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Posted (edited)

Ипак је и са тог албума најбоља песма коју су направили 20 година раније. Мислим, наравно, на 'Impaler'.

Edited by RNA
Posted (edited)

Tempo je po meni odmah iza Bonded by blood.Na koncertu u BG-u smo videli koliko je pesama svirano sa Shovel a koliko sa Bonded i Tempa...Sa Bondeda 6 a sa tempa 4 ili 5 a sa Shovela jedna ili dve i to reda radi jer je ta turneja bila.


Edited by Mr.Hate

Greshish grdno.


Sa Shovela su bile: Raze, Deathamphetaphataphamine, I Am Abomination, 44. Magnum Opus i naslovna.


To mu dodje 5 pesama, a s obzirom na duzine pojedinih, to je dobar deo setliste

Greshish grdno.


Sa Shovela su bile: Raze, Deathamphetaphataphamine, I Am Abomination, 44. Magnum Opus i naslovna.


To mu dodje 5 pesama, a s obzirom na duzine pojedinih, to je dobar deo setliste



Mora da sam isuvise odlepio za ovim starim stvarima pa sam to prespavao,secam se samo naslovne sa Shovel-a. :)

Meni je bitno bilo posle svih ovih godina da cujem skoro ceo Bonded.Tu plocu sam kupio 1991. godine.


Pa Bonded je kult i oni to sami znaju jer se vidi koliko ga forsiraju,skoro ceo ga sviraju uzhivo.

Ali meni su i Shovel i Tempo sasvim valjani albumi.

Pa Bonded je kult i oni to sami znaju jer se vidi koliko ga forsiraju,skoro ceo ga sviraju uzhivo.

Ali meni su i Shovel i Tempo sasvim valjani albumi.


meni su zadnji albumi dosadni ...prvi albumi su zakon.prva 3

meni su zadnji albumi dosadni ...prvi albumi su zakon.prva 3


A Impact Is Imminent? Po meni je to albumcina i po, mozda cak omiljeni mi Exodus album, sto se tice novijih izdanja, Tempo je bio dobar, a Shovel H.K.M. je zajeban, rifovi, tekstovi, produkcija ma sve je bilo super....


I onda je izasao Atrocity Exibition A i u najkracem mogucem roku mi zgadio ovaj odlican bend...


impact je mama a još veća mama je force of habit. taj album je meni toliko podcenjen da je to strašno a stvarno vrh album. kvalitetan. ne zna se ko bolje svira solaže na ovom albumu. da li rick ili gary. mada sam ja uvek preferirao rickove solaže. a vidi se od koga je učio. to je to. inače za one koji nisu znali on je bio satrianijev učenik. a impact je isto vrhunska trešagija. samo čuješ awol i ćao zdravo. a to je samo jedna pesma na albumu. koliko ima dobrih na tom albumu.


@RNA: за почетак, џејмс хетфилд није ишао код њега. гери холт није ишао код њега. нико из вајоленса и форбидена није ишао код њега. ерик питерсон није ишао њега. тако да....има их колико хоћеш који нису ишли код њега :meshuggah:


Мислио сам на лид гитаристе. Хемет је ишао код њега, а и Сколник, и још гомила.

Posted (edited)

е па онда следећи пут буди мало прецизнији. видиш да нису сви који су живели у сан франциску ишли код њега. а и што се тиче лид гитариста, ја само знам за хамета, сколника, ханолта и лалонда и добро ајде ваја да су ишли код њега. не знам никог другог од соло гитариста које још ишао код њега.

Edited by Radnaskela
  • 2 weeks later...

San Francisco Bay Area thrash metal pioneers EXODUS have completed work on a re-recording of their classic 1985 debut album, "Bonded by Blood".


For the troops in the trenches, it began in 1982 with a low-generation copy of a local band's three-song demo. For some, it began with their first listen to Combat Records' version of "Bonded by Blood" in 1986. Regardless of the year EXODUS are the undeniable forefathers of thrash metal.


EXODUS gained huge notoriety in the international underground scene as a result of the tape trading community. Their dynamic guitar riffing, adrenaline-inducing drum work, and bloodied live shows made all the difference in the band's mission to take Bay Area thrash to a worldwide audience. The immortal, must-have, thrash classic "Bonded by Blood" was released in 1985 via Torrid Records (then re-released in 1986 on Combat Records), and inspired the likes of TESTAMENT, DEATH ANGEL, VIO-LENCE and many others. To this day "Bonded by Blood" is inspiring a whole new breed of thrash metal.


Gary Holt, songwriter and lead guitarist of EXODUS, has released the following statement about the band's decision to revisit this classic album that began an era in music history:


"After many years in the planning and discussion stage, we have finally completed the re-recording of 'Bonded by Blood'. We have decided to call it 'Let there be Blood' and it is our way of paying homage to [original, late singer] Paul Baloff by showing how relevant these songs we had written together still are. We aren't trying to replace the original; that's impossible anyway. We are just giving these songs the benefit of modern production. It's something we talked about before Paul's death and it's always been important to us to do. We were super excited about entering the studio once again to record these classics, and now it's back to writing the next studio record!"


Produced by Gary Holt, "Let there be Blood" was recorded at Sharkbite Studios in Oakland, California; JKZ Production Studio in San Rafael, California; with vocal tracks recorded at J. Rod Production Studios in New City, New York. Andy Sneap is currently mixing the CD at his Backstage studio in Derbyshire, England. An October 2008 release through Zaentz Records is expected.


+ +


Let there be blood? Koji jebeni sacrilege...


Мени све указује да ће се пре покењати покојном Павелу на гроб. А што га нису назвали као што је оригинално планирано "A Lesson In Violence"?

  • 3 weeks later...

Vocalist Rob Dukes of the veteran San Francisco Bay Area metallers EXODUS has released the following statement to BLABBERMOUTH.NET regarding the band's decision to re-record its classic 1985 debut album, "Bonded by Blood":


"Paul [baloff, former EXODUS vocalist who passed away in 2002] was rad, totally original. He was not like [METALLICA's James] Hetfield or [sLAYER's Tom] Araya. I think at times he wanted to be but he was simply himself. He had a really cool way of going up with his voice in the weirdest spots. I, myself, find it cool and original.


"I have been singing these songs regularly for three years now and I have totally made them my own but with all the nuances that Paul threw in. I have a different voice than Paul, so it would be kinda stupid to just mimic him, but I definitely bite his style but try to remain myself.


"This record is a total homage to him with modern technology and for fun. If he was around, which it is unfortunate that he not, he would be doing this record.


"My life is cool now, but it was cool before I joined EXODUS; I made good money had a great apartment in L.A. and I traveled everywhere and surfed regularly.


'Honestly, I would rather hear Paul re-record this.


"I will give these songs all the venom and hate I can give, and it's all for the love I have for these songs and this band. If those out there don't like it, and think it's not good, listen to the original — it will always stand the test of time."





'Ajde da je rekao "This record is a total bondage..", ali ovako ne mogu da ga shvatim ozbiljno :)


U vezi s prethodnim postom, ukusi se razlikuju, meni je na primer Sousa bio pravi pevač i žao mi je što nije više u bendu. Paul je bio odličan, ovaj novi Rob se takodje dobro uklapa, ali Sousa je za mene nekako bio najjači. KAd gledam Live at DNA, čini mi se, nekako po izgledu, da je imao problem s alkoholom i da je zato dobio otkaz od svog šefa Gary Holt-a. Jedan moj drug kaže da Slayer ima gumeni zvuk. >E ako Slayer ima gumeni zvuk onda Exodus ima zvuk prave zolje. Sousa je nekako najbolje uklapao svoje kreštanje u taj zvuk zolje, kreštao je kao pravi ludjak, zlikovac, debeo, čupav i zao.

Za mene je na prvom mestu Fabulous Disaster, Bonded by Blood a onda Tempo of the damned, u stvari, ceo opus je odličan, osim možda Force of Habit koji mi je pomalo dosadnjikav.


Jedan moj drug kaže da Slayer ima gumeni zvuk. >E ako Slayer ima gumeni zvuk onda Exodus ima zvuk prave zolje. Sousa je nekako najbolje uklapao svoje kreštanje u taj zvuk zolje, kreštao je kao pravi ludjak, zlikovac, debeo, čupav i zao.



Ovo je jedna od najsjajnijih komparacija koje sam cuo u zivotu!


Ljudi pomagajte upravo slusam plocu koja je danas stigla a zove se Exodus-Live at studio 54-1985. LP sa 7 pesama i Baloff-om na vokalu na providnom vinilu.Kako Tom izuva bubanj na Metal Command i Strike of the beast,pffffffff!

Bacicu negde ovih dana fotografiju kao i jos jednog piratskog LP-ja koji sam takodje danas dobio: Slayer-Rips Up Waldrock live in Bergum,Holland 29.06.1996.


To je bilo moje trenutno stanje posto sam pet minuta ranije otvorio paket i pustio plocu da slusam.Pre nego sto je postar pozvonio vec sam bio na forumu i morao sam da ostavim svoj utisak,bilo je jace od mene.Ludilo!

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