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  • 4 weeks later...

Danish metallers MERCENARY, have issued the following update:

"After a long summer break, we're finally back from the living and ready to roam amongst the dead again...


The song writing for the next album has begun and we're currently recording song structures and demoing ideas.

The studio time has been finally booked for November, which gives us a tentative release in spring 2008."


Singer Mikkel Sandager says: "Everything is going great and I'm bursting with ideas and melodies. It's nice to be back in the writers position and get to manifest the input and inspiration I've accumulated over the last year. Don't know the title yet, but it will be something colourful and shapeless."


Rene (Pedersen - bass) continues: "I'm very exited and happy having begun the process of creating the new material, so far the ideas that have been put on the table has made my spine tremble, and my ears bleed with pleasure! My mind is bursting with melodies and earth shaking bass lines, and I cant wait to get into the studio!"

  • 1 month later...

Vocalist Mikkel Sandager of Danish metallers MERCENARY has issued the following update:


"Today is quite a big day for me as I finished the final clean parts ad did all of my screaming parts for the next Mercenary album. The album has a title but that's not official yet. I think it is safe to say that this album will be somewhat harder and heavier than The Hours That Remain. Not just because the music is more heavy but also because we have a powerhouse shouter/growler in René. I am telling you he's one mean guy! Now I am left with a somewhat strange feeling of the album being incomplete because it still needs all keyboards, bass and leads. Usually the vocals are the final thing to be recorded but we have done it a bit different this time. Oh and I have not been tracking my vocals with Jacob Hansen this time. I have been doing it a bit closer to home with a very good friend of ours. Casper Skafte is making a living as an independent sound engineer and you should check out his website. Although it has been somewhat strange to me not to be in the usual surroundings we have had a great time and Skafte is truly gifted in making vocal arrangements (I swear some even sound classical on this album.). This album will be dark my friends so brace your selves! But even though it will be black it will have endless melodies that you will never forget (If you could only figure out the hints in this last sentence)."

  • 1 month later...

Danish metallers MERCENARY check in with the following message from singer Mikkel Sandager:


"Hey all.


So now we have the finished the new album and it is fucking killer!!!!


The best one we did yet in my honest oppinion. It is much more raw and to the point and still it has the best melodies we have ever written. We changed the title of the album recently so any hint I made before referring to the title was architectual lies. Sorry but it wasn´t intended.


The album will contain over 60 minutes of kick ass tracks. Damn I am so much looking forward to getting out there and play all of this live. We have started booking shows for 2008 and so far it looks really good. Stay posted on that on the official Mercenary site as this webmaster is a bit of a slacker when it comes to updating that calender.


Further more we have a gig coming up with that Maiden Jam band that myself and Morten play in. The show will be this saturday at the Maidendenmark.dk convention in Copenhagen at the venue The Rock. I am really looking forward to playing that Maiden set again. It always seems to such a great party. Maiden truely has the second best fans in the world :-)


So untill the next time every one take care.


Mikkel Sandager."


  • 1 month later...

Century Media Records reports:


Right on time with the release of their new album Architect Of Lies, Danish metal outfit MERCENARY has been confirmed to share the stage with the mighty MEGADETH in February/March 2008. See below for the exact dates.


Architect Of Lies, the follow up to 2006’s The Hours That Remain (which subsequently was awarded the Danish Metal Award in the category “Best Album”) will be available on the following release dates:


Denmark: Monday, March 17th, 2008

Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Benelux/Italy: Friday, March 21st, 2008

UK/France/Norway/rest of Europe: Monday, March 24th, 2008

Spain/Portugal: Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Sweden/Finland/Hungary: March 26th, 2008


Mercenary guitarist Jakob Mølbjerg comments on the new album and the European shows with Megadeth as follows: “Hell yeah! What better way to kick off 2008 and preparing for our new album-release than getting out on the road with the almighty Megadeth? What a blast! We will be playing five shows with the Godfathers of Thrash during February and March, and four of the shows are even as direct support. This is an immense honour for us and a dream come true, as Megadeth has always been a great source of inspiration, as well as one of the main reasons I ever picked up a guitar in the first place. So check the new tourdates and prepare to 'Embrace the Nothing’, the new track on our Myspace profile. See you all out there on the Killing Roads!”


Powered by countless live performances prior to the recordings, the new album certainly turns out to be Mercenary’s most spontaneous album to date, combining melodic and dark elements, the catchy and the complex in irresistible metal hymns. To grant you a glimpse at the final result, the brand-new track 'Embrace The Nothing' has just been posted at the band’s MySpace site.


Garnered with artwork by Niklas Sundin (ARCH ENEMY, DARK TRANQUILLITY), Architect Of Lies will be released as CD and Limited Edition including the bonus track 'Death Connection' and bonus DVD offering live footage filmed at Bang Your Head festival 2007 and Summer Nights festival 2007, a detailed studio report and the promo video for 'My World Is Ending'.


Architect Of Lies tracklisting: 'New Desire', 'Bloodsong', 'Embrace The Nothing', 'This Black And Endless Never', 'Isolation (The Loneliness In December)', 'The Endless Fall', 'Black And Hollow', 'Execution Style', 'I Am Lies', 'Public Failure Number One'.


Mercenary live:



26 - Nordhausen, Germany - Bloody Sunset Festival



7 - Aalborg, Denmark - Eskildsen Musik

8 - Copenhagen, Denmark - KB Hallen (supporting Megadeth)

10 - Berlin, Germany - Columbiahalle (supporting Megadeth)

11 - Dortmund, Germany - Westfalenhalle (supporting Megadeth)



10 - Munich, Germany - Zenith (supporting Megadeth)

11 - Neu-Isenburg, Germany - Hugenottenhalle (supporting Megadeth)

20 - Herning, Denmark - Kulturellen

21 - Aalborg, Denmark - Studenterhuset

22 - Aarhus, Denmark - Voxhall

23 - Copenhagen, Denmark - The Rock



5 - Tolmin, Slovakia - Metal Camp Festival 2008




  • 3 weeks later...

Skinuo sam album. Cuo sam prvu pesmu. Ne smem vise. Dovoljno sam cuo. Najezio sam se. Ovo je loodilo. Ovo sam cekao. Cekam da ga slusam sa devojkom. Ona slusa sve samo ne metal, ali voli mercenary. Mislim da cemo uzivati uz ovaj album. Uffff. Kakva je pesma!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


:) :) :) :) :) :)


Uopste nisam primetila da se pojavio album, nista ne skidam u poslednje vreme, totalno sam rasejana :)

Ajd da skinemo i slusnemo ovo kad svi hvalite ;)

  Apeiron said:
Odlicno gaze na albumu, super zvuci. Prosli mi je bio tako-tako, ovde vec osetim potencijal za duze proucavanje.


Prosli album je loodilo. Redifine me i My world is ending....uffff...meni jedne od najboljih pesama ikada...uffff

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