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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear friends,


when things went from bad to worse and we realized that it wasn't going to work out with Christian, we were faced with two options; either calling it quits, or seizing the opportunity to take the next logical step in the evolution of our sound. We chose the latter.



We've used both growls and clean vocals in our music since day one, and with each album we've pushed the envelope of what you can do vocally in a metal band to the point where a lot of the songs on "Holographic Universe" would be hard if not impossible to sing live.

So the question is: Is it really possible to push the vocals even further and manage to perform everything live?


The answer is YES! Instead of hiring a new singer, we decided - some of you might already have figured it out by now - to recruit TWO singers! The idea of having two vocalists in the band is something that's been in the back of our minds for a long time, and after auditioning and rehearsing with two of Sweden's best vocalists we're thrilled, excited, stoked-beyond-belief!!!


So let us introduce you to...


ROBERTH KARLSSON - lead growl vocals and backing clean vocals

Roberth was our first choice for the growling position. Jonas once called him "Sweden's finest growler", which is no overstatement. Roberth has been involved in many band throughout the years, among others Edge of Sanity and Facebreaker.



LARS PALMQVIST - lead clean vocals and backing growl vocals

Roberth introduced us to his long-time friend Lars, who blew us away with his powerful-yet-beautiful voice.

You can imagine our excitement when we learned that he's a fantastic growler as well! Despite his amazing talents he's virtually unknown to the metal public, which just might change as of today!


We are very fortunate to have found these guys. They bring to the band not only their incredible skills but also a positive vibe we haven't had for some time.



We've posted a videoclip from when we auditioned Roberth and Lars, as a little teaser... Yes it might come across as we were drunk the entire time, which probably is very close to the truth.



http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=MbkDV6pc0Vs#


After we disclosed the news about Christian leaving Scar Symmetry, we received a lot of applications for the vocalist-spot, both from unknown and well-known singers, from all around the world.

Though we had already decided upon Roberth and Lars, it was really cool to listen to all of you! We didn't have time to reply to everyone, so here's a big THANK YOU to all of you who made the effort to send us your stuff!


Stay tuned for more news and updates!!!


Ma de bre ljudi sta tripujete,dva pevaca,pa sta i 3inches of blood imaju dva pevaca pa nisu nu,dooro jesu gej....scarovci dooro uradeli,ljudi su uzeli dva lika da bi uzivo zvucali kao na snimku,mozda cak i bolje,inace jedan u dlaku skida Kristijanov graul a drugi klin tako da ono,ceka se novi album i konacno da dodzu odje,mijetal!! :rockdevil::pivopije:

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Ja sam rekao da je solution 45. novi scar symmetry,po ovome shto cujem dosta bolji,a da pre svega teaser sa pesmama nije do kraja isproduciran tako da, kako shto su oni rekli ,mozemo da ocekujemo da album bude odlican.


Naravno da bih pre slusao solution 45. nego dva shabanotija koji se majmunisu po bini,a pride ne mogu ni da prismrde jednom coveku...


...par primera...





Edited by Jin

Onaj ćelavi je Jonas Kjellgren, njihov producent i moj recimo ortak, kaže da je Christian imao grdnih problema sa live izvođenjem pesama koje brzo menjaju growl/clean i da su zato morali da uzmu dvojicu vokalista.


Brate mili kako jadno zvuci Prism and Gate sa ovom dvojicom....ovaj sa growlom je kao ae oke ali ovaj clean,kukukukuku majko ,da sam bijjo na tom koncertu popeo bi se na binu da ga bijem,leba mi !!!!! :udri:



Gojle daj ovaj link tvoeme ortaku ! :pivopije:


Pogledao sam brdo live snimaka na kojima Chrisian zvuci nebrojano puta bolje nego ova dva smesna coveka...:D

  • 2 weeks later...

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