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Meni se cini da je ovaj lik zapao u kreativni corsokak. Taj ako stvarno ima napisano 30% albuma, ja secem kurac nasred Terazija. A ovde jede govna i izvlaci se nekim pricama o produkciji i sranjima... Koga taj zajebava? Nema love za produkciju? Yeah, right. Pomirite se sa tim, ovaj album nikada nece izaci. Ili hoce, ali nece liciti ninasta.

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  On 5/3/2010 at 9:07 PM, Talvi said:

Meni se cini da je ovaj lik zapao u kreativni corsokak. Taj ako stvarno ima napisano 30% albuma, ja secem kurac nasred Terazija. A ovde jede govna i izvlaci se nekim pricama o produkciji i sranjima... Koga taj zajebava? Nema love za produkciju? Yeah, right. Pomirite se sa tim, ovaj album nikada nece izaci. Ili hoce, ali nece liciti ninasta.


Ovo se poklapa sa mojim misljenjem.


This is the end of time, izgleda.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

WINTERSUN, the Finnish band led by former ENSIFERUM singer Jari Mäenpää, is continuing work on its long-awaited second album, tentatively titled "Time".


Commented Jari: "I've been working very hard with the synths and orchestrations and I can finally say that I'm feeling very positive about finishing this long and gruesome task by Christmas. So hopefully around the end of December I can finally start mixing the album. I still have a few vocal parts unfinished, but I will be singing them meanwhile I'm mixing.


"The only problem about the mixing is that my current computer gear simply cannot handle these insanely huge projects. And the other problem is that I have no money for new gear. So we have discussed about this problem with our label and management and they have agreed to help us with an advance to buy new and more powerful computer gear, but only if we agree to play a few shows and show people that WINTERSUN is still alive. So after carefully weighting all the different possibilies, we think we need to play these shows to help the completion of the album.


The shows will be for now:


* Metalfest (three shows)

* Metalcamp (one show)


"There's lot of work and preparation to do for these shows, 'cause we have to update our live gear as well, sort out technical difficulties and, of course, rehearse the songs. This will most likely affect negatively with the mixing schedule, so I can't give any predictions with that yet. I also need to try out the new computer gear first and see how it handles these projects. The software is still not 64-bit, so the 'infamous 4GB RAM limit' might also be a problem with the mixing, since these projects already eat about 3GB without any plugins. But I will do my best to overcome this challenge the fastest way I can.


"See you at the gigs! Who knows, we might even play one new riff… I mean song!"

  • 2 weeks later...

"The only problem about the mixing is that my current computer gear simply cannot handle these insanely huge projects. And the other problem is that I have no money for new gear. So we have discussed about this problem with our label and management and they have agreed to help us with an advance to buy new and more powerful computer gear, but only if we agree to play a few shows and show people that WINTERSUN is still alive. So after carefully weighting all the different possibilies, we think we need to play these shows to help the completion of the album.


"See you at the gigs! Who knows, we might even play one new riff… I mean song!"








strasno :haha:

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Sve je snimljeno osim vokala za 4 pesme, poceo je mix albuma. Mozda i izadje ove godine :mrgreen:

EDIT: I svirace jednu novu pesmu na ovim koncertima pre izlaska albuma.

Edited by Night Prowler

Svirace na MC-u... Kako mi je krivo sto necu imati love da idem. Prokleta skola -.-


P.S. Od ovolikog cekanja tog albuma, svog me nesto hvata strah da ne bude neko govno od albuma... Samo me to plasi (verovatno i vecinu :P)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

U pravu si, pojaviše se i klonovi, među kojima i Ensiferum icon_smile.gif Kakav razvoj situacije - lik ode iz Ensiferum i napravi bend Wintersun, lik iz Norther dođe u Ensiferum i Ensiferum postane Norther+Wintersun icon_smile.gif


A jbg... Ispomazu se kako stignu :) Jari nije mogao da ostane u Ensiferumu (Iako je Ensiferum dok je on bio u bendu imao svoj vrhunac) jer je hteo da se fokusira na Wintersun... A Petri je iz Norther-a presao u Ensiferum samo zato sto je Ensiferum postao popularniji bend i vece pare je zaradjivao tamo... A u Norther-u je samo gubio vreme (IMHO). Norther je opasan bend bez onog poredjenja sa COB-om i tim sranjima...Sve u svemu, dobitna kombinacija :)

Posted (edited)

hm recimo dve?


Wintersun > Ensiferum sa Jarijem > Ensiferum sa Petrijem >>>>> Norther

da ispravim

Edited by Mita

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