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slazem se da nema preterano poentu


poenta je uglavnom to da se ovekoveci ova postava koja jako dobro funkcionise i u stanju je da iznese istinski fw zvuk, u ovoj eri, sa odredjenim razlikama. može se reći skoro kao budjavi rerecording. samo sto je n puta manje budjavo posto je lajv, koliko god to ne bilo autenticno netaknuto lajv izvođenje, jer ono što azal kaže možda niste svesni sta se tu uglavnom radi :haha:


ja ionako ne volim lajv albume...


ni ja. mozda kupim cisto radi diskografije, ne znam da li sam Still Live 5 puta poslusao otkad je izasao.


a verujem da je to sa tejkovima najvise bio Ray u pitanju i da je muzika skoro uvek cela jer su svi doktori. a nije kao da se bacaju nesto po bini i luduju pa sjebavaju nesto.


jbg, ray je em mator, em pusi, em su jako teske pesme za pevanje generalno, em je pevao fazon 15 dana zaredom skoro.

  • 1 month later...

ARCH/MATHEOS began as a reunion between founding FATES WARNING members John Arch (vocals) and Jim Matheos (guitar), who hadn't collaborated since Arch's solo EP, "A Twist Of Fate" (2003) — and hadn't fully collaborated for a whole album since FATES WARNING's "Awaken The Guardian" (1986). In 2010, the duo began working on a record together and brought along three FATES WARNING members to the fold. The five members would in turn release their debut album, "Sympathetic Resonance", in 2011, under the name ARCH/MATHEOS.

Since then, Arch and Matheos have kept busy with their other projects — but now the time has come for them to join forces once again, for a new ARCH/MATHEOS release, due out 2019 via Metal Blade Records.

  • Upvote 1
  • 7 months later...


"Winter Ethereal" track listing:

01. Vermilion Moons
02. Wanderlust
03. Solitary Man
04. Wrath Of The Universe

05. Tethered
06. Straight And Narrow
07. Pitch Black Prism
08. Never In Your Hands
09. Kindred Spirits


  • Upvote 1
  • 1 month later...

Kakva fantazija od albuma jebote, neverovatno osvezenje. Preslusao iz cuga i fazon ni u jednom momentu mi nije bilo dosadno. Moracu da sednem i slusam dok citam lyrics, kidanje.


isto dva slusanja, vrh sve, Arch nikad bolji. neke pesme su mozda predugacke, u nekim pesama mozda i previse peva bez da odmori malo i pusti bend da svira, nije mi bolji od proslog sad, Matheos idalje nije bas najsveziji sa idejama ali svakako Arch >>>>>>

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Bas je lepo biti FW fan u poslednje vreme, em se maticni bend vratio u neku finu formu, em smo ih videli lajv na super nastupu a evo i ovog projekta tu.

Nema sta da kazem, sve to fercera kako treba ali jes cinjenica da bi Arch mogao nekad pomalo da iskulira haha zna u ovom svom rapid fire nastupu da prekrije muziku a teksta ima kao u CoF trakama svojevremeno (divim se pevacima koji mogu da popamte sve ovo). Nisam bas skroz proucio tekstove ali deluje da su u nekom fantazmagoricnom stari FW stilu.

Pohvala sto album i ne lici na prvenac skroz, opet su nasli neki drugaciji fazon a s druge strane, to je ta svirka koju ovi ljudi rade.

  • 2 months later...

InsideOutMusic are now proud to welcome longtime Fates Warning vocalist and frontman Ray Alder to a new deal for his solo releases.

Ray Alder checked in with the following comment: “Hi everyone! I am so happy to announce that I have signed a deal with InsideOutMusic for my solo project and the debut album “What The Water Wants”. I want to thank InsideOutMusic for giving me the opportunity to record and share this album with the world. For the last year I have been writing with Mike Abdow, (Fates Warning touring guitarist), guitarist/bassist Tony Hernando (Lords Of Black) and my longtime friend Craig Anderson (Ignite) on drums. The album was mixed by Simone Mularoni (Rhapsody, Michael Romeo, DGM, etc.), who worked tirelessly with me to give this project the great sound we felt it deserved. I have had the ideas for a while but never had the time to actually sit down and write. But since Fates Warning had taken a break from writing and touring I finally had the chance to assemble the album. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we did writing and recording it!”


Ray Alder’s first solo album for the label is entitled “What The Water Wants” and includes 10 melodic and versatile songs created with assistance from guitarists Mike Abdow (Fates Warning touring member) and Tony Hernando (Lords Of Black) as well as drummer Craig Anderson (Ignite, Crescent Shield). The album was mixed by Simone Mularoni (Rhapsody, Michael Romeo, DGM) and will be released worldwide on October 18th, 2019.

Watch the lyric video for “What The Water Wanted” here:



Ocekivao sam da ce da zvuci kao Engine manje vise, tako i zvuci. 

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ray je jedan fin i pristojan cova po mom misljenju te mu je takav i solo album.

Ne bih se bas slozio za ove novije FW albume jer su mi za nijansu bolji ali ovaj album kad pustis on se pristojno javi, pita da li smeta, kaze da nece biti dugo tu i odradi sve kako treba.

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

Novi album u novembru




Pesma u stilu poslednja dva albuma, tesko da mu nadjes neku veliku manu, ali nije ni neki specijalni dozivljaj. 

Jedino ove gitarske harmonije na pocetku me fino podsetile na neka starija vremena, ona krenuli tipicni post-OSI riffovi. 

Edited by azal
  • 1 month later...

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