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Former EXODUS frontman Steve "Zetro" Souza has broken his silence with regards to his departure from the group


"I would like to say first of all, that leaving EXODUS was a very hard decision to make. I really wanted everything to work out in the long run. But lots of things came between us. Back when Paul [baloff] died, I stepped in as a favor to the band, who had prior commitments and shows already booked. At that point in time, I was willing to play these shows, but was still reluctant to rejoin the band on a full-time basis. After these shows, I realized that I still really enjoyed performing and playing the live shows. I then decided to give EXODUS a second go at it. We recorded the album and it was a great record. I thought it was my best performance and work of my entire career.


"Now came the touring, and juggling a family, a full-time job, and EXODUS… It was never easy on me. In fact, while being on tour, I loved playing live on stage to our great fans around the world. But that was only a small part of being on the road, for it's a long day, every day out there. Too much time in between shows to think about my family back home. I have three wonderful kids and a great wife, which were miles away from me. And I still had many social and financial worries, with way too much time to think about everything while away from home during the downtime in between shows on the road.


"I am the sole provider for my family, before ever stepping back in full-time to the band. But I still had to work full-time at my job to support my family. And not to mention taking care of my family and the obligations of being a father.


"My family will always come first. And after my family, my job which pays all the bills was second on my list. And unfortunately my music had to become number three.


Нико није незаменљив. За свакога се може наћи замена, само треба пронаћи праву.


Ма, то ти је тако. Само треба изнаћи правог човека који ће на прави начин радити посао. Ко зна, можда би могли да узму и неку рибу која се много добро дере. icon_wink.gif

Ма, то ти је тако. Само треба изнаћи правог човека који ће на прави начин радити посао. Ко зна, можда би могли да узму и неку рибу која се много добро дере. icon_wink.gif

Kao Arch Enemy?

Pri kakvim si ti alkoholima čiča?

Jope slušaš Holy Moses?

Него? А зашто не бих, кад јебу кеву? Ја сам се откинуо на оном конецрту пре две године у КСТ-у.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Tempo Of The Damned" je odlican album,i siguran sam da ce se svim ljubiteljima thrash-a dopasti.Come back je apsolutno vrijedio,jer su napravili album pun energije,cistih rifova,dobrih solaza,a i produkcija je na nivou.Inace vidim da se mnogima ne dopada glas Souza-e,ali meni je on ok,i dosta podsjeca na Elsworth-a iz OVERKILL-a.


U suštini Souzin glas i ne podsjeća toliko. Baš juče slušah prvi Overkill pa Horrorscope, Blitz mi djeluje dosta prirodnije, jednostavno je gadan. Souza zvuči kao da se trudi da bude gadan.


Nego, čudan ishod - prvo je Stevo ustupio mjesto Čaku u Testamentu, a evo sad i obratno:





А што да не? Нико ми до сада није дао ниједан ваљан аргумент зашто би то било лоше. Замислити вришталину попут Сабине у Егзодусу!

А што да не? Нико ми до сада није дао ниједан ваљан аргумент зашто би то било лоше. Замислити вришталину попут Сабине у Егзодусу!

Pa bash i nije vrishtanje,pre je growl icon_biggrin.gif

Posted (edited)

Pa bash i nije vrishtanje,pre je growl icon_biggrin.gif

Тешко, мада зависи шта си слушао од њих. Сабина је баш увек била у фазону да вришти. Да је певала граул, то би већ било дет метал, а тога нема код Светог Мојсија.

Edited by RNA
Тешко, мада зависи шта си слушао оф њих. сабина је баш увек била у фазону да вришти. Да је певала граул, то би већ било дет метал, а тога нема код Светог Мојсија.

Ravenous je growl,bar u granicama zhenske moci icon_biggrin.gif

Mada...ko nam garantuje da je ona zhena laugh.gif

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