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Finland's extreme power metal outfit Wintersun have canceled all scheduled shows in 2009 due to further problems with the completion of their album "Time". The band's frontman Jari Mäenpää posted the following message on the band's official website:



"There has come again unexpected problems with technology, which will make finishing the "Time" album even more harder than it has been. Which will delay it even more. There's also some personal problems concerning my apartment.


Because of all the problems, I have fallen under a serious amounts of stress, which is sometimes causing me "writer's blocks". This album making is now turned into such a "risky business", that I have no [choice], but to cancel Summerbreeze and Bloodstock.


The thing is, the album has to be done first, before we can play any shows. Playing just old songs after many years isn't something we want to do and what probably no one wants to see.


After the album has been mixed, I need to mix again a "backuptrack livemix" (of the synths&orchestrations). Then we have to of course practise the new songs and arrange them into "live format" (especially mine and Teemu's guitar parts). We also need to update our humble live gear.


All these arrangements take time, so we don't want to risk it, that we might have to cancel the shows last minute. It must be done now and put finishing the album the number one priority. After the album is done, we will start booking shows again.


I know there's lots of disappointed people and I have to apologize. But I hope that you..ll understand my decision under these circumstances. I have to put the album first and finish it before we play any shows. Thanks for listening!



  Gojko said:
Čovek je profi maksimalno, ne da da se bilo šta desi ako sve nije u savršenom redu. Svaka čast.


Nije ovo profesionalno vec potpuno suprotno od toga. Ovo je amaterski i neozbiljno.

Vec sam video celu ovu pricu sa Chinese Democracy i sa tim novim albumom Anatheme i objasnjenja glavnih aktera su 90% ista ("writer's blocks" isl). Ko ga je*e, nek izadje kad hoce, a i ne mora. Ima i drugih bendova.


uf uf


pogledaj malo bolje čovek ima problema sa stanom. dakle egzistencijalnih - možda ne biti tako strog i isključiv jer oni žive od muzike i verujem da mu nikako ne ide u prilog to što ne završava album....

  eileen said:
uf uf


pogledaj malo bolje čovek ima problema sa stanom. dakle egzistencijalnih - možda ne biti tako strog i isključiv jer oni žive od muzike i verujem da mu nikako ne ide u prilog to što ne završava album....


I ja imam problema sa stanom, pa sta? Opet svakoga dana idem na posao. Ako je njemu muzika posao i ako zivi od toga, onda neka je pravi.. ili neka radi nesto drugo.

  Gojko said:
I kad bi on tako radio, izbacio bi prosečan album, a ti bi krenuo da sereš kako je album razočarao.

Pa, da. Jebeš ti takve fanove.

Još je čovek lepo sve objasnio, očigledno je da on ŽELI da izda taj album, inače bi raspustio bend. Ko zna u kakvoj je frci i sigurno je da ima NEKA pametnija posla, pa ne živi on samo za snimanje albuma. To što neki ljudi ne mogu da razumeju to je njihova stvar, nemojte ih ni slušati onda.


Proslo je 5 godina jebo zeca. Valjda je svestan da iz meseca u mesec ochekivanja ljudi rastu sve vise i vise, i nadam se da mu je pritisak jos veci :) Ja sam nesto bio uveren da je album i gotov...valjda se zbog cover-a zbunih...

Posted (edited)
  Gojko said:
I kad bi on tako radio, izbacio bi prosečan album, a ti bi krenuo da sereš kako je album razočarao.


Pa i ovako album na kraju moze da ispadne krsh (mada se nadam da nece). Mnogi odlicni albumi su napravljeni u kratkom vremenskom periodu, po meni to uopste nije preduslov da album bude odlican.

Ja ne nalazim razumevanje za ovoliko odugovlacenje oko izlaska albuma (jedino ako je, ne daj boze, neki smrtni slucaj u pitanju) i to je sta ja imam da kazem o ovome.


Ajd' :pivopije:


edit: btw, izvinjavam se svim pravim fanovima ovog benda, ja to ipak nisam.

Edited by WindrideR
  • 4 weeks later...

Hahahahaha, ovo je nešto najjače što sam video u metalu u skorije vreme!


Finnish metallers NORTHER have issued the following update:


"After a hard search for a new vocalist, we are honored to announce that no other than Jari Mäenpää is the new singer/guitarist of NORTHER. This is totally a natural thing for him to leave WINTERSUN and join NORTHER since he has been previously handling vocals in ENSIFERUM and until now in WINTERSUN. He told he had enough of 'Time'.. so now he wants to do 'Time' in NORTHER... something fresh... again. We wish the very best for WINTERSUN finding a new replacement."


Full circle :) :) :)


jao bože. pa nije valjda. stvarno su seljani maksimalni ako je wintersun potrajao samo ovoliko :)


i sva ona njegova sranja o privatnim problemima.

ajd da vidimo da li je aprilililili




Wed, 01/04/2009 - 11:20




01.04.2009. Exclusive for Terrorizer's AUDREY DUJARDIN (ShutterBLAST http://shutterblast.net/), Jari Mäenpää's official statement on joining NORTHER


Last night, Finnish melodic death metallers NORTHER broke the heartstopping news that JARI MÄENPÄÄ would quit WINTERSUN to join NORTHER full time as lead singer/guitarist.

Read here: www.norther.net for the band's statement.


Read Jari's exclusive comment on the matter below:


"Jukka [Koskinen - Norther/Wintersun bass player] and me were in the sauna a couple weeks ago and he told me about the open position in Norther. Suddenly I realized how much I missed the rock 'n' roll lifestyle because of being working non-stop like a total hermit on my complex project ‘Time’ for Wintersun. Then it came clear what I had to do: leave Wintersun and get back on the road with Norther. Since the guys and I were long time friends and since Jukka was already in Wintersun, it only seemed like the most logical thing to do. The guys didn’t even audition me, since they know I can sing clean vocals and growl as well. So here I am, excited to finally get out there and shred!’



  • 2 months later...

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