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Ma pingvini su teska kita od crtaca, bez zajebavanja. Da sam Gru(bas Gru, ne Lulica) verovatno bih rekao da je do jaja. Obavezno preskocite.

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jak, surov ali pritom predivan film



The film was shot within 20 miles of actual battles then occurring between Russians and Chechens. Local Muslim guerrillas served as bogyguards for the cast and crew. The film tells the story of two prisoners of war, but truth is stranger than fiction: when the guerrillas found out that amateur actress Susanna Mekhraliyeva was paid for her job in U.S. dollars they took the whole film crew prisoner! Her salary was soon changed for Russian rubles and the shooting continued as if nothing had happened.

ekranizacija lovecraftovih prica deluje kao bas tezak posao, prakticno nemoguce bez ogromnog budzeta u jos veceg talenta - u suprotnom vrlo lako moze da se pretvori u fail parodiju.


Bili smo blizu





20 years of effort from Guillermo Del Toro went into trying to make the film adaptation of a horror novella a reality. The story tells of an expedition to the Antarctic where bodies of strange and deadly starfish-headed creatures are found. Del Toro became obsessed with the story after reading it when he was 11, but the studios didn’t seem to feel the same way until two years ago when it was set to be released, with James Cameron and Tom Cruise on board. However, Del Toro finally threw in the towel when “Prometheus” came out, which had several similarities.


In the mouth of madness je dobar.


Bili smo blizu





20 years of effort from Guillermo Del Toro went into trying to make the film adaptation of a horror novella a reality. The story tells of an expedition to the Antarctic where bodies of strange and deadly starfish-headed creatures are found. Del Toro became obsessed with the story after reading it when he was 11, but the studios didn’t seem to feel the same way until two years ago when it was set to be released, with James Cameron and Tom Cruise on board. However, Del Toro finally threw in the towel when “Prometheus” came out, which had several similarities.

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