us concocter in the future. This “Where The Dreams No To skirt Exist” remains a good Metal album however… 7/10 Ono sto smo se zajebali je sto je u biografiji napisano da su uzori Slayer, Morbid Angel , Death itd. I onda uporedjuju sa njima ... mada :)hahhahaa Serbian Loudblast:!? )hahhah Sledeci album influence AMON DIN i to je to :)heeheh. Evo ga jos : As often, originating groups d' Europe of l' is, lorsqu' it arrive jusqu' with us, give us l' impression to go up in time while serving to us as CD very Old School, Amon DIN does not make exception to the rule, This Serb group of which the reputation n' is more to make in its country d' origin, is useful to us with their 3rd album, Death/Doom quite traditional which makes heated sometimes a little, The group gave up l' use of the keyboards to offer a more compact sound, Then, c' is a little with l' perverse union of Black Sabbath with Vader that l' one assists, 1st on “Doom Of The Centuries” at the title one is very present cannot more evocative but also in the fronts very “Iommi” of the end of “Off Cadavers And Scum”, L' influence of the second is however more regular with some Blasts devastators (Where The Dreams No To skirt Exist, Beast Of Nihilism) and of the packing rates/rhythms conferring on a kind of Ska/Death (Murder Begins, Abysmall Ignorance, Zavet (The Pledge)), The communion between the 2 monsters seem to be completely consumed on “Intro II/Ime I Krv” including same some relents Goth, I n' did not appreciate the rather unmethodical play of battery and with the very dated sound of case clearly, d' as much more than this sound is completely identical throughout Cd, Question song, Sasa Sarcevic is shown very professional and its barkings of Pit-Bull on “Sleepless Demise” card-index sacrament the glands, However this album really does not take off, the fault with a too obvious classicism which prevents Amon DIN d' to bring a new breath to the kind, Obviously, the new breath of Death will not come from Serbia, 12/20 Second misdeed for this Serbe group, which this time balanced Bontempi with the wall cupboard! Indeed, the vintage 2008 will be guitar or will not be. Extremely fortunately and posting a few hours of flight, the strapping men know their zique on the end of the fingers of Tony Iommi who by the means of a handle of agreements will appear as a sulfurous inspirer… I thus religieusement listened to the album once, then one second before discovering a kind of scission bringing another outcome. - Go, after good a intro mystical: banzaï! Doom off the Centuries starts the hostilities. It is vigorous, without fuss with a good rise to power and as of the first large bearing, that armours. The sequence with “Where the dreams…” wants to be definitely faster. Damir Adzic tabasse like exaggerated, the low one delivers us excellent things and we find even a passage pointing out Slayer (between basic Rif and solo), finally in short, that catapults chantmé… Cruising speed thus delimited, invites us to progress between Death, sometimes Doom, to see Old School. Admittedly shouldn't a piece as Murder Begins leave a marble headbanguor into live, when in Beast off Nihilism? It acts there, of a title solid, powerful, malicious and tonic, my is preferred! - One sets out again on Intro even more mystical (very beautiful in addition) when, to 1minutes 30 a monster of an impressive heaviness emerges. Then, as in the initial part “Abysmall ignorance” rebooste immediately the listener, until famous “off the cadavers and scum” (2nd preferred title), which will recall many memories to some! After excellence, it is not obvious to buckle, nevertheless, the album is enclosed by “Zavet”, a quite square title in Rif race and not stripped of a voice cut for the adventure. Blow, Amon DIN deserves more than one chance, but an constant attention. ne znam koju ocenu dobio... Edited September 18, 2008 by Frubi_ZMIJA Quote
oʞɾoƃ Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 xaxaxa, stasnO!Na svakoj slici ili spava ili su mu oci na pola koplja... Ja koliko vidim, čovek se ovde najiskusnije smestio Quote
RNA Posted September 18, 2008 Report Posted September 18, 2008 Могло је то још мало искусније. Majca logo napred, pozadi datumi sa turneje . ВАљда се то ради пре турнеје, мајку му... Quote
FRUBI_ZMIJA_GADAFI Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 Pa sta treba da bacim ove majce sad ?)) Bolje da ih ovako isprodajemo :)hehehee.... Quote
RNA Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 (edited) Pa sta treba da bacim ove majce sad ?)) Да? И каже се МАЈИЦЕ. Запазићеш И између Ј и Ц. Edited September 19, 2008 by RNA Quote
Milogled Bluff Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 (edited) Да? И каже се МАЈИЦЕ. Запазићеш И између Ј и Ц. Џабе му то причаш, мада се мало поправио од када се дружи са нама, и даље је из Крушевац... Edited September 19, 2008 by Užas Priest Quote
Guest Kriki Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 Kaka bre Frubi naocare????kada je samo ovo trade mark: p.s. I NE KAZE SE IZ KRUSEVAC, nego iz KRUSEVCA!!!!!Nismo mi Leskovcani, ili Nislije, to se tako prica malo juznije od nas.... Quote
Sgt.Splatter Posted September 19, 2008 Report Posted September 19, 2008 Pa sta treba da bacim ove majce sad ?)) taman posla, pa upravo fanovi koji budu nosili te majice sledecih godina ce nabaciti dodatni efekat na onu pricu o Srpskom bendu koji je isao na evropsku turneju sa nekim poznatim bendovima welcome baaaack ... Quote
StarbreakeR Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 (edited) Inace najverovatnije sledece nedelje objavljujemo prodaju diska + majce , 1000din ce kostati oboje, a ako hocete posebno onda majca 600 disk 700. d.m I koferche, i koferche Edited September 20, 2008 by StarbreakeR Quote
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