AstralliS Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Ali i svrha je da se dopadne ljudima... Quote
drasticni_taxista Posted March 31, 2008 Report Posted March 31, 2008 Što bre ... spot k'o spot, svrha je da postoji, da se prikaže na TV-u ... Pa dobro, ima svrhu, ali mislio sam da ce biti bolji. Vraticu se ipak slusanju a ne gledanju Quote
mikki270 Posted April 16, 2008 Report Posted April 16, 2008 Juce sam saznao za neki Japanski bonus track, pesma se zove DEATH CONNECTION, duga je 6 minuta i izdesava se vise toga nego u bajaginoj diskografiji pesma me je odusevila, ne mogu da verujem da je bonus za japan, kad je mozda i najbolja pesma, a ako je vec uporedjujem sa ovim albumom i kazem da je bolja od vecine stvari na njemu, mozete samo da zamislite kakva je!!!! Prava mercenerijevska !!!! Quote
DBrave Posted April 16, 2008 Report Posted April 16, 2008 ajde je onda lepo upoaduj ili daj linak odakle si skinuo Quote
BiserkaB. Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 jесте да се касно укључујем, али откинула сам на албум... фаантааастииичноооо!! јеб'о те коњ! не знам зашто сам толико одлагала да скинем овај албум...?? фантастичан је! Quote
DragonHeart Posted May 3, 2008 Report Posted May 3, 2008 Nemoj da se javljas dok ne nabavis njihovu komplet diskografiju Quote
mikki270 Posted August 9, 2008 Report Posted August 9, 2008 samo da osvezim malo temu posle vise meseci slusanja i dosta pauza izmedju istih, album polako dobija bitku protiv vremena, stvarno dobro izdanje...bend postaje polako (previse polako) sve popularniji. Steta sto vise ljudi nije jos bilo u prilici da ih cuje. Mislim da je greska sto je bend na ovom topicu, a ne na melodic death jer su svakako blizi tom zanru nego power. E da, Death Connection je stvarno najjaca stvar, ko jos nije skinuo, ne zna sta propusta!!! Quote
Black desire Posted August 10, 2008 Report Posted August 10, 2008 Mercenary je naj bend na svetu! Quote
Toksa Posted February 6, 2009 Report Posted February 6, 2009 Quote
aghora Posted July 3, 2009 Report Posted July 3, 2009 Juce sam saznao za neki Japanski bonus track, pesma se zove DEATH CONNECTION, duga je 6 minuta i izdesava se vise toga nego u bajaginoj diskografiji pesma me je odusevila, ne mogu da verujem da je bonus za japan, kad je mozda i najbolja pesma, a ako je vec uporedjujem sa ovim albumom i kazem da je bolja od vecine stvari na njemu, mozete samo da zamislite kakva je!!!! Prava mercenerijevska !!!! ooo...daj neki link da skinem ili nesto sat vec.... Nemoj da se javljas dok ne nabavis njihovu komplet diskografiju a posebno 11 dreams!!!!!! Quote
DBrave Posted August 10, 2009 Report Posted August 10, 2009 jebem ti sve, malo malo pa razmisljam kako da cujem Mercenary uzivo... Kako dobra muzika, a likovi su bas malo poznati, em su im slabe turneje, a o promociji albuma necu ni da pricam... Jebem ti izdavacke kuce u tri lepe!!! Ja da imam izdavacku kucu ove momke bih forsirao stalno, sve bih pare ulozio u njih (i puko )... Al mozda je to i bolje, mozda bi ih iskvarila slava al nema sanse da ih gledamo uskoro uzivo :( Quote
Neonblack Posted September 27, 2009 Report Posted September 27, 2009 Neko pomenuo Death Connection? Pesma je savrshena! Relativno skoro sam chula za njih i prvi utisak je bio WOW! Ne zna se koji je album bolji... Eh kad bi njih neko doveo kod nas... Quote
DBrave Posted October 22, 2009 Report Posted October 22, 2009 ja malo malo pa razmisljam kako da ih vidim uzivo, mozda je moguce neki paket da se napravi, 2-3 benda, ne vidim kako drugacije... ili proklete vize da nam ukinu Quote
ukyo Posted October 23, 2009 Report Posted October 23, 2009 Definitivno im nije mjesto na ovome pf. Mada realno In Flamesi su na istom pf sa Hoobastankom pa sto da ne onda. Quote
Telcontar Posted October 23, 2009 Report Posted October 23, 2009 Pa znash shta realno uzevshi u obzir koncepciju kako je ovde podeljeno, i da ipak nije prakticno otvarati podforum za sve i svasta, ja bi pre i In Flames, i Bodome i Mercenary i Scar Symmetry strpao ovde nego u Death ... a i uzevsi u obzir koncepciju ljudi koji slusaju pomenute bendove a dolaze ovamo ... Quote
Vanja90 Posted November 9, 2009 Report Posted November 9, 2009 Evo ovako power progressive metal bendu Aheront potreban ozbiljan pevac za saradnju,svi zainteresovani poslusajte pesme na nasme myspace profilu i javite se ako ste zainteresovani na mail [email protected] ili na telefon 063/8700 530 sEvo ovako power progressive metal bendu Aheront potreban ozbiljan pevac za saradnju,svi zainteresovani poslusajte pesme na nasme myspace profilu i javite se ako ste zainteresovani na mail [email protected] ili na telefon 063/8700 530 sa novim pevacem opet ulazimo u studiju kako bi ponovo snimili EP + sa jos 3 nove pesme pa se ocekuje koncertna promocija! Vanja/Aheront a novim pevacem opet ulazimo u studiju kako bi ponovo snimili EP + sa jos 3 nove pesme pa se ocekuje koncertna promocija! Vanja/Aheront 1 Quote
Imrahil Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 Mercenary parts way with drummer, singer and keyboardist Statement from the band: "Well, well, changes that have been underway for a long time can sometimes come about in the blink of an eye. Last week, Mike told us that he wanted to leave the band permanently. The rest of us did some serious thinking and soul-searching, sat down and had ‘the big talk’ and came to the agreement that the only way to continue the band was to part ways with Mikkel and Morten as well. During the last year we have been working on a new album and it has become clear that we no longer share the same vision and enthusiasm about the direction and the future of the band. Martin, Rene, Mike and I wanted to play faster, heavier and more modern (yet old school) material, but for the band as a whole this evidently didn't work out. We hope that our fans will understand and appreciate the fact that we actually tried for the better part of a year to make the situation work, despite our differences. In the past we managed to turn those very differences into our strength by complementing and inspiring each other. But during the last couple of years we all felt that we had to compromise ourselves in different ways, which of course frustrated us all - both when we played the old material and when we tried exploring a new and fresh sound. Martin and I actually came frighteningly close to disbanding the band less than a year ago, but luckily we came to the agreement that we owed ourselves and the fans to try a final time to make things work. We tried to overcome our frustrations by perfecting, evolving and invigorating our style together as a band. However, the natural joy and the ease with which we had cooperated in the past didn't return and for a long time we have felt further apart musically than ever before. In many ways this is a painful choice. But it also allows us to close a chapter in the band's career and our shared lives, that we're all immensely proud off, in a dignified way that doesn't let ourselves or our fans down. Nobody would be better off if we released an album that we didn't all truly believe in and felt as fiercely passionate about as we have done about all of our past albums. The sad but obvious truth is that the past will never return. Mercenary as you know it is now dead and buried. Rest assured, however, that René, Martin and I will continue Mercenary in the best way we possibly can and with a newfound sense of integrity and purpose. So far we have had an immensely fruitful songwriting process with lots of mutual inspiration, understanding, synergy – and most importantly – good, plain, old fashioned fun, which is what it all ought to be about. We feel that we’re finally all in agreement about the future direction of the band and that this will be the strongest and most united incarnation of Mercenary ever. In terms of creativity, motivation and the everyday-practical-getting-shit-done-aspects, the band remains fully intact. The new Mercenary will be back to shatter everybody's balls in 2010. On behalf of all of the guys, we'd like to give our most humble and sincere thanks to all the fans, bands, press, promoters and others who have supported us throughout the years and made this one hell of a damn fine ride. As a final nod from the old incarnation of Mercenary to the fans, we've included a video from our tour with Arch Enemy, where Mikkel joined them on stage Italy for the track 'Burning Angel,' as this tour and this experience was in many ways the highlight of what we managed to achieve together. Jakob / Mercenary" As mentioned below, Mikkel is participating in a new project, Mike has joined a new band (to be revealed soon), and Morten is still a member of Pretty Maids, with whom he is currently working on a new album. The following e-mails will remain functional for the purpose of any future interviews or concerns: mikkel [a t ], mike [a t ], morten [a t ] To request interviews with the remaining band, please contact Century Media: Gerrit.Mohr [a t ] To contact the band directly, please use this mail: info [ at ] Quote
Verbat Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 Uzasna vest! Mercenary od danas prakticno ne postoji Quote
DBrave Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 a u kurac, za mene mnoogo losa vest albumi su im svi redom bolesno dobri, ostace legende zauvek R.I.P. MERCENARY Quote
Grobodan Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 Da li je ovo neko pročitao? Bend i dalje radi. Quote
Verbat Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 Radi, ali pazi ko je sve otisao. Nije to vise Mercenary. Quote
DBrave Posted November 12, 2009 Report Posted November 12, 2009 procitao sam od reci do reci... Da bend i dalje radi, ali to vise nije Mercenary... Otsli su pevac, bubnjar i klavijaturista, a ovi sto su ostali ocigledno ne vole kako zvuce prethodni albumi... Quote
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