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Evo, i za skeptike i sve one koji vole zvanicne potvrde...




Ever since Evergrey's first album they have always had a great following in Eastern Europe. Apart from festival shows they have never played there. But in January, Evergrey will do a full Eastern European tour. The dates are the following:


2007-01-11 Nitra - Stara Pekaren

2007-01-12 Budapest - Kultiplex

2007-01-14 Larissa - Live Music House

2007-01-15 Plovdiv - Geo Milev Hall

2007-01-17 Sofia - Sredec Hall

2007-01-19 Ankara - Saklikent

2007-01-20 Istanbul - Studio Live

2007-01-21 Bukarest - Sala Preoteasa

2007-01-22 Belgrad - Dom Omladine

2007-01-23 Zagreb - Mochvara

2007-01-24 Wörgl - Komma


Support on this tour (except in Nitra and Budapest) will be the Norwegian band Stonegard (http://www.stonegard.org)


Ma realno gledano suvishe je to sitna boranija da bi se politicari petljali tu, nema velike zarade... :)


Anywayz uskoro Srpski Evergrey fan sajt i forum. Bice za par dana nadamo se. Pa cisto da vam najavim.


ma ja i dalje mislim da su ljudi nekako premalo zagrejani za ovaj koncert. kupujete li vi ljudi karte?


Vjeruj mi da ti se samo cini... Nek ti Filip kaze koliko je samo u PG otislo za EG, mislim da je to dovoljan pokazatelj...


Inace, u saradnji s Huperom, (u januarskom broju, izlazi 30-og decembra, detaljne informacije sta i kako naci cete u broju!), podjelicemo 20 karata za Evergrey! Pa, koga zanima...

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