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Guest Danek is back

Jedino mi nije jasno kak to da se na ovim slikama nije nasla ni ona od otvaraca ove vizualisticke prezentacije ogrozovnih spodoba. icon_confused.gif


user posted image

NO, I DO NOT MODEL. I think that I'm somewhat pretty, yes, but not enough to model. I don't mind compliments, but I think when people give you a compliment every two seconds, they want something, or are lying through their teeth. *shrug* Just my opinion."


user posted image


user posted image- Moj licni favorit. "I'm a very odd person. I'm also a sado masochist"- kaze nam ova lepotica


user posted image

"I hate the sunlight, so I have pale skin."

"And spend my time in the shadows of the night."




offtopic: moj hrcak se zove Cookie.


ustvari Cookie II...Cookie I, RIP.


mislim da mogu da zatvorim temu...


sve smo rekli.


@blackdahlia: ima istu zurku kao riba sa tvoj avatar, nista licno.


Joooj Care Bears (Mece dobrići, beše)... bio je onaj dugometrazni kad dechaka obuzme zla knjiga... plashilo me je to (mada, znatno manje od Mickey Mouse shpice sa gorilom)... jeza me podidje, te meni ovo dodje vece zlo od debelih goticharki icon_cool.gif

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