darijus Posted February 2, 2005 Report Posted February 2, 2005 Jul Brener je legendarni holivudski glumac ...da...bas to.
dima Posted February 2, 2005 Report Posted February 2, 2005 To je laž.Basisti ne prave svoje pesme. Primer: Steve Harris
Nurg Posted February 2, 2005 Report Posted February 2, 2005 Primer: Stu Hamm, Jaco Pastorius, Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten, Stanley Clarke, Bootsy Collins, Larry Graham, Dave Crieger ... Da li da nastavljam ?
Nurg Posted February 5, 2005 Report Posted February 5, 2005 Pitaj Evil Warninga da li da nastavljas Signurno cu morati da nastavljam ako ga pitam jer nisam naveo Garry Willis-a
Herr_Wolf Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 Jul Brener je legendarni holivudski glumac To je Jul Briner... I nije holivudski nego nemacki, ja mislim da je glumio u Neretvi...
Nurg Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 To je Jul Briner... I nije holivudski nego nemacki, ja mislim da je glumio u Neretvi... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000989/ Covek je inace bio rodjen u carskoj rusiji a vi vidite
Mr. Smarty Posted February 6, 2005 Report Posted February 6, 2005 To je Jul Briner... I nije holivudski nego nemacki, ja mislim da je glumio u Neretvi... ...znam jebote
+ Jimmy + Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 Poginu floydi (ovi danasnji bez Watersa) i odu u raj. Pozdravlja ih Sv. Petar i kaze: "Dobrodosli, ocekivali smo vas, evo pridruzite se nebeskom bendu, Elvis peva, Sinatra na klaviru, Hendrix na gitari a komponuje Roger Waters. Floydovci onako zbunjeno gledaju Peru i pitaju ga kad je umro Waters. On se sagnu i sapnu im: ma to je samo Bog, ali umislja da je Roger Waters
Morello Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 A scientific expedition disembarks from its plane at the final outpost of civilization in the deepest Amazon rain forest. They immediately notice the ceaseless thrumming of native drums. As they venture further into the bush, the drums never stop, day or night, for weeks. The lead scientist asks one of the natives about this, and the native's only reply is "Drums good. Drums never stop. Very BAD if drums stop." The drumming continues, night and day, until one night, six weeks into the trip, when the jungle is suddenly silent. Immediately the natives run screaming from their huts, covering their ears. The scientists grab one boy and demand "What is it? The drums have stopped!" The terror-stricken youth replies "Yes! Drums stop! VERY BAD!" The scientists ask "Why? Why? What will happen?" Wild-eyed, the boy responds," . . . BASS SOLO!!!" - ---------------------------------------------------- Q- What do a vacuum cleaner and an bass guitar have in common? A- Both suck when you plug them in. ------------------------------------------- Ulazi bubnjar u prodavnicu instrumenata i kaze prodavcu - Nema vajde od bubnjeva, presaltavam se na nesto drugo. Pocne da razgleda po radnji i posle par minuta kaze - U redu, da ces mi harmoniku i saksofon. Prodavac ce na to - Aparat za gasenje pozara cu vam rado prodati, ali radijator stvarno ne mogu.
dima Posted February 28, 2005 Report Posted February 28, 2005 ...Bravo, Morello...Najzad novi, friski i dobri fazoni
Генеральный Posted March 1, 2005 Author Report Posted March 1, 2005 Chisto da ne bude da sam samo otvorio temu... Q: What does a guitarist say when he gets to his gig? A: Would you like fries with that? Q: What is the difference between a guitarist and a Savings Bond? A: Eventually a Savings Bond will mature and earn money! Q: What is the difference between a guitar and a tuna fish? A: You can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish. A sada sledi moj izbor razloga zasto je gitara bolja od ribe, veri mach lajk 'zasto je pivo bolje od zene': WHY GUITARS ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN You can play your Guitar any time of the month. Guitars don't whine... unless you want them to. You can share your Guitar with your friends. Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have. Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars. Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines. Your Guitar won't care if you leave up the toilet seat. You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your Guitar. If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again. Your parents won't remain in touch with your old Guitar after you dump it. Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player. Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars. You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar. If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts. You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother. The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick. When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar.
Vlaja Buraz Posted March 2, 2005 Report Posted March 2, 2005 You can share your Guitar with your friends. Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you've played Guitars don't care how many other Guitars you have. Guitars don't care if you look at other Guitars. Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines. If you say bad things to your Guitar, you don't have to apologize before you play it again. Guitars don't insult you if you're a bad player. Your Guitar never wants a night out with the other Guitars. You don't have to take a shower before you play your Guitar. If your Guitar doesn't look good you can refinish it or get new parts. You can play your Guitar the first time you meet it, without having to take it to dinner, see a movie, or meet its mother. The only protection you have to wear when playing your Guitar is a decent thumb pick. When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great time you had the last time you played your Guitar. Po ovim primjerima mi se čini da uvijek biraš uobražene ribe sa samopoštovanjem. Nije valjda da je i izgled među kriterijumima?
Генеральный Posted March 2, 2005 Author Report Posted March 2, 2005 Po ovim primjerima mi se čini da uvijek biraš uobražene ribe sa samopoštovanjem. Nije valjda da je i izgled među kriterijumima? Pa, u stvari 'izbor' je znachio fore koje valjaju poshto je bilo nekih potpuno neinteresantnih... Fakat je da je i podsvest uchinila svoje pri izboru...
mR. MiNJa SuBBotta Posted March 5, 2005 Report Posted March 5, 2005 Guitars don't care if you buy Guitar magazines haha ovo je najbolje.... it's funny cos' it's true..
darkod Posted March 8, 2005 Report Posted March 8, 2005 Primer: Steve Harris Dzoi di majo !!! zasto se dobre ribe uvjek pale na pjevace? Suprotnosti se privlace.
Leshina Posted July 25, 2005 Report Posted July 25, 2005 koja je razlika izmedju gitariste i pevaca? gitarista lakse stimuje svoj instrument PS:Ne morate ni da se smejete,ne verujem da bi iko shvatio ovaj mozdani vic
Invictus Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 Stara hippie baba sretne black metal bend i upadne u razgovor sa njimate pita prvoga: - A sta si ti u bendu? Ja sam basista. - U to je tako super, basista je puls benda, groove, ma meni je uopste bas tako mocan instrument, to je tako divno. Potom upita drugoga: - A sta si ti? Ja sam klavijaturista. - Klavijaturista,a? Strasno, harmonije, solaze, atmosfera, ma ti si sve. Potom treceg: - A ti? Ja sam Pjevac. - Pjevac, divno. To ti je najbolje. Pjevac je frontmen, daje najvise intervjua, kupi najvise curica, ma fantasticno. Pa cetvrtog: - Ti? Gitarista. - Gitarista, ma loodilo. solaze, eroticnost, samo kad se sjetim Jimmy Page-a u moje vrijeme... I na kraju petoga: - A ti? Ja sam bubnjar. - E jebi ga, sta ces.
Prinzessin Tinea Posted March 27, 2006 Report Posted March 27, 2006 Idu dvojica gitarista, jedan nosi Hammer-a a drugi ipak nosi gitaru!! bzvz
Missy Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 (edited) stoji gitarista na pjesackom prelazu, dolazi basista i udari ga bass gitarom u glavu i gitarista umre... Pa sta ces, i to se desava!! Edited March 28, 2006 by *Tea*
Dragana Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 Stara hippie baba sretne black metal bend i upadne u razgovor sa njimate pita prvoga: - A sta si ti u bendu? Ja sam basista. - U to je tako super, basista je puls benda, groove, ma meni je uopste bas tako mocan instrument, to je tako divno. Potom upita drugoga: - A sta si ti? Ja sam klavijaturista. - Klavijaturista,a? Strasno, harmonije, solaze, atmosfera, ma ti si sve. Potom treceg: - A ti? Ja sam Pjevac. - Pjevac, divno. To ti je najbolje. Pjevac je frontmen, daje najvise intervjua, kupi najvise curica, ma fantasticno. Pa cetvrtog: - Ti? Gitarista. - Gitarista, ma loodilo. solaze, eroticnost, samo kad se sjetim Jimmy Page-a u moje vrijeme... I na kraju petoga: - A ti? Ja sam bubnjar. - E jebi ga, sta ces. zar nije basista poslednji svejedno je ali vise volim prozivke basista
iggyslap Posted March 28, 2006 Report Posted March 28, 2006 zar nije basista poslednji svejedno je ali vise volim prozivke basista kada si bassista vise volis kada prozivaju gitariste i bubnjare
STARSHOOTER_SUPREME Posted March 29, 2006 Report Posted March 29, 2006 2000 BC Skupili se proroci na nekom trgu i najavili dolazak Isusa hrista..... 21 vek Skupilo se par gitarista na yumetalu i ne prica o gitarama i opremi
Herr_Wolf Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I dodje moderator, od bogova dan, pogleda ih sa visine, znajuci da ima moc nad njihovim recima i mislima i odluci da ih ostavi, znajuci da je sramota najveca kazna koju spoznati mogu. Po Mateju, 13-89
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