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Анселмо и Аксепт пре недељу дана у Клисон на Хелфест. Добар био Down, а после и Accept.

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I had my idea of what heavy should be, and they had their idea of what heavy was. So, there was a lot of education between the four of us, and a lot of growing up between the four of us to even get to a point where we actually did destroy the myth of the club band. And the club band back in the '80s was to dress and look like MÖTLEY CRÜE, or you don't have a gig. So for me, this was one of the toughest times of my fucking life, because I was playing that part and I fucking hated it, honestly. I was unhappy with it. And the PANTERA boys knew this, and eventually we did rebuild that fanbase through heavier music and many different chapters of earning and learning the respect of super-underground heavy metal music at the time.


I feel for you, bro




pricali su mi drugari iz unearth sad na turneji kad smo bili, kad su snimali album sa teri dejtom, pricao im je o the great southern trendkill periodu. jos tad su anselmo i burazeri bili bas u losim odnosima i na snimanju se uopste nisu sreli - kad su zavrsili sa snimanjem muzike onda je anselmo u nju orleansu snimao vokale.


najbolji deo price tek sledi - burazeri su hteli da album bude vise catchy i u van halen fazonu i do jaja su se smorili kad su culi pesme sa anselmovim vokalom u kojima on vristi u svakoj pesmi :D stavise, kad se trendkill preslusa u fazonu da slusas samo rifove a ne toliko anselma, kontas koliko tu ima catchy rifova. drag the waters je jos i pesma gde se najvise peva, zato je i bila prvi singl


jebem li ga, ja ni bez vokala ne mogu da zamislim taj album u VH tripu :haha: ok za neke pesme, ali Floods, 10's, Suicide Note 1 i 2... previše crnila i blata tu ima i u muzici, ne samo u Filovom glasu


inače, nešto najjače ikad mi je onaj fejl na omotu Trendkill-a gde je Fil potpisan kao Anselino :haha:

  • 2 weeks later...

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