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I meni je za nekoliko najdražih bendova mnogo bolja varijanta solo koncert nego festival! Na festivalu bih nekako najviše voleo da gledam puno bendova koje volim ali mi nisu baš najbitniji.


Naravno da je bolja varijanta solo koncert, jer se na festivalima nalazi svakakva bagra, a i set lista je kraca, no festivali su extra zbog toga sto na jednom mjestu mozes vidjeti gomilu bendova.


Uff, ljudi, ma sta pricate, kako neko moze da ne bude dorastao da gleda neki bend... Jebi ga, ko da ste true blackeri, takve stvari su do sada samo njima padale na pamet, sad se to izgleda prosirilo... :)



Uff, ljudi, ma sta pricate, kako neko moze da ne bude dorastao da gleda neki bend... Jebi ga, ko da ste true blackeri, takve stvari su do sada samo njima padale na pamet, sad se to izgleda prosirilo... :)



Ej bre! Ja slusam black metal i uopste ne mislim tako! Svako ima pravo da cuje sve i da se potom opredeli za ono sto mu najvise odgovara i svako ima pravo svuda da se pojavi! Stvarno ne znam sto svi toliko pljujete po blackerima i black metalu! Mnogi izuzetno cene i druge vrste muzike i slusaju sve i svasta. Ko se sada tako ponasa? Nije lepo!


Što padate u vatru tako brzo :)


Nikad se ne pecajte na prvu ... čovek je mislio nešto sasvim drugo, a to i svi vi znate. A zašto se neki od vas osećaju spomenuto kad je rekao reč "bagra" ... koliko vidim ni u jednoj reči čovek nije poistovetio reči bagra i black.



Ej bre! Ja slusam black metal i uopste ne mislim tako! Svako ima pravo da cuje sve i da se potom opredeli za ono sto mu najvise odgovara i svako ima pravo svuda da se pojavi! Stvarno ne znam sto svi toliko pljujete po blackerima i black metalu! Mnogi izuzetno cene i druge vrste muzike i slusaju sve i svasta. Ko se sada tako ponasa? Nije lepo!


Pa, slusam i ja black, bar neke bendove. Nisam na to mislio, nego na ljude koji samo sebe smatraju kompetentnim da slusaju odredjene bendove, a takvi su najcesce medju blackerima.


  • 3 weeks later...


Oct 15

Studio Report # 1


Hi friends


The ball is now rolling !


Everyday you will be able to read a small report on what has been going on in the studio that day.


Added to that, we will be uploading videofiles once week so that you can see and hear small excerpts of the songs and work we create .


Of course the first day started with some major computer problems. We had to sit and format harddrives for 5 hours which resulted in a not so creative mood.


Fucking computers I really have a Love/Hate relation to them. Even though everything seems to be working fine now I know that will change when I least expect it, It always does.


We have had some help from Fredrik Nordström from Studio Fredman . We decided we wanted some input on the initial setting of the sound from someone outside of Evergrey. We brought him in for one day and we managed to get a great sound out of every instrument.Perhaps it might not be the most easy-played sound but we know that it has everything we need for making it crush when you get your hands on it. Some of you might remember that Fredrik also mixed the Recreation Day album so he is not all new to us and vice versa.


Anyways tomorrow we hope to have some drums and bass recorded , you’ll be the first to know !


stay safe


Tom, Henrik, Jonas , Rikard and Jari



Oct 16

Studio Report # 2




After yesterdays computer problems we are now up and running and things are going great !


Jonas and Jari already laid down the basics on a couple of songs and man! do they sound great together!


Tomorrow I will start recording guitars on a track called “Nothing is erased” a tricky little bitch of a song. So much to think of when playing that it will probably take me much more time to complete that track alone, than what it took for Jonas and Jari to complete a couple of tracks. But hey , noone said it should be easy ; ).


Henrik’s at home composing some new stuff in his homestudio but he will be here tomorrow.


The recording of this album will probably also be a DVD with an in-depth look on how the whole recording went . with all the fuck-ups , conversations etc, It’s not going to be “some kind of monster” since we dont have the fundings, but nevertheless. More on that later.


Also , as you probably understand t he album won’t be out this year as expected, primarely cause of the reason that we have yet to decide on a label that we feel will fullfill our needs and demands but dont worry we are still in negotiations with a couple.


Well that’s all for now .


Feel me tomorrow.


‘ t


Oct 18

Studio Report # 3


Hey just a short one to let you know that all is well and that things are proceeding greatly except for that little motherfucker of a song, i NEVER played guitar for such a long time …. Hate guitars now,,, but you’re gonna love it: )


I am about to figure out how to upload the first video so hopefully it will be up tonight.


read me soon…..


‘ t



Mislim da imam vecu nervozu dok cekam novi album EGYa, nego sto sam bio nervozan kada sam trebao da skidam mrak LOL....


Ajde bre vishe, ocu novi album. I to sa kakvim basistom jebote.

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